just a few pounds/inches to go - is this for me?

Hello all! I've barely worked today - spent the entire day reading all your posts (don't tell my boss!) Now I would like some expert advise.

Anyway, I lost 20 pounds a few years ago on the 17-day diet, reaching a goal weight of 143. Over two years I slowly gained about 8-10 pounds back. I tried to do the same regimen again in January and flopped totally. I switched to a low-carb approach, which has worked for me before, and lost 4 pounds in 25-30 days but have lost nothing in the last week. I've been eating low carb, about 1450 calories a day. I do eat mostly whole foods - very little in the way of processed foods. I drink 8+ glasses of water a day, easily.

I would really like to lose about 8 more pounds, and a few inches off of my waist and lower body. I also really like food, and would like to eat. Lastly, I really like cardio (mostly cycling/spinning), am not so fond of weight training (it bores me) and have very bad knees, so can't do things such as plyometrics and running.

I'm willing to try this metabolic reset thing, but, since I'm only trying to lose a few more pounds, I wondering if I should jump straight to eating my TDEE, or just add 100 calories a week until I get to my TDEE?

Here are my stats:

43 y/o female
CW: 145
GW: 138
BMR: 1387 / TDEE: 2150 (used that scoobydoo calculator)

I generally burn 500+ calories in a 60+ minute workout, 5 times a week (and yes, I wear a HRM). Though I have a desk job, I maintain an "active" lifestyle - I'm outside if the sun is shining, golfing, cycling, mowing, just DOING. Not a couch potato.

So - am I figuring this right?

My daily intake should be about 1827 calories (TDEE - 15%)
The difference between my TDEE and BMR is 440, so if I burn more than 440 calories, should I also eat the additional burned calories?

Also - do I add just 100 cal/day until I reach my TDEE-15%? I ask this because I haven't been on a "starvation diet" per se, I've been eating 1450 / day, for only the last 40+ days. I feel like maybe my metabolism needs just a small adjustment, and not a big one.


  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Sounds like EM2WL would be perfect for you --- and for anyone tired of feeling hungry, trying all kinds of various "diets" and Yo-Yoing up and down constantly....

    Personally, yes, I would raise your calories in 100 calorie increments. Add 100 calories a day to your daily goal, and stay at that level for a week or so before adding another 100 calories a day. This gives your body (and mind) time to adjust along the way. You said you have been eating 1,450 calories a day recently. Is that gross, or net? If that has been gross and you are burning ~500 calories a day, then you have been netting about 900 calories a day. If it's net, then the process should be quicker...

    Now, are you doing a reset? If yes, then you will want to work your way up to TDEE (2,150) not that 15% cut. Some elect to go to cut, while others elect to do the reset first.

    Yes, if you have "big burn" days, you can add some additional calories so that you don't net below your BMR, but if you are doing this consistently, then you have underestimated your activity on Scooby and probably need to re-figure your TDEE using a higher activity level...

    Hope that helps a little - get back to us with some of those answers and we will be happy to help you some more :-)
  • shellyamundson
    shellyamundson Posts: 13 Member

    Personally, yes, I would raise your calories in 100 calorie increments. Add 100 calories a day to your daily goal, and stay at that level for a week or so before adding another 100 calories a day. This gives your body (and mind) time to adjust along the way. You said you have been eating 1,450 calories a day recently. Is that gross, or net? If that has been gross and you are burning ~500 calories a day, then you have been netting about 900 calories a day. If it's net, then the process should be quicker...

    Now, are you doing a reset? If yes, then you will want to work your way up to TDEE (2,150) not that 15% cut. Some elect to go to cut, while others elect to do the reset first.

    Thanks so much, Anitra, for responding to my questions!

    That 1450 number is my gross, and yes - I sometimes burn more than 500 calories in a day (895 today). I don't think I want to do the full reset if I don't need to. I've only been dieting 40+ days compared to people who have been going on months and months before they reach a plateau. I think if I tried the "cut" first, and if I didn't see results I would try the reset.

    There is so much fear involved in this decision! I feel great, look pretty good, but know that I need to make a change if I am going to make it to my goal, and find a better way of maintaining over an extended period of time. I have completely forsaken chocolate (on Easter, for goodness sake!), bread and potatoes, and I know it's time for me to start reintroducing those things in moderation. Maybe that's where my extra 100 calories a day will come from.

    I have a vacation coming up in a week, and I hope to splurge a little while I'm away and then if I'm still feeling it - will make this change when I return. I'm excited by the possibilities!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You've been eating gross 1450 per day on average.

    You burn 500 or more (closer to 400 if you remove the resting calorie burn that would have happened anyway) calories in exercise off the top of that 1450 avg, a good 5 days weekly.

    You leave your body around 1000 calories for the energy needs of your otherwise active lifestyle, and any repair and rebuilding the exercise needs, if anything leftover for the body to actually do so.

    You only have 7 lbs left to go.

    And this has been constant for tad over 40 days.

    And you do little to no resistance training.

