what's it like to be skinny?

jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
I have been overwieght my entire life. I never cared until the last few years because I was happy being a little overweight but as time went by I became more overweight and finally decided I need to make a change. I have started working out about two months ago and loggin my calories. The only thing I don't log is my coffee in the morning. I dont add sugar just about 1/8 cup of half and half. I also workout four times a week. That is all I can commit to. I have lost weight and body fat. I know that what I am doing is working but I wonder will the payoff be worth all the work. I lost weight in my chest and legs but not stomach so my clothes are no looser and sometimes I fell hopeless and that I am going to have chicken legs and still be a size 20. on my workout days I do at least 45 mins of cardio as well as 15 mis of strength training. 2 days a week I do 30 mins strength training in addition to cardio.

will this be worth it in the end?!?

also if you have a chance you can look at my diary and tell me what you think. Thanks!

let me add a few things

in Jan 2012 after having my son i was 291 lbs, I got down to 255 and stopped working out and logging calories. I did not gain any back but I decided a couple of months ago to start again

FEB 2014: 255
CW: 241
5'9, 32 year old female


  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    I think if you're feeling better by eating healthy and working out, that's a small taste of what's to come when you hit your goal weight. Unfortunately, I've never been skinny. But I was at a "perfect" fitness level for me, and had attained my personal goal. That is a wonderful feeling. Wearing clothes in the single digits made me smile.


    Being fit doesn't change your life. There are many good things about it, but it won't make you love your job more or pay your bills on time.

    ETA: I sent you a FR. I'm always up for new friends. :)
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I have lost weight and body fat. I know that what I am doing is working but I wonder will the payoff be worth all the work.

    will this be worth it in the end?!?

    Your ticker says you lost 49 lbs. Do you think it was worth being 49 lbs less? If you answer this question you probably get the answer to your original question.

    Good Luck. My best of wishes to you.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hey, don't let the lack of progress in some area's of your body bug you so much. I say that because I am pear shaped and my ribs have been showing now for 20lbs but my thighs and hips are still bigger. They are finally starting to slim down now though with 10-15lbs left and in my case right around the top of a healthy BMI range. Everyone has different body shapes but typically where you store the most fat is where it leaves last. :( I know not the best thing to hear but there is hope and it will eventually go away it just takes time.

    You have made great progress via your ticker so just keep going.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    I know its worth it for my health, but as far as self image, I feel no different about myself now as I did when I was 50 lbs heavier and I am afraid I will feel no different after 100 lbs.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I know its worth it for my health, but as far as self image, I feel no different about myself now as I did when I was 50 lbs heavier and I am afraid I will feel no different after 100 lbs.

    Weight loss never solves problems save health problems and sometimes not even those.

    Confidence comes from within...believe you are worth it and you become worth it. I say that like it is so easy I know it's not for all...which is too bad...not sure what you can do for that...If my self confidence was lacking I would do something to make myself feel better such as new haircut, having my makeup done, dressing and knowing I looked good...

    As for what it's like to be skinny...I have no idea...not my goal really.

    I have never ever in my life been classed as skinny, always curvy...big curvy, small curvy but not skinny...my butt and boobs take care of that.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Hey, don't let the lack of progress in some area's of your body bug you so much. I say that because I am pear shaped and my ribs have been showing now for 20lbs but my thighs and hips are still bigger. They are finally starting to slim down now though with 10-15lbs left and in my case right around the top of a healthy BMI range. Everyone has different body shapes but typically where you store the most fat is where it leaves last. :( I know not the best thing to hear but there is hope and it will eventually go away it just takes time.

    You have made great progress via your ticker so just keep going.

    I find that as I lose I hit awkward stages, and these sometimes make me question whether I will look any better when I hit goal. But I am concentrating more on fitness goals and feeling healthier/stronger/better. THAT is worth it to me, even if I don't look like a model when I lose 20ish more pounds.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Depends what your expectations are. You want to hear that people treat you differently? Well the reality of this society is yes, people will treat those they feel are attractive differently. Being attractive can mean thin, muscular, very lean, ultra thin, curvy etc.. etc.. etc.

    Now if you're trying to be "skinny" (whatever that definition really is) for the sole reaction of others, don't. For the massive hard work it takes to accomplish some of our goals, you'd had better have solid personal reasons to do it or else you will quit. Because someone out there will criticize you no matter how skinny (too skinny), muscular (too much muscle), curvy (fat) or whatever.

    The other issue is that can you really realistically be what you think "skinny" is?

