So where is everybody?!?!?

ifaber Posts: 195 Member
HEY peeps!

Craziness is such an understatement but don't worry, I have been slowly chugging away at goals on my end. I specifically chose to do the 100 day Challenge because I SUCK at being committed for longer than 2 weeks and that is something I want to overcome. I have thought about just not checking on the group and just doing something different BUT I CAN'T! This is bigger than just a challenge, it is a way to reset how we think about fitness and really dig deep in building sustainable habits that we could continue for more than 30 days. This is about LIFE!

I have an 8 week biggest loser challenge starting tomorrow at my job. That means there will be 8 weeks and 4 days left before THIS challenge ends. That is still a great amount of time to really get the ball moving again and focusing on what we want to achieve. So let's GO!


  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    We just finished a 5 week Biggest Loser Challenge and I was tickled to be among the winners :smile:

    One of my challenges for the 100 days was to exercise 10-15 minutes each morning and I have to admit I have failed on weekends. :sad:
  • tvn4ds
    tvn4ds Posts: 33 Member
    I'm still hanging in there. I have really tried to move past the scale...I don't know if I updated but I think the last time I posted something I was at a checking point and was having measurements done. I'm happy to report that I lost a total of 10.5 inches! Yeah me! I have increased my weight training to a minimum of 4 days a week and cardio on 5. I'm still not seeing the scale move much which is really baffling to me, but I'm trying really hard not to focus on that! Moving ahead...not going back! :happy:
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Nice work tvn4ds! Inches is WAY more important than weight! That means you're losing what we all want to lose, FAT!

    teemama2, its all good, we still have a little over 50 days to re-establish and re-focus on our habits! we got this
  • pattigorman
    pattigorman Posts: 33 Member
    I am a member of this group! Would love to talk to rest of group. This is first year my weight has crept above 200!! Shocked and decided to get serious. Joined MFP and this group. Started going to nutritionist and therapist. Both helping a lot. I also started exercising. Winter at gym 5 days a week, house painting and cleaning up and down stairs and now in spring, walking and gardening 5 days a week. Finally started losing weight - just a small amount and inches. Love MFP. Loved the, "You'll weight _____ in 5 weeks if you have a day like today!"

    My best to all of you in 100 Days Til Summer 2014 group. Am always thinking and rooting for you!
  • tvn4ds
    tvn4ds Posts: 33 Member
    Me, Me, Me....I'm still hanging around here too! I keep checking the board every once in a while to see how everyone is doing...those 100 days are getting close. My journey doesn't end here though...this truly is a lifestyle change for me and I'll still be hanging around long after these 100 days are over. My weight is so SLOW in coming off, but I do notice it in a lot of different areas that what I'm doing is working...slow and steady for me. I guess that's how it came on, that's how it'll go off. :wink:

    Feel free to message me, or friend me and we can carry on the encouragement after the 100 days are gone.