Welcome! Please introduce yourself.

ambneu Posts: 2 Member
My name is Amber. I am a 34-year-old single mother of two kids ages 15 &12. I live my life for them as every parent does but, who is living my life for me? I woke up this morning feeling like *kitten*! My head is pounding, my stomach feels like it is a blender stuck on puree and my body aches. As I was laying there feeling sorry for myself and wanting to pull the covers over my head a thought popped into my head..."You did this to yourself dummy!!". I had not spent the night drinking and was now paying for it. I am simply put out of shape and unhealthy.

I decided a change was needed in my life. I have always put everyone else before myself. I have motivated others to achieve their dreams and goals, I have been there for my friends, family, and even strangers but, never for myself. How is it possible for me to take care of so many without taking care of myself? Who will take care of them when I am gone? At the rate I am going, thanks to all the lovely information available on the internet, this will not be long from now if I continue on my current path. I work fulltime as a caregiver, manage a competitive soccer team, am raising two children, keeping a house standing, and have managed to find time for furthering my education, now it is time to find the time to get healthy!

I am new to MyFitnessPal and am determined to use this site to its fullest! I am looking for people to motivate me as well as people to motivate, after all it is what I do best. If you are in the Chandler, AZ area or close by I would love to start a walking/exercise group.

I look forward to meeting, motivating and getting to know everyone!


  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Hello fitness pals,

    My name is Brandon. I am recently married, an HOA board member, a "Meetup" organizer, an insurance professional and a student studying for a 2nd insurance designation. That all just means I am very, very busy. This makes it difficult to take care of myself. Eating out allows me to better multi-task and who has time for exercise right? I actually like exercising but it just did not take high priority in my busy lifestyle. Well, I let my lifestyle go to far and now my clothes don't fit and my blood pressure is higher than it should be so I am reigning it in.

    I have never been skinny, nor do I really care to be. Based on basic height/weight calculations I should drop 80 lbs but my goal is only 40 (I actually like the way I look with a little meat on me.) I will then set my weight loss goal to "0.00" and continue my exercise goals.

    I actually like exercise. I don't much like to walk or job but lifting, bicycling, hiking and raquet-ball have been my go-to's to keep up my heartrate and stay strong.

    I came here because my old calorie counter website is old and clunky and doesn't even have a mobile app. I found this site recently and love the technology and the community. I think I'm going to stay.
  • babykates7
    Hello group. I am Katelyn, 27 yrs old. I live in Chandler. I started my fitness journey in 2007 and have lost 75 lbs. I am currently on IIFYM and toning up. Love the healthy life!
  • ambsrose95
    ambsrose95 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi y'all My name is Amber. I'm 22.. 23 in a couple weeks. I live back at home with my family in Chandler, which is difficult considering I'm the only one in the house of 6 people trying (who needs) to lose weight. I'm going into my 2nd year of teaching for Head Start Preschool. I just recently found a new place to workout, it's called The-Pitt and all they do is group fitness classes. It's only been a couple weeks since starting there and I already have so much energy. I also still have my Planet Fitness membership for a couple more weeks.
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Hi y'all My name is Amber. I'm 22.. 23 in a couple weeks. I live back at home with my family in Chandler, which is difficult considering I'm the only one in the house of 6 people trying (who needs) to lose weight. I'm going into my 2nd year of teaching for Head Start Preschool. I just recently found a new place to workout, it's called The-Pitt and all they do is group fitness classes. It's only been a couple weeks since starting there and I already have so much energy. I also still have my Planet Fitness membership for a couple more weeks.

    I totally understand household pressures and temptations. I'm sorry about that. I hope you over come those. Welcome to our group!
  • repgroe
    repgroe Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Tricia. I am 44 years old and, after injuring my back in February, have only recently started exercising again just two weeks ago. I live in Queen Creek at the base of the San Tans so I have been hiking/running up the trails and walking down. I have about 30 lbs to loose. Since tracking my exercise and meals, I have yet to loose any weight though my husband has lost 18 lbs through diet alone!

    Today I purchased a Fitbit Flex and also use MFP and MapMyFitness.
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Hello Tricia,

    Good to see a new face in the group!

    That is cool that you hike. I am near San Tan. Is there any good hiking there? I never looked.

    I also use map my fitness. I tried 2 other apps first but this seemed to be the best for my needs.

    - Brando