    I can't lift like I lift and expect to be a Banana Republic male model. I've never really been that skinny. But I can be a better version of myself and that's fine with me. But I do want to push to see what exactly that is.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    you all make some really good points. thanks for the advise and encouragement. I just want to go into a normal store and buy clothes off the rack... I bet that feels amazing!!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I agree with Jeff. You'll never stick with it if you're doing it for other people. It requires a tremendous amount of dedication and sacrifice, to say nothing of the actual work, and your motivation has to come from inside you.

    I've been where you are, wondering what it feels like to be "done." When I first started here, I read the Success Stories forum over and over again, thinking exactly what you said ... "I bet that feels amazing."

    And let me tell you this: it does. It feels amazing to KNOW I look good. It feels amazing to not care if anyone else agrees. It feels amazing to drop from a size 18 to a 14 to an 8 to a 4. It feels amazing to lift really heavy weight, to constantly get stronger and better in the gym. It feels amazing to eat a cookie and to have a real understanding of how it plays into my overall diet, rather than feeling guilty about it or worrying that it's going to derail me. It feels amazing to take control of my life, my health, my happiness. Above all, it feels amazing to know that I am capable of anything if I am willing to commit myself to achieving it. That's why you do this.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Taking a slightly wider perspective on all this...

    There aren't words to describe how good it feels to be happy with yourself, whatever that means to you. It's the old cliche of being comfortable in your own skin - whatever that is, be it, and no amount of dieting, exercise, etc will seem like too much.
  • teddiebare
    teddiebare Posts: 46 Member
    My biggest suggestion is to take photos! lots of them. Sometimes I don't feel like I feel any different, and then I do a comparison photo. That always makes me feel a lot better.

    I'm doing a lot of work on body acceptance, and that helps me more than anything. My favorite mantra is "what people think of me is none of my business." I work on thinking good things about myself, and focusing on the parts that I do like.

    If you aren't happy now, you won't ever be happy. That's just the harsh reality. You should work on loving yourself right now, and enjoying being healthier and stronger. It will help you appreciate the positive changes you are making to your body, and help you to keep motivated. It's important work, but no one can do it for you.
  • foxandnegayo
    foxandnegayo Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Like the others have said, do it for you.

    And to just answer your question straight up (not trying to brag or anything, I promise)::
    I don't consider myself skinny, I consider myself fit but I have been told that I am "skinny" (that term is so broad).
    It's wonderful to be in the body that you want to be in. I like what I see in the mirror, naked or clothed. I like how strong I feel and I like when people notice my muscles. I like that I eat at my maintenance calorie level and I like that sometimes it feels like a struggle to eat that much. I like that I treat myself with food and I don't feel guilty. I like that I don't have to "get ready" for a future event, I'm already there.

    I don't know what it's like to have to lose weight but I do know that I work hard to maintain and slowly improve where I currently am. Yes, I get lazy for a week or two at a time and don't work out but the way I feel after not working out for 2 weeks snaps me back.
    So yes, I think it's worth it...but we're all different and our priorities are different so take that how you will.

    Best of luck to you! You're doing great!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Skinny is such a relative term. Most of the time people aren't going for "skinny", but rather a healthy weight and a fit body. Even that is very subjective. You're doing the right things for your health and along with that will come body changes. Unfortunately those changes don't always come at the pace or from the places we want. The first to gain, the last to go - for me, that's my hips/thighs. For other women, it's their belly area. I agree with others that have said that for something to be worth it, you need to feel positive about the whole thing. If you're torturing yourself and not getting the results you're hoping for, then something needs to change. Either find something you enjoy more or slow down the process. The ultimate change comes from between the ears though. You have to start being proud of who you are no matter what your body looks like, know that you are making yourself healthier and stronger and that's what matters most and stop worrying about what others thinks of how you look (not that you are, just a general statement). I've been "skinny" and I will tell you that I am much happier in the 10-15 extra pounds I have back on now. That's come from getting over my concerns of what others thought of how I looked and truly realizing what I wanted from myself. I want strength and that can't come from the body I was trying to sustain before. My goals and my happiness finally became more important than what I looked like in a bathing suit.

    So it's really hard to answer something like "what's it like to be skinny" (which I know was kind of rhetorical) because everyone's bodies, minds and goals are different. Be happy with yourself and the rest will come.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    you all make some really good points. thanks for the advise and encouragement. I just want to go into a normal store and buy clothes off the rack... I bet that feels amazing!!!

    I did this myself for the first time in about 7 years two weeks ago, and, yes, it did feel amazing. Very weird, made me feel a bit sad (was I really so worthless to society 3 months ago that they couldn't just stock something decent in my size, when I had the same $$ to spend then as now?), but also amazing. And it stuns me just how quickly I went down clothes sizes too.

    Throwing out all the clothes which are too big felt even better.