The "Woosh" effect

bnybanker Posts: 33 Member
I'm in a bit of a stall lately and have looked at the typical reasons- eating too little, having too much salt or salty foods, exercising too much (although I'm having no problem with that!), food sensitivities, not hydrating enough, not enough sleep, not eating enough fat (that is an issue) too much stress-etc. I am really watching my carb intake and keeping it under 50g daily, mostly shooting for under 25g/daily.

I've just come across some articles on stalls and the "whoosh" effect- namely, that, as fat is burned, water replaces it in the fat cells so weight doesn't immediately go down, then, when the body decides, the water is then flushed out, causing a large weight loss. This allegedly explains the non-linear weight losses that people experience, where they do everything right and don't lose for a while-then all of a sudden "whoosh," they lose one or two pounds in a day or two.

I'm wondering if anyone has any scientific proof of such an effect, or it's just an urban legend. Thank you.


  • manetheren1986
    manetheren1986 Posts: 1 Member
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I have no proof, but my graph follows that sort of trend. I'll consistently bounce around a certain weight for days (sometimes weeks), and then suddenly be down 1+ kg on the scale. Then I will constantly bounce around this new lower weight for days. I've learned not to stress about it. Just record the data and move on. Only look at it for long term trends, not daily values.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Are you measuring or testing your body fat. I don't care about what my scale says but I do get the BF measured every week. I gained 7 lbs in last 3 weeks but lost ton of fat.
  • bnybanker
    bnybanker Posts: 33 Member
    Good point about worrying more about fat loss or inches, rather than total weight. I'm just wondering if the theory has any validity. Thanks for your post!
  • Ready2Loose75
    Ready2Loose75 Posts: 20 Member
    I am definitely on the woosh plan. Won't loose for 5 days in a row then bam 2+ pounds gone. I also take the longest pees of my life now.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Its probably not so much of fat cells containing water but your lean tissue and muscle cells retaining water. Your fat cells don't store so much water as compared to lean tissue and muscles. Also remember from a cell perspective, only 85% of a fat cell is fat, the rest is mitochondria etc. Human body is more than 60% or so water weight.
  • bnybanker
    bnybanker Posts: 33 Member
    Another good point- so this puts you squarely in the "urban legend" category. I kinda figured it was too good to be true, but I guess I want to believe!:laugh:
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I'm not sure what constitutes a "woosh" but I may have had a little one!! I've been stalled for over a month and yesterday I was down almost 2 lbs & today another pound. and my scale that measures body fat says I dropped half a point on that as well!! Staying the course is hard for someone so impatient like I am, but I'm glad I did! Down 18lbs (15 since starting keto on March 1st).
  • I noticed this too, thought it was just me!
  • I noticed this right at the beginning of my weight loss, its weird, I can eat really well and exercise, nothing happens for a few weeks then all of a sudden I need a belt. It works in the reverse for me too, I can eat crap for a few weeks, not gain an inch then sudden one morning its all there.
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    Experiencing this right now! Ate too much ham for Easter (and leftovers) and now I have awful water retention. And of course I drink 3+liters of water a day, feels like that is still with me. So I'll just wait and it will all be gone. I have been doing Keto for nearly 3 months now and when I look at my charts, i can definitely see the drop and wait routine.
  • LilMamaBear125
    LilMamaBear125 Posts: 21 Member
    I dont' have any scientific proof that the 'whoosh effect' is real... but I've noticed it several times with my own progress. I'll stay at the current weight for a couple weeks and then drop a few lbs seemingly overnight. I was getting very frustrated with it as I've remained absolutely consistent in my diet and exercise plan. That's about when I bought into the "shock your system" idea and I had a carb/cheat night with lots of yummy chinese food (and my stomach retaliated for the remainder of the weekend). :grumble:
  • bnybanker
    bnybanker Posts: 33 Member
    Just happened this morning- stlled at 207, then this morning- dropped to 204.8- no exercise, no drastic diet change-noticed an increase in urination last night and BAM! I'm becoming a believer, but I'm still at a loss to understand the bio-chemistry behind it?
  • Same happens for me too! :) It can be frustrating though!
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    VERY frustrating! Just when I start thinking I should do something drastic, whoosh! I also try to remember that this is a lifestyle change for me and the weight WILL come off in its own time. BE PATIENT!