Does Anyone Use Wrist Wraps When Lifting?


If you like your gym accessories then check out my 3 most essential weightlifting 'must haves':

Lifting gloves - The main purpose of wearing gloves is to protect the hands, and improve your grip during exercise.

Lifting Belts - The majority of bodybuilders use belts to support the lower back muscles during heavy training. Exercises such as squats and deadlifts should always be done with a belt, especially to prevent severe injury.

Wrist Wraps - These are often used to provide wrist support during heavy training. They help keep your wrists in place, lessen wrist pain and decrease the chance of injury. Wrists are more comfortable, allowing you to do more reps.

For anyone who wants to try using wrist wraps, BullSmash currently have a new promotion where you can get a pair of 18" wraps completely free. Check out the offer here:

All the best