Running Buddies

melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
Hey all. My running history is brief, began about a year ago and kept at it 3-4 times weekly through fall. Fell in love with it, but became ill and sat most of the past winter out. I did manage to get a few runs in here and there on good days, but am just now comfortable enough with my body to trust that I can listen and understand so not to cause any injury. (I was diagnosed in January with fibromyalgia, yuck-o). I've put myself back on track with RunDouble and found that week 5 is about where I'm at.

Anyhow, I'm basically looking for some more friends on here to talk running with and cheer each other on. Peace and happy running.


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Welcome, Melanie! You'll find lots of running buddies here.
    I graduated C25K early last year and am still running 5K 3 times a week. I'm slowly working on bettering my time. Lately, I've been coasting.....going out for easy paced, loping runs but I've been enjoying my runs immensely.
    Just the other day, while running, I was thinking of how much more confident I am about my running and how far I've come in comparison to where I was a year ago. That's something I tend to forget to look at (how far I've come) and since the improvements can be slow in coming they sometimes don't seem to be coming at all. Looking back is a good measuring stick.

    Keep posting here and talk about your runs. We're always here to add our stories, too.
  • sarahjeanWI
    sarahjeanWI Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Melanie,

    How long was it before you were "in love" with running? I always hear that people get that runner's high, but I honestly can't imagine that right now. lol

  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    Hey Melanie,

    How long was it before you were "in love" with running? I always hear that people get that runner's high, but I honestly can't imagine that right now. lol


    Hi Sarah! Great question...I remember wondering the same thing when I started! It was a gradual shift, but it definitely happens if you stick to it and give it a fair chance. I had just quit smoking before I stared, so I had some extra breathing issues to deal with, which made it even more grueling. So, I took it slow. Like real slow. Weeks one and two were definitely repeated. By the time my body was ready for week three (which was probably more like week 5) I was starting to have fun with it. At first I always ran at night, mostly because I was very insecure. But after a few weeks I gained some confidence and started running in the mornings because I would be too excited on my run days to wait until evening! Originally I had began to improve my physical health, but I've kept at it because of what it does for my mental health.

    Hope my ramblings answered your question!
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm into week 5 of c25k. It's been tough but rewarding. I'm not diagnosed anything yet but deal with a lot of pain too. My chronic pain seems to be an unsolved mystery. Add me if you'd like. And good luck!