Butter Snacking

Quick question from a newbie? I dont always meet my fat goal in my macros so lately i have been eating sweet butter (butter, cream cheese, and vanilla extract) Is that ok? Seems super uhhhh wrong but taste so good!!!! Any help please!!!!!!! Thanx :-D


  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I would guess it's fine. Lots of people eat coconut oil or drink a BPC for additional fat.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    1 TBS Butter and 1TBS Oil in my coffee, seemed wrong so I started adding 2 TBS heavy cream... then 1 TBS cocoa =Yumm and 334 cal, 5g carbs, 37g fat
    ^whip, or blend for best flavor/texture, I use magic bullet or immersion blender.

    Now I am hooked and loving it. I could dump the carbs with no cream or cocoa but its so tasty I haven't tried it yet.

    I see nothing wrong with it.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Looks like a sort of fat bomb to me. I like coconut oil melted with a bit of peanut butter & cocoa. Some days its hard to get those fat numbers up.
  • Thank you guys soooooo....much for all the reassurance. Low fat brainwashing for all these years seems to have stuck but im moving forward. Thanks again!
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Thank you guys soooooo....much for all the reassurance. Low fat brainwashing for all these years seems to have stuck but im moving forward. Thanks again!

    I've only just started this eating lifestyle, but oh I hear you about the brainwashing. By the time I went to bed last night (my first full day) I was feeling sooo guilty about eating butter/cheese/bacon...all the things that forever I had to not have or limit because they were fattening. Then when I woke up this morning and saw 3 lbs down...I don't feel so bad now :P

    I love it!! I never realized how GOOD real sweet cream butter is until now...
  • Lol i know that feeling. All of the dieters in my classroom are so confused when i say i lost 4 lbs this week and they see me eating chicken wing dip with tortilla chips (made from low carb tortilla shells.) I almost want to hide my lunch from them but i wont be ashamed if eating fat makes me lose! LOL :-) Keep it up and have fun with it!
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    You want to see someone eating butter, take a look at this! He eats a whole stick of kerrygold at one meal.... course, its his only meal for the day... http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/who-knew-eating-butter-would-be-so-controversial/22585
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I drink heavy cream latte is starbucks, those ones are like 1200 cals of fat, iced ones are 600 cals. I would get weird looks when I started ordering those, got lectured by a stranger on fats. I didn't care , now every one wants to know how I was losing weight with 12-16 oz of heavy cream latte. Sodium is another thing which I eat lots of it on low carb diet.
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    I drink heavy cream latte is starbucks, those ones are like 1200 cals of fat, iced ones are 600 cals. I would get weird looks when I started ordering those, got lectured by a stranger on fats. I didn't care , now every one wants to know how I was losing weight with 12-16 oz of heavy cream latte. Sodium is another thing which I eat lots of it on low carb diet.

    I'm so jealous! I've tried asking three different Starbucks here after you mentioned it before and none seem able to grasp the idea. :-/
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I drink heavy cream latte is starbucks, those ones are like 1200 cals of fat, iced ones are 600 cals. I would get weird looks when I started ordering those, got lectured by a stranger on fats. I didn't care , now every one wants to know how I was losing weight with 12-16 oz of heavy cream latte. Sodium is another thing which I eat lots of it on low carb diet.

    I'm so jealous! I've tried asking three different Starbucks here after you mentioned it before and none seem able to grasp the idea. :-/

    It's easy now, few months ago I wrote to Starbucks corporate about how painful it is to order heavy cream latte. They fixed it a month ago. You just order heavy cream latte and they have added Heavy whipping cream as part of milk, just like soy milk as a substitute.
  • bchavis2012
    bchavis2012 Posts: 10
    I drink heavy cream latte is starbucks, those ones are like 1200 cals of fat, iced ones are 600 cals. I would get weird looks when I started ordering those, got lectured by a stranger on fats. I didn't care , now every one wants to know how I was losing weight with 12-16 oz of heavy cream latte. Sodium is another thing which I eat lots of it on low carb diet.

    OMG my mouth is watering!!! As soon as i get off work Im going home to make one!!! People always lecture me about fats but im losing fat not just weight, i feel sooooo...energized, and i really feel like i could do this long term (like forever) They cant argue with results!
  • bchavis2012
    bchavis2012 Posts: 10
    You want to see someone eating butter, take a look at this! He eats a whole stick of kerrygold at one meal.... course, its his only meal for the day... http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/who-knew-eating-butter-would-be-so-controversial/22585

    well i dont eat that much butter but if that works for him thats beautiful. People will always have something to say but now i dont feel bad about my butter snacking lol
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I got up in my cupboard today and dug through a bunch of things my grandma had left me. I remembered last night that she had had a beautiful covered crystal butter dish that she used for holidays and special occasions that was somewhere in there.

    So, I went and found it, and cleaned it up well. It's now sitting on my counter with a stick of BUTTER in it. It's so pretty...and really makes me glad that I am eating like this so it actually can be used.

    My family always ate margarine, and butter was only for special occasions OR for making the family cookie recipes etc.After my grandma passed, it was just wrapped and put away, and ended up in a bunch of stuff in a box that I got from my mom with dishes, and glasses and whatnot.

    I just wanted to say, its nice that I can actually use the butter dish now....it brings back such great memories when I see it on my counter. Makes eating the butter so much better in a way!! I don't think I will ever not have butter around :)
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    I drink heavy cream latte is starbucks, those ones are like 1200 cals of fat, iced ones are 600 cals. I would get weird looks when I started ordering those, got lectured by a stranger on fats. I didn't care , now every one wants to know how I was losing weight with 12-16 oz of heavy cream latte. Sodium is another thing which I eat lots of it on low carb diet.

    I love those! I think the name for those is Breve Latte. :)
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    I drink heavy cream latte is starbucks, those ones are like 1200 cals of fat, iced ones are 600 cals. I would get weird looks when I started ordering those, got lectured by a stranger on fats. I didn't care , now every one wants to know how I was losing weight with 12-16 oz of heavy cream latte. Sodium is another thing which I eat lots of it on low carb diet.

    I'm so jealous! I've tried asking three different Starbucks here after you mentioned it before and none seem able to grasp the idea. :-/

    It's easy now, few months ago I wrote to Starbucks corporate about how painful it is to order heavy cream latte. They fixed it a month ago. You just order heavy cream latte and they have added Heavy whipping cream as part of milk, just like soy milk as a substitute.

    I'll try again, but often American things don't filter correctly (or at all) to Japan... The A&W restaurants here have never heard of diet root beer, for example.