How is everyone doing

My weigh in was tonight and I'm down 1.25 lbs . It sure is slow but at least it is in the right direction.


  • azkelly182
    azkelly182 Posts: 2 Member
    My weight seems to fluctuate +/- 5 lbs in a week. I weight at the same time in the morning every day. But this is frustrating, I can't tell if I'm actually losing weight or what is going on. The scale is a good one too...
  • sweetblackberry1
    sweetblackberry1 Posts: 29 Member
    My weight seems to fluctuate +/- 5 lbs in a week. I weight at the same time in the morning every day. But this is frustrating, I can't tell if I'm actually losing weight or what is going on. The scale is a good one too...

    I have the same problem I have 3 days in a row that I weight 140 but if I weight myself in the Wii fit I weight 144 so I don't know what to think : (
  • Mine fluctuates too. That is why I only record the official weigh in at TOPS. I can gain a pound just walking out to the car LOL! I would suggest you pick the same time each week and take your weight then. Sometimes measurments are a better indication of how you are doing. Hang in there . Joyce
  • ProudAirforceWife
    ProudAirforceWife Posts: 38 Member
    I weigh myself everyday but I only record once a week, same time, same scale (ALWAYS). I do it when I get up, go to the bathroom and I weigh in the buff. Your weight will go up/down due to TOM, water weight, something you just ate, etc. It is the long term goal. I know that if I have treat meal, the scale won't be the same the next day. Also, take measurements. The scale is just one part of the journey. Losing inches, gaining muscle and how your clothes feel are all part of it too, as well as your energy! I use an app called Happy Scale to record my daily weights. Regarding the weight loss being slow...remember a loss is a loss whether it is .1 lb or 2 lbs. If the number is less than a week ago or two weeks ago or a month ago, I am a happy girl. Day by day and small steps gets you to the big goals :) Have a great day!
  • anneboleynr
    anneboleynr Posts: 23 Member
    I'm doing pretty good. This week is the TOM, though, so I'm expecting to see temporary weight fluctuations because of that, bah. Oh well, I'm sure it'll work itself out by next week.
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    That's great!

    I'm doing pretty well; I've been trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet and am getting rid of dairy as well. I stepped on the scale today and I lost 2 pounds from the last time I weighed myself. However, I'm going to wait till Saturday when I usually weigh myself because it might change.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I'm doing ok, I guess... the last two weeks have been pretty crazy, and I'm now about to start the busiest week of my spring (a show that I'm directing opens next Friday.) I haven't lost anything, only maintained, though I guess with as off the wall my food has been that it could have been worse. But, now I'm two weeks behind so I'm trying to refocus and regroup.
  • DaniW130
    DaniW130 Posts: 18 Member
    I must say I've been doing pretty awful with my diet. Haven't been focusing on the calories lately and I know 1500 works best for me, have been ranging around 2000 cals per day.. But I know I'm doing so much better than before unknwingly eating like 2500 cals per day - no wonder I was gaining weight! I was down 5 pounds 3 weeks ago now only down one pound, however I have lost 2 inches off my bust and 1 off my waist so it's good for inches to go down and not necessarily focus on the weight. It's really crunch time now with summer and the thought of skimpier clothes daunting me!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Springs helping to get some exercise. I signed up for my first 5K in years. I'm hoping to just finish it. Although the scale hasn't budged for 6 months, I'm dropping sizes (and therefore inches). Today I donated two pair of new shorts that were too biiigg. Yay. Unfortunately, I'm not really in the next size down (in but with a muffin top). I donated the others anyway. Same with my jeans and yoga pants. Oh well, I guess I'll wear more dresses. I'm dreading the summer because I'm going on a two month vacation and am afraid I will overeat and lose the tiny progress I've made. I'm cutting out processed food and refined sugar AGAIN today. I'm determined to reach my goal.
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    I didn't log almost all last week since I was out of town and without my food scale!! I'm sure I went over maintenance a few days. I'm back on the wagon this week, but I'm a little afraid to look at the scale. Ugh.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Things going better, even lost a bit, just trying to get my life back after being preoccupied all spring. Today went shopping for a few things, I had a gift card and a coupon wanting to be used... ended up very, VERY frustrated, how can I be over 30 pounds down and not even a size down yet??? At most, my current size is fitting me "better". Zillions of women lose 30 pounds and drop four or five sizes. I just don't get it.

    Came home and ate too much as a result, of course- my knee-jerk reaction to stress and disappointment every time. But I stopped myself way sooner than I would have in the old days, so I guess that's something. I ended up eating more of a 'maintenance' level of calories instead of my deficit. Could have (and has) been worse.
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Losing 30 lbs is a great accomplishment, don't get discouraged. Make sure your doing some strenght training to tone your muscles. I have found that simple lunges have made a big improvement in my legs. I only use light weights (8lbs) at home but can see that it makes a difference when I add it to my cardio. Also try planks, they engage all of your core and then some.

    Hope this helps. Keep up the good work.