Holiday Binging

Going home for Easter Break is finally here.

I have been super strict about my diet throughout March and April and have used this trip as a motivator to "get through" the hard times. I have been obsessing for so long about this trip and I'm worried about how much I am going to binge.

I think that making a no-alcohol rule for Easter is going to help control how much I eat. I tend to go crazy with eating after I start drinking. I need to have a salad with my meal, so I don't end up filling up on bad things. I also need to stay away from any candy or cookies that they may have on the table. I think my family knows better than to buy me junk these days. I don't want candy, and I definitely don't need it. If they do happen to give me something, I'll bring it back to school for the office to eat.

I'm definitely going to be cheating on my diet, but hopefully I can stay in control and avoid mindless binging. The lack of self-control that I experienced last time that I was home and binging is way scarier than any weight gain that might happen from my own bad meal choices. Hopefully I can be prepared with a positive attitude and bounce back from the inevitable slip-ups. I steadily lost weight through diet and exercise after my last mega-binge, so I know that a slip-up is not the end of the world.

How do you deal with holiday temptations? How do you deal with family members that get upset or annoyed when you don't eat the foods they bring to parties?