Gallbladder Surgery

I am going in for gallbladder surgery next week and have decided NOW is a good time to start to eat cleaner. Any suggestions on how to start? Good books? Recipes?
Thank you


  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Recipes are pretty easy to find online, especially if you are into Pintrest. Othewise, just Googling will bring up a bunch. I've found that Paleo recipes are great, even if you are not following the Paleo lifestyle.

    For me, I started with no knowledge of "clean eating," so I started off by reading "Eating Clean for Dummies" and the "Smarter Science of Slim" (which has been re-released as "The Calorie Myth"). Then I figured out what clean eating meant for me; cutting back on processed foods, eating more natural (and when possible, organic) foods, and cutting back on the pastas and grains.

    Finding what clean eating means to you will be key to being successful. Some people (like me) just eat "mostly" clean and some are very strick about it. You need to find what fits you and your lifestyle. Something that you can live with for years to come.

    This group is awesome resource. I love this group, because there is no judgment and we all understand that we all have our own understanding of what eating clean means.

    Welcome to the group!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Be prepared to dedicate time at the grocery store! You're going to have to read all the ingredients of everything you get, and compare things to other things to find stuff you like (I can't have gluten, so I've spent literally hours at stores, learning how to shop). If you hate this stuff, find a way to reward yourself for all the hard work you're doing. The fewer ingredients, the better, and have a way to look up words you don't recognize. Good luck!
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I had my gallbladder out 8 years ago and began eating better this past year. I feel a Milton times better and my body processes food much better. I am a vegetarian. I eat very little dairy, love almond milk. I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and nuts. My diary is open.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Had my gall bladder out in 2011. Surgeon said the pain I had would never go away. He was right. Though with clean eating and keeping my fat low it does pretty nearly go away. I use Tosca Reno's menus. Love her books, magazine and website. Check her out it helps teach you want to look out for.

    You'll need to experiment and find what works for you. Me, it's the dairy fat that really elevates the pain. I stay away from butter, high fat in milk or yogurt. Don't even get lots of cheese near me. I enjoy a sprinkle now and then and get away with it. I have no problems with any other foods not even gluten. Although with my clean eating and keeping my simple carbs low it just naturally lowers my gluten intake.