Road Warrior Turns Over New Leaf

AmyDee1969 Posts: 5 Member
I've been traveling for work anywhere from 1-2 weeks during the month for the last 5 years. During that time I've let what used to be once-in-a-while splurges on the concierge level become a regular occurrence, and have used every excuse in the book to NOT hit the fitness room, even though I almost always packed my workout clothes. BUT, this time will be different! Today I'm on my way to Chicago, a five and a half hour drive from home base in Northern Kentucky. I've packed a bag of pre-cut vegetables, a whole wheat grilled chicken wrap, and lots of water for the drive up. I have also planned out my evenings in 15 minute increments to include finding a healthy dinner and of course to fitting in cardio time in the fitness room at least twice.

I feel like I've done everything I can do to prepare for a healthy trip, including giving myself the following guidelines:
1. If it didn't come from ground (fruits/veggies/nuts) or have a mother (lean meat), the 5 bite rule applies. Shout out to Jillian Michaels - I didn't make up the first part.
2. Water, water, water. Or tea (I love my Lemon Ginger tea from Yogi Teas)
3. Early to sleep - no more work after 10:00 PM. That will increase my odds of getting up to work out EXPONENTIALLY.

So that's my plan and I'm sticking to it to the best of my ability. One thing I've learned about travel of any kind is that there's always something that's outside the scope of the plan and you just have to deal with it. This time I will not cope with the unexpected by eating crappy food and bailing on planned workouts. I plan to update this thread over the next few days to keep myself accountable.


  • AmyDee1969
    AmyDee1969 Posts: 5 Member
    #WIN! So I learned that if I get to the fitness center AS SOON AS I CHECK IN, I will actually DO the workout. Also, like JB has mentioned on a CC or two, you know how everything kind of “aligns” for your success if you look for it? Normally the free hotel dinner is something super fattening, but tonight: Baked Tilapia, steamed veggies, salad and rice……..OMG, what I would fix at home. How’s that for the food planets aligning?

    Good night!
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    Nice Job! It is so hard to motivate when traveling. I find if I work out first thing in the morning when traveling, (since I don't usually do that) it really empowers me to make good decisions the rest of the day. It is really hard to resist the temptations of expense accounts, etc. I have found my Fitbit to be a big help in keeping my activity level up while traveling. I have done laps at the airport, hotel hallways/stairs, around the hotel, etc. to make sure I hit my activity goals.
  • NuclearTraveler
    When I travel I am usually on a job for a month or so. One of the first things I do after finding a Wal-Mart, is to find a good fitness facility that won't gouge me for recurring membership fees and join. If I pay for it, I'll use it