
SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
Just wondering whether I made a mistake ordering the insanity videos. I had a knee injury two years ago, meniscus, but no surgery. Are those videos high impact on my knees or is there a way to do the exercises without the danger of hurting my knee again?


  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    You can get creative with modifications and still get a crazy burn from it. My knees ache pretty bad after Power Jumps so I usually do squats instead.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I've learned from T25 to take the jump out of moves. That's how they modify the moves in that program. You can also step back into the suicide jumps instead of jumping back into them, you'll still get a workout, but it's not as hard the joints and knees.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    DEFINITELY high impact on knees. Lots and lots of jumping. :(
  • weelies
    weelies Posts: 8 Member
    I had the same concern when I started Insanity; I have a bum knee and 42 years old I was worried I couldn't handle it. I'm on week 4 now and I have to tell you... my knees are SO much stronger then they were! The routines build up the muscles in your legs and where before I use to snap+crackle+pop when bending down and not being able to get up, now I feel like a 12 year old again having stronger leg muscles to dissipate most of the impact. Some of the moves I obviously can't do but I do the best I can and modify it to fit my physical ability. Each week I found myself getting closer to how Shaun T was doing it but I have to remind myself I'm 42 not 18. I'm still stronger than I was and loving the workout.
  • watto1903
    watto1903 Posts: 19 Member
    I have recently completed Insanity adn even though it is crazy on the plyo element, my knees stood up to it well.

    I have since started T25 and its killing my knees. Go figure...