Week 2. Day 1: WEIGH IN #1



  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    No change in weight (262). Ok with my week, but definitely need to work on staying within calories. That's the big plan for this week. Completed my half marathon on Saturday, but feel like I may have a stress fracture, so my workouts will be light this week, babying it to hopefully get over it! Have a 5K walk on Saturday coming up.
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    1) Starting weight 144.0 lbs, current weight 143.0 lbs

    2) I did pretty well my first week, but then I went on a binge after I weighed in, so I hope to at least stay at 143 and not gain any weight this week. I wasn't really surprised I binged, but surprised how long I lasted without a binge (8 days). So I guess this is a little victory in itself. I think I may have been taking too little calories this week because I was CONSTANTLY hungry. I will strive to do better this week. AND I WILL!

    3) I am ready to tackle this week on! My brother's graduation at the end of these weeks is keeping me motivated. I NEED to fit in my clothes again. I am going to avoid cheese, crackers, cookies, and fried foods! (I binged on the fried foods and cookies--)
  • vfrt
    vfrt Posts: 2
    My start weight was 205lbs and my current weight is 198.6lbs.

    My first week was good, but I ate junk food a few times.

    I am so excited about the second week. I hope eat health food every meal.
  • mlm5537
    mlm5537 Posts: 25 Member
    SW: 155.5 CW: 154.2

    This week was eh. Felt like I worked out a lot harder than 1.3 pounds! I had previously just been walking and (kind of) lifting weights. This week I started a 30 day plan that included 20 minute (intense!) cardio routines and body weight exercises. I am more motivated to do this workout because I can do it in my bedroom, and don't have to drag myself to the gym (takes at least 25 minutes to get there on the bus), but I'm not super thrilled with the results. I do feel pretty good and lost about 1/2 inch off my waist. I was just hoping to see the scale move a little more. I went over on my calories once this week (by about 130 calories).

    Currently, I am eating the calories I earn by working out. I am considering cutting that this week. Has anyone seen success this way? I am afraid I might lost a little motivation though because I normally play the "if you do the workout, you will have enough calories for frozen yogurt later" game.
  • sbart269
    sbart269 Posts: 3 Member
    1) Start weight/current weight.

    2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?

    3) How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals?

    Please, guys, do not get discouraged if the number on the scale is anything less than pleasing. Some people will lose 5 the first week ,some people will gain 1 ! Everyone is different and weight fluctuates daily for some. It is only the first week! Let's make this next one even better than last!

    Busy couple of days, but able to finally get on computer.

    SW 194 CW 192.8 - not bad I think.

    First week went pretty good. Did go over calorie goal 2 days, but still lost pounds.
    This week I am kicking it up a bit and tweaking my diet and trying to cut out some more of the "bad" things I do eat.
    Haven't been able to get out to do some walking, so hubby picked me up a treadmill. 2nd day on it and really like it. Looking forward to week and pushing myself a bit more. I some health issues that I have let hold me back but no more!!!
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    1) Start weight/current weight.

    current weight 122.8

    2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best?

    At first, I just "started " because I was so sick of doing nothing. With each day, my willpower has grown stronger and I have been feeling very motivated. I haven't felt this excited for a long time!!

    3) How are you feeling about week 2?? What's keeping you motivated? What are going to avoid? Any new goals

    Feeling great but careful to not get overexcited :) I've started looking at swimsuits and shorts online to keep me motivated. I want to show my legs this summer.

    Not new goals but I have decided on a worlout schedule that I am excited about. Butt bible 3x a week, run 2x a week and a long walk once a week.