week 9 weigh in

Wk 1 weight 250lbs
Wk 2 weight 248 bs (-2lbs)
Wk 3 weight 244lbs (-4lbs)
Wk 4 weight 244lbs (stayed the same)
Wk 5 weight 242lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 6 weight 240lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 7 weight 238lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 8 weight 236lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 9 weight 233lbs (-3lbs)

Total so far 17lbs

Saving my measurements for next week


  • AllisonAugustyn
    AllisonAugustyn Posts: 17 Member
    Was traveling yesterday, just back. Amazing results, DiscoB! Awesome and inspiring news.

    I am down to 152lbs, the lowest I've been since maybe before college. I'm feeling pretty good about that. :) My TQI diet continues, and my inflammation is down quite a bit. I'm losing weight at a healthy rate despite only walking (no biking, workouts yet -- hoping to add this week). No sugar, no gluten, no alcohol, no dairy, no soy...lots of "no." But yes to veggies and fruit and lean protein and great recipes on the internet...amazing what people create that is a great substitute and delicious. Makes me think I can keep doing this beyond my five weeks (I'm just starting week 3). Sleeping better, too, and no allergies this spring so far. Just back from Houston, TX, and managed to lose another pound despite the airports, Texas food and socializing, stuck to my guns on all the "food rules," so I'm feeling pretty happy about my resolve! Will check in next week.
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Wow! That's some serious determination you've got there! Well done and I know the dangers of airports and service stations, boy can they tempt us with the cheeky fast food goodies! Really pleased you have found some answers to your allergy triggers that must be such a relief.