thyroid and skin issues

nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
Hi All

As a small child I had bad exzema, which returned as an adult, with hindsight probably at about the same time as I became hypothyroid.

I was diagnosed a year or so ago now and am on 125mg of synthoid, and my TSH is now just over 1

however my skin is still an issue, I have another bad skin reaction, hives/itching for ages and now a skin infection over my chest, arms, back and legs (I feel like the elephant man with body dandruff!) so I am now on antibiotics and stroid cream

my question is could this be thyroid related and is this a T3/4 thing?? we dont get tested for these in the UK (at least I dont!) if so what can I do about it or do I just have to live with it??

I eat mostly gluten free (with the occasional pizza shaped lapse) and I dont drink milk just some cheese and cream

any ideas because this is driving me insane!



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,303 Member
    I see you do not mention fruit and veg. With the help of a consultant immunologist I am realising my salicylate sensitivity impacts on the, my thyroid function. I realise this will not cause everyone a problem but as salicylate is a toxin, utilised in aspirin to help with pain, it is possible to have too much of it, we all can take different even fluctuating levels some of us with several intermittent problems others with more intense ones. Skin problems can be one manifestation. Many most plants make salicylate to protect themselves from moulds and mildews. I am unable to see you food diary so I will list some of the key high foods. Olive oil, tomato purée, vanilla - this flavours almost everything, herbs, spices, pineapples, apples, dark green veg. There is an official list on the Salisilate Sensitivity site and also from the first dietitians work, Anne Swane and her colleagues from her Australian hospital. This site also has a list of related health problems.

    Hope this is not you. It is difficult to find medics who know much about it.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Just throwing this out there - I have a co-worker who developed terrible eczema and it turns out he had a nickel allergy. Our region apparently has a high concentration of nickel in the soil so now he needs to watch WHERE his fruits and veggies come from. You could also try going organic for a bit and see if that helps. I have a friend who is hypersensitive to pesticides and that solved the problem for her. Granted, her troubles were more stomach and head, but it's something else that's out there. Hope you figure it out!
  • nickiboop
    nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for your help, I think I know what it is and its not my thyroid its the field of oil rape plants near my house,

    my normal hayfever complaints sneezing and runny nose are under control by medication (I swear I rattle when you shake me!) But I think the pollen is still irritating my skin, with hindsight when my skin flares its the same timeish as the rape come out