Weekly Challenge April 21st Week - BURN THOSE CALORIES

Finayoung Posts: 38 Member
Burning Calories, one of the most essential things in weight loss.
This weeks goal, lets kick it up a notch!
If you usually do only 2 days of cardio, how about going for a walk 3 other days of this week!

I know I like to stand in front of my TV, pop a video in and blast through some cardio but the weather is warming up and it would be a waste not to get out there! There is a lovely 70 minute trail near me with a hill that will kick your butt going up but It makes me huff and puff and thats what I need. Can't wait for the burn!

What will you challange yourself with this week as far as working out goes?


  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    I spent 3.5 hours today doing Spring yard cleanup. Burned all calories up! That was my challenge for the week - it was with my ex-husband. Gonna put the house on the market soon hopefully. I will also complete my zumba, booty slide and volleyball. Weather isn't going to be nice (Michigan). Anxious to walk outside.
  • ChelleSimmo7
    ChelleSimmo7 Posts: 60 Member
    I think my biggest challenge work out wise is to figure out how to work out while at my parents....i dont really want to have to pay a non gym member fee just to randomly go...but gotta do what you gotta do! and not being active makes me go crazy!