Looking for IIFYM's buddies


Looking for IIFYM's buddies :)

*Add me pretty please*

Since I'm doing "IIFYM" now by the book, I have set all my workout's to 1 calorie burned since I can't put in a number. I'm supposed to eat the same amount of calories/carbs/fat/protein on workout days & non-workout days. I was doing "IIFYM" on a reckless setting for lower calories & number lol! But since I'll be teaching an outdoor zumba class for the summer & another class, I've decided to put it on the suggested setting since I'll be doing more activity & outside :) I'm still gonna log my calories burned with another app tho or right it down. *It will make me feel better* BTW: IIFYM's stands for: If It Fits Your Macro's :)

Peace All,