April 27th

pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
Did you get your shred on today, ladies?! I finished a couple hours ago. Once again, she kicked my butt!!!! 3 more days!


  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Yesssss and it was brutal.... tomorrow will be rough too. Work 7-2, school 3-8. Then going home and shredding, siiiiigh dreading it already
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Yesssss and it was brutal.... tomorrow will be rough too. Work 7-2, school 3-8. Then going home and shredding, siiiiigh dreading it already

    Wow, that's a tough day! You can do it though. You have come this far. We are so close!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    I managed yesterday, and hope to today after work. Level Three really kicks my butt. I just want to fall down when it's over!
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    Level 3 is the hardest for me! I want to give up while doing it :)
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    *sighh* Another upset in my 30DS journey and I'm off by two days again. That daggone Norovirus is the worst! Spent the weekend cleaning up puke and then getting really sick myself. I still managed to shred on Saturday but just couldn't do it yesterday. I'm going to pick back up today hopefully but mann am I drained. I may just continue through 2 May and then start Ripped in 30 on Monday, 5 May.

    Anyhoo, we are all so close!! Thanks for all the motivation ladies!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    *sighh* Another upset in my 30DS journey and I'm off by two days again. That daggone Norovirus is the worst! Spent the weekend cleaning up puke and then getting really sick myself. I still managed to shred on Saturday but just couldn't do it yesterday. I'm going to pick back up today hopefully but mann am I drained. I may just continue through 2 May and then start Ripped in 30 on Monday, 5 May.

    Anyhoo, we are all so close!! Thanks for all the motivation ladies!

    OMG, I am so sorry. We had Norovirus go through our entire family last year, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I can't even imagine trying to do the shred after that. I hope you and your family are feeling better soon.

    I'm taking today off. I'm just so exhausted, and work was so....Monday, today! I go in late tomorrow, so I'll be able to shred in the morning. I'm ready for Ripped In 30, I need a change!
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    *sighh* Another upset in my 30DS journey and I'm off by two days again. That daggone Norovirus is the worst! Spent the weekend cleaning up puke and then getting really sick myself. I still managed to shred on Saturday but just couldn't do it yesterday. I'm going to pick back up today hopefully but mann am I drained. I may just continue through 2 May and then start Ripped in 30 on Monday, 5 May.

    Anyhoo, we are all so close!! Thanks for all the motivation ladies!

    OMG, I am so sorry. We had Norovirus go through our entire family last year, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I can't even imagine trying to do the shred after that. I hope you and your family are feeling better soon.

    I'm taking today off. I'm just so exhausted, and work was so....Monday, today! I go in late tomorrow, so I'll be able to shred in the morning. I'm ready for Ripped In 30, I need a change!

    Aw thanks! My 1 year old had it first, then my 5 year old, then yep...me! This is actually the 2nd time we've caught it this year. It's gone thru the schools & daycares here twice in a 2 month span. It's the worst!! My kids are better but I'm taking today off the shred too. I am just physically spent. I'm ready for RI30 too...good luck! Btw, my name is Tammy too! :)