    That all sounds correct?

    And how much are you currently losing each week with that direction?

    So be prepared for vacation, since any weight loss is a required combo of that much exercise and that low eating level.
    Then again, if maintaining, it requires that low eating level and that much exercise just not to gain.
    How low would you have to eat if no or less exercise?

    Just trying to convince you that this is indeed the way to go - because can you imagine any relaxing vacation being a great memory if you had to eat 1000 calories daily, or exercise the same amount to enjoy a whole 1450 daily?
    Yikes that would suck.
  • def think EM2WL is for you - my thoughts on reset though - is it doesn't have to be long however if you eat up to your TDEE via 100 extra a day it won't take you long to get there ie just 7 days - however if you went straight to your "cut" then you are saying to your body your "cut" is your TDEE - so then when you need to cut ... ie you are back into the dropping cals too low theory. so I would go to your TDEE over a week and see what happens there - to be honest I was like you think I will jump straight to TDEE and then cut - but I lost and gained weight doing it and so am sat at 2500 waiting to let my body catch up - cos when I cut I want to do this right - I don't want to have to redo this again. Its more mental than anything else and yeah scared of that scale - you will feel bloated which is almost as bad to be honest!

    I say go for it but go for TDEE - which probably matches with your holiday so maybe taking a "break" at this time is a good thing.. either way good luck!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Now knowing you are eating 1450 per day gross, not net, then you are leaving your body on average about 1,000 calories a day to survive, closer to 500 or 600 calories on a day like yesterday.... Even though you have not been doing this long-term, I would still suggest the reset.

    If you go the slow route (bumping your calories up by 100 a week), getting to TDEE will take a couple of months. If you are wanting to look at this as a long term, sustainable way of life, then I would definitely go that route. It will take longer, but it will give your body (and mind) time to adapt and stabilize along the way.

    I would also not rush that reset process. Once you get to TDEE, stay there for a month or two. This is actually the time where you are "re-feeding" and "teaching" your metabolism of what Normal or Maintenance is. If you go to cut, and not TDEE, you risk having your body think that your cut is your TDEE. This is the time when you want to push the envelope and push your calories as high as you can, stay there for a while, and *then* take your cut.

    If your metabolism has been suppressed, this will be your chance to push it back up to where it should be. It won't be a fast process, but it will be maintainable *for life*. Since the other options involve either Yo-Yoing on and off diets, or living a life of deprivation, you are definitely making the right choice. Just take it nice and slow, and at the end you should be able to eat *and Maintain* at TDEE, and then that slight 15% deficit should result in a loss.

    As far as your vacation, personally I would just relax and enjoy. Your weight will likely bounce up as glycogen stores are refilled, but vacations are all about relaxing, then come back with a plan in mind...

    Feel free to add me if you would like a shoulder to lean on along the way...
  • shellyamundson
    shellyamundson Posts: 13 Member
    You've been eating gross 1450 per day on average.

    You burn 500 or more (closer to 400 if you remove the resting calorie burn that would have happened anyway) calories in exercise off the top of that 1450 avg, a good 5 days weekly.

    You leave your body around 1000 calories for the energy needs of your otherwise active lifestyle, and any repair and rebuilding the exercise needs, if anything leftover for the body to actually do so.

    You only have 7 lbs left to go.

    And this has been constant for tad over 40 days.

    And you do little to no resistance training.

    That all sounds correct?

    And how much are you currently losing each week with that direction?

    So be prepared for vacation, since any weight loss is a required combo of that much exercise and that low eating level.
    Then again, if maintaining, it requires that low eating level and that much exercise just not to gain.
    How low would you have to eat if no or less exercise?

    Just trying to convince you that this is indeed the way to go - because can you imagine any relaxing vacation being a great memory if you had to eat 1000 calories daily, or exercise the same amount to enjoy a whole 1450 daily?
    Yikes that would suck.

    Thanks for your input - it is all appreciated. I do some resistance training: mostly sculpting intervals with 5-10 pound dumb bells, and I average 60 push-ups, and 6-10 sets of abs each time I work out. I don't JUST lift weights though, I'l admit.

    I have lost a total of 4 pounds in the last 40+ days, but have been stuck at this same weight now for 2 weeks. Not losing anything anymore. I am a big believer in the idea that doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity. Again, it is just the thought of the gain that will likely happen before the loss starts that is scary.

    One good thing about my vacation - it will be active. Bike rides and golf planned for every day - so that will help some with my splurging. :)
  • shellyamundson
    shellyamundson Posts: 13 Member
    Now knowing you are eating 1450 per day gross, not net, then you are leaving your body on average about 1,000 calories a day to survive, closer to 500 or 600 calories on a day like yesterday.... Even though you have not been doing this long-term, I would still suggest the reset.

    Thanks again, Anitra! I will wait until after my vacation, but I think I have nothing to lose (except weight) by giving it a try.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I totally agree! Enjoy that active vacation, and when you come back you are going to rock this!