New to Optifast

I started Optifast 2 days ago. I chose to do 4 drinks and a meal for my plan. I don't think the drinks taste too bad.

Can anyone tell me about how much weight you can really take off in 16 weeks?

Drinking the water is HARD! Can any of you experienced people offer me any recommendations for being able to stick with the program?


  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member

    I am on Optifast 70 and doing 5 shakes and no food. Weight loss rates vary widely, depending on water intake (important!), bits of exercise (not too much though) and hormonal shifts as time goes on. I'm no week 14 and have lost 50 pounds. Some pitfalls I've seen are people who cheat a bit (it's hard to get back on the horse), people who start feeling great and get personal trainers and then experience slowing or stopping of weight loss, and people who forget to eat all of their shakes- believe it or not- and whose systems shut down.

    I have been super thirsty on this diet, so it hasn't been hard to drink water, but I've enjoyed adding peppermint green tea bags and let them get watery. Sometimes I add a sugar free tea mix like Arizona Iced Tea to my water, and it goes down fast!

    I wish you the very best of luck on this journey. It is completely do-able. I'm documenting my weight loss on a blog:

    Feel free to stop by!

    Take care,
  • goldenlovermom
    goldenlovermom Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Christy for the information. How much water should I be drinking - isn't it more then 60oz?
  • ak_honda
    ak_honda Posts: 60 Member
    I've been drinking what makes me feel content.

    I have a 750ml steel water bottle that I usually drink 2 fills of each day, which come out to about 25 oz. I don't feel dehydrated, nor over-hydrated.

    I gauge by elasticity in my skin on the top of my hand; if it bounces back down flat right away i'm good; if it stays pinched up at all then I am slightly dehydrated.