"Fake" sugars...

Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
What do you think of this article on the various sugar alternatives?


I use stevia...


  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    I don't use any of them personally. NutraSweet/Aspartame gives me migraines, Splenda messes with my stomach, and I'm allergic to Stevia. I read that some people who are allergic to ragweed can be allergic to Stevia because the plants are from the same family or something.

    Xylitol is the only one I've had any "success" with but I still think it tastes a little off compared to regular sugar. And it's not totally carb free, it just has less carbs than sugar. (Plus it's expensive)

    I figure I'm just doomed to not by making too many keto-sweets that I see so many recipes for... :(

    But from what I understand people seem to have more success in general with Stevia than some of the others.