April 25th - Weigh In



  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    First weigh in-

    4/26/14: 114.8
  • Lifeisfantastic
    Lifeisfantastic Posts: 31 Member
    Challenge SW: 155.6
    CW: 153.8
    Challenge Goal: 140

    4/11/14: 154.2 (-1.4)
    4/18/14: 155.4 (+1.2)
    4/25/14: 153.8 (-1.6)

    Total change: - 1.8

    OK, better this week than last. Looking forward to continuing this trend!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    4/4 : 140.4 (challenge starte week)
    4/11: 140.2
    4/18: 138.4
    4/25: 138.4

    GW: 123
    April total loss : 2 pounds

    I was hoping for a 5 pound loss, but I can't say I gave it a big enough effort to lose 5 pounds. I am happy with the 2 pound loss, but I need to make more of an effort. Hello May.....Im ready to step it up a notch.
  • Frayde
    Frayde Posts: 321 Member
    Welcome Rachael! Congratulations on your baby!!

    Original SW: 229
    Challenge SW 4/4: 209.2
    Wt. 4/11: 207.6
    Wt. 4/18: 205.4
    Wt. 4/25: 205.2

    Wt. loss in April: 4.0

    Goal for the Challenge: 185

    Not as much wt. loss as I'd hoped for for the month, but I lost, so I shouldn't complain, right? And considering that it was Passover, a 0.2 lb. wt. loss wasn't too bad for the week. At least I didn't gain. I tried to steer clear of the matzoh and the brisket! I agree w/Mule: time to kick up the exercise a little more!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Let's charge into this week going ONWARD & DOWNWARD!!
    May will be here on Thursday
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    Original SW: 197
    Challenge SW: 144

    april 11: 143.8
    april 18: 143.2
    april 25: 146.6 ( :( I had way to much fun with the easter bunny this year) back to it.....
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Challange SW 225.6
    CW 231.2

    I'm still figuring out what works best for me...and coming off Atkins has done a number on me.
    But I think I have a better handle on it now, and I'm working towards making smarter decisions.

    Hope everyone else is having better sucess!
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    And considering that it was Passover, a 0.2 lb. wt. loss wasn't too bad for the week. At least I didn't gain. I tried to steer clear of the matzoh and the brisket! I agree w/Mule: time to kick up the exercise a little more!

    Passover was definitely a challenge. I was pretty good until the last two days. And then I just lost it. I like the Matzah too much to stay away from it.

    Oh well, it's over and back to the healthy eating.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Sorry guys. Missed this weigh in due to a death in the family. Will be back though. Keep going strong,