Looking for new friends to motivate!

Hello, i'm new to myfitnesspal. I am 162cm tall and weigh about 54kg.
I am from Germany and used a german database until now. I like myfitnesspal better because it takes track of my macros aaaand it makes charts. I like charts. :D

I have been lifting for 2 months now and am seeing (very) slow progress, but still. My strength has increased a lot. I suffered from anorexia and bulimia the last 6-7years ( my weight is stable and I eat "normal" whatever this may be like since about 2 years but my mental health still needs time I think, I'm a perfectionist).
My metabolism is not the fastest one since I starved myself when I was still physically growing and this ****ed up my height and overall energy levels ( i used to be freeeeezing all the time, even when I gained the weight back, because I had lost so much muscle). I am now trying to do my best to get my metabolism back up. I increased my cals one more time and am now tracking macros. btw, i'm on Leangains, but since I didn't like calorie cycling that much, I averaged my caloric intake, so that now I have a very very slight deficit on both training and rest days.
My BMR is 1160cals, a doctor calculated that. I am eating 1450cals now because I'd like to decrease body fat (I have about 25%, that is not a lot, but I'd like about 20% to look athletic).

I would love to get some friends to motivate me. It's hard to find german girls who lift and know about leangains or at least the macro stuff. I think my English is good enough to undestand you all so please feel free to add or to message me. For a newbie it's hard to get familiar with all those things here but I'll do my best and hope that there are some who'd like to chat with me about strength training and nutrition. I don't care what you weigh or how much you lift etc, i'd just like you to have a healthy and not too strict mindset when it comes to food.
I hope someone reads this!
Thank you! :)


  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    Hi there, and welcome!

    I am very new, but I will try to figure out how to add you. I'm just coming back to strength training... I did it as a teenager but then stopped for a long while. Now I'm trying to lose the extra pounds of fat and rebuild the muscles I used to have! It'd be great to have a friend for motivation and inspiration :)
  • Synthemesc94
    oh it's the same with me, I once did karate 5 times a week, did rowing 3 times a week, and ballet before I became anorexic. I lost my muscles becuase of this but after those two months of training I seriously gained some muscles back already!