Heavier weights or higher reps

JKDLady Posts: 131 Member
I'm in week 10 of the beginner program. I've made some nice gains thus far, but I feel that I'm slipping into old habits of wanting to do more reps with less weight.

For example, on the hip thrusts it says to do 3 sets of 10-20 reps. I seem to always go for the higher number so I pick a weight that I can complete 20 of them.

Since I do the A workout twice a week, should I do the low rep with heavier weights one day and more reps with lighter weights on the other day?

Thanks for any advice!


  • krispy1982
    krispy1982 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm the opposite! I always do the most weight I can so it burns soo en and I can get away with fewer reps! I think heavier weights is better for gaining muscle but really I'm no expert and find it totally confusing when I google it and get different answers everywhere. I think if one way was working for you that's probably the one to shoot for.

    If it's fewer reps you end up going with - can you give yourself little challenges like adding 20 pounds to a lift in a month? To 'fun' it up a bit?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Depends. Are you bulking/cutting? Eating at a surplus/deficit? What are your goals?
  • JKDLady
    JKDLady Posts: 131 Member
    I'm cutting, eating at a deficit 6 days out of the week. I guess my goal right now is to lower my body fat.

    I haven't taken measurements lately (I will again on May 1st), but I know I am gaining in my upper body. My shirts are tighter than they've ever been to the point that they are uncomfortable in the biceps and shoulders. I wasn't really looking to bulk there, but I know that I can't decide where to bulk!

    So, today I decided to up the weights and lower the reps.

    Last Thursday, I used 55 lbs for the hip thrust and did 3 sets of 20. Today I upped the weight to 95 lbs for 3 sets of 10.

    I upped all of my weights and lowered the reps. I think I was nervous and sold out to do the lowest number of reps. I think I will have more confidence on Thursday.

    Sound reasonable?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'm cutting, eating at a deficit 6 days out of the week. I guess my goal right now is to lower my body fat.

    I haven't taken measurements lately (I will again on May 1st), but I know I am gaining in my upper body. My shirts are tighter than they've ever been to the point that they are uncomfortable in the biceps and shoulders. I wasn't really looking to bulk there, but I know that I can't decide where to bulk!

    So, today I decided to up the weights and lower the reps.

    Last Thursday, I used 55 lbs for the hip thrust and did 3 sets of 20. Today I upped the weight to 95 lbs for 3 sets of 10.

    I upped all of my weights and lowered the reps. I think I was nervous and sold out to do the lowest number of reps. I think I will have more confidence on Thursday.

    Sound reasonable?

    If you're cutting it doesn't really matter IMHO. You're pretty much just trying to retain LBM and burn calories during your workout. So doing 20 reps at whatever weight you can manage is no big deal.

    If you were trying to actively build muscle eating at a surplus I would say lower the reps and up the weights because optimal hypertrophy occurs at 8-12 reps. Anything after 15 is just overkill.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    The program has different rep ranges written in because best results actually come from a mix of ranges. When he says 10-20 you should use a weight you can do 10. - 12 of and increase next week.

    About over 15 being overkill it's not for posterior chain, that's why he wrote up to 20 (which is what Brett's gorgeous fiance does). Time under tension builds too.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Yea, Bret believes different rep ranges are important for building the glutes. So mixing it up is important.
  • JKDLady
    JKDLady Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks! That helps a lot. I will mix it up and not focus on making it to 20 (or the highest rep) each time.