
k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
I have been struggling with anxiety disorder for most of my life as a result of genetics and abuse. I am still learning to cope with this but the most difficult part for me is medication. I feel some days like medication (I have been taking for 3 years) has fried my brain but I can't stand the panic attacks either. Does anyone else take medication for their anxiety and how has it affected you? I feel like I can't focus a lot of the time now. I'm always in a fog. I feel like I have gained so much weight because while taking medication, I care less about things like this. I have tried to cut down my meds on my own to a more manageable amount.


  • billhilly1968
    billhilly1968 Posts: 75 Member
    I am ashamed to say that I suffer from anxiety, ocd, and bipolar disorder and take prescribed meds which cause me to struggle with my weight as the doctor regulates them. I have 13 lbs. I need to lose to reach my goal. I am fixated over losing weight right now since my doctor wants me to lose it. I am obsessed over my weight right now. I have until December to reach my goal and am stuck. I isolate and withdraw from interacting with others including my family which ultimately hurts me since I am a socialite.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Uh oh! I meant to quote her post and accidentally deleted it! Skinny_for_good, you said you are reclusive as a result? I feel the same way. I don't even answer my own door. If someone doesn't tell me they are coming, they won't even know I'm home.
  • CheshireCat008
    I suffer from anxiety too, its nice to have a place like this where we can talk to others and know they will understand :) Mine really started when i lost a friend at 17 and became concerned about my own health, when i realised i had the family heart A rhythem which means it misses beats sometimes and speeds up really fast made me become really anxious about it.

    Now im trying to get fit, if i know my heart is healthy ill be less anxious but doing the exercises scares me as i worry about being out of breath.

    Its so hard to get others to understand the gripping fear you get during a panic attack, its terrifying
  • StevenDeCord
    StevenDeCord Posts: 7 Member
    I had my first panic attack on August 30, 1989...I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar 2 in 2006...I have been on a number of mood stabilizers and antidepressants over the past 25 years, and took Xanax for 23 years...In July of last year, I decided to stop drinking alcohol since I hit a wall in my weight loss because I was drinking a lot of booze, which has a lot of empty calories...Once I was off the booze for two months, and exercising daily, I noticed that I started to get manic...I learned that alcohol is a depressant, and that since I was not drinking, the antidepressant threw me into mania...So, I stopped the antidepressant in September of 2013...Then I noticed that when I took a Xanax, I felt "drunk"...So I decided to ween myself off of Xanax in October 2013...In July of 2013, I was taking eight different medications which managed Bi-Polar, panic attacks, depression, high blood pressure, high cholestrol, impotence and gout...Today I manage my symptoms without any medication...The daily exercise and healthy eating has contributed to a normal blood pressure, normal choestrol and normal triglycerides...The removal of alcohol has eliminated the depression, impotence and gout...The exercise has elevated my mood and reduced my anxiety drastically...Since I am handling my panic holistically, without my crutch called "Xanax," I have joined a group which teaches "Cognitive Behavorial Therapy (CBT)" so I can manage my life and cope with the symptoms of anxiety...The one thing my psychiatrist is concerned with is "mania"...Apparently mania cannot be controlled holistically, but I am very resistant to go on any type of medication which alters your brain chemistry...It is challenging, but I find that my faith n God and new way of living my life has minimized the anxiety, so I pray I can live life free of meds...
  • MatthiasLight
    Anxiety sucks, social anxiety and paranoia even more so. I deal with these regularly. It doesn't help that I seem so shady when i walk into a walmart not only do I feel like people are judging me, the Loss Prevention people are following me. Needless to say i avoid the gym, always. I'd love to go to one that didn't harass you for being an after hours patron.

    So for now, while it's (supposed to be) warm out, i go for walks with my wife (who also has a goal). Swimming (more like imitaing a drowning rat) at the apartment pool and exploring trails and whatnot when I get the chance.

    I gained weight to a healthy level after valve replacement surgery and want to lower my number a titch so I don't need new clothes. I'll take toning insteads of weight loss too, but the gym issue... Anyhow. Just thought I'd post.

    My piece of advice, Act like you belong and pretend you don't feel dumb/stupid and 85-90% of the time noone will question you and eventually you believe it. Then you do and it's no longer pretend ^_^ (that's what helps me)
  • jhogan21
    jhogan21 Posts: 1
    I also struggle with generalized anxiety disorder. It's awful! I always find something to obsess about. Lately(for almost a year) it's been about my blood sugar. I'm petrified that my blood sugar is going to drop and I'm going to pass out. I can never leave the house without taking food with me or eating right before I leave. I've gained 20'pounds in the last 2 years and am trying really hard to lose it. I'm so glad that there is a board I can come to and vent to people that will understand.
  • pilotkw
    pilotkw Posts: 9 Member
    I lost my husband Christmas of 2012, and have five teen to adult children I'm trying to raise and guide. My work has been so stressful. I have anxiety and add. I'm taking ridalyn, lorazapam and estrogen. I shake in the mornings and have a horrible time just getting out of bed. I was drinking alcolhol to help with the shaking but with trying to lose weight recently stopped. I'm trying to exercise more for the stress. I'm glad I have found this group and I hope we can all help each other. :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    You guys all have such amazing stories. I wish I could comment on all of them (but I'm at work *shame shame). I hope to learn ways to cope without medication one day.
  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    Uh oh! I meant to quote her post and accidentally deleted it! Skinny_for_good, you said you are reclusive as a result? I feel the same way. I don't even answer my own door. If someone doesn't tell me they are coming, they won't even know I'm home.

    my husband has finally stopped giving me crap about this, but i wouldn't dream of answering the door (or the phone, for that matter) if i didn't know who it was/wasn't expecting anyone. i seriously used to army crawl through my house to avoid being seen if i had to pass a window or my door, or i'd sit still and quiet for as long as it would take for me to be sure the person had gone away. i can relate.

    i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and take medication, as well. i'm hoping to get off my daily medication within the next few months but i can't imagine my life without xanax... you know, just in case. sometimes just knowing it's there is enough to calm me down and get me through the panic.

    also, thanks to all of you for sharing - it's a comforting reminder that i'm not a total freak (well, at least about the anxiety and whatnot...!). ;)
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Uh oh! I meant to quote her post and accidentally deleted it! Skinny_for_good, you said you are reclusive as a result? I feel the same way. I don't even answer my own door. If someone doesn't tell me they are coming, they won't even know I'm home.

    my husband has finally stopped giving me crap about this, but i wouldn't dream of answering the door (or the phone, for that matter) if i didn't know who it was/wasn't expecting anyone. i seriously used to army crawl through my house to avoid being seen if i had to pass a window or my door, or i'd sit still and quiet for as long as it would take for me to be sure the person had gone away. i can relate.

    i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and take medication, as well. i'm hoping to get off my daily medication within the next few months but i can't imagine my life without xanax... you know, just in case. sometimes just knowing it's there is enough to calm me down and get me through the panic.

    also, thanks to all of you for sharing - it's a comforting reminder that i'm not a total freak (well, at least about the anxiety and whatnot...!). ;)

    I know what you mean. I take Xanax as well and am terrified to not have access to it. I don't even take my daily dose all the time. I try to only take it as needed.