General Chit-Chat --part 4

dward59 Posts: 731 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Again that previous post was getting very long!!

<original thread here >

<part two here;

<part three here >

Time to start fresh. Let the chat commence again.


  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Just wanted to pop my head in and say hi and I'm sorry for falling off the face of the earth.

    I hope everyone is doing well! I look forward to catching up with all of you.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I cannot believe it's May 1st. Where has time gone? The month of April I stalled in my weightloss journey. I didn't eat well and I didn't exercise as much as I normally do. So, I will take it day by day.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Nice to see you Jess :)

    Crystal, good attitude keep at it :)

    I can't believe it's may either, my youngest natural child is turning 9 this month, Yikes it makes me feel old!

    I hope everyone has a great day :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    It's great to see you again Jess! Stick around. :smile: I like your profile pic... it's very cute.

    Crystal, it's easy to stall yourself and get complacent about your food. I've lost next to nothing this month. I've given myself a kick in the butt and WILL do better in May. One day at a time and keep your eye on the goal! :flowerforyou:

    Holly, the kids get big too fast. It makes me a bit sad. Happy b-day to your little man though!!!

    Well, I'm sick again. :sick: This time running a 38.4 degree fever. Even worse I gave whatever this is to my 6yr old. He's home sick today, he spiked a 39.3 fever. We're both taking our tylenol and getting lots of sleep. I just hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the family. I'm starting to wonder if I should see a doc. I've had a head cold for over a month and a half, of one kind or another. Maybe I have some kind of infection... setting them off. Or I'm getting paranoid. lol!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Nice to see you, Jess!

    @Crystal - That's a great place to start. Sometimes if a day seems too much just break it down into smaller bits until it builds itself up for a day, then a week, and so on.

    @Holly - Happy birthday to your little one! You're not old. You have too much pep to you!

    @p1xny1xy - Sorry to hear you're still fighting the bug, and that it is starting to spread around. My brother has a couple of little ones and everything gets traded around the house a few times it seems.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Well I seen the doctor, she is pleased with me, I was down 2.5 lbs from my last visit with her and that makes her happy which makes me happy, and than chaos follows, my mom is hungry she wants to go to a burger joint, we are low on basic groceries so I agree, a burger and fries later and I feel so sick.... I can't slip away from my plan Yikes

    Anyways off to bed I am so tired
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    For day of having oral surgery (3 teeth were pulled today) it's not been that bad. I've been managing the pain with over the counter stuff. I got a fair amount of exercise in, just had to modify a few things as I am not supposed to bend or stoop or lift for the next couple of days.

    @Holly - When you wake up in the morning it's a whole new day. What happened was only a hiccup in the grand scheme of things. You didn't go in for extras or anything, don't know if you would have before or not though, which is good. Tomorrow/today will be better.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    It's been a pretty uneventful weekend for me so far. Nothing of note to report except I'm happy the weather is beautiful!

    Crystal, good luck this month! Day by day is a great attitude, don't let yourself get overwhelmed.

    Holly, you're way too young at heart to feel old just yet! Don't let the burger thing get you down too much. Hope you're doing better!

    Pix, thanks! It's one of my favorite pictures of the two of us. I'm sorry you're sick again, I hope you're feeling better though. Sounds like going to a doctor might be a good idea.

    Lily, yikes! Oral surgery is no joke, I'm glad you're managing though. Hopefully the pain goes away quickly!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Yay it's Monday and I'm going to freeze to death! I'm pretty sure my work needs a better plan for heating than they have it's colder in my office than outside, but because the building is super old the heat is super old and we freeze often through the year! And because our electricity is so old only some rooms can use portable heaters at a time or we blow the beakers, so this morning I get freezing! Hopefully it warms up outside some more so my office warms up a few degrees!

    I should work for an hour, hope everyone has a warmer Monday than mine!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    It's been a quiet group the last few weekS, I hope this means that everyone is outside enjoying the nice weather!

    I am getting excited my mom is going to be moving out in the next 3 weeks, we don't have an exact date but we do have a timeline and I am super excited! I am also going to start treadmill shopping at the end of the week! I'm waiting because I am going to be going to the states and I may be able to get one cheaper down there! I had to work hard to save up so I am hoping it means I will be better behaved with it!

    My husband and I are on a financial diet now too, we have locked up our credit cards and they are only allowed to visit for things like the hotel room and emergencies. It's hard being financially responsible but I don't want to get a second job which is the road we are on right now! I don't want to see how that would hurt my family time! I already miss my kids none stop if I had to go to a second job I would miss even more of there stuff!

    Well lunch is past over I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday! :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Holly, those financial diets take some getting used to, don't they? We are also trying to tighten the purse strings. I'm planning to give up the day job at the end of summer and return to the early semi-retired status I enjoyed prior to accepting this job. (They "made me an offer I couldn't refuse")
    Anyway, I've gotten used to living beyond my means and I'm ready for a change....and also scared for it a little.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hey Holly, congrats on taking that step. I keep telling dh that we have to make some decisions in that area and he's dodging the whole discussion. :grumble: Have you got your treadmill yet? Super exciting!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Holly, excellent job taking responsibility and getting situated financially! We are going through something similar, and while it's not easy it certainly is worth it! Have you gone treadmill shopping yet? Hope you find a great one!

    I've been spending the morning with my sister (in law) at the hospital, her mom had to have minor surgery and we've been keeping her company. I keep telling myself I should use the time to do homework, but Facebook is just so distracting!

    Hope everyone is having an excellent Friday :-)
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    The financial diet is hard, I like shopping lol!

    We didn't get the treadmill I did some price shopping here and than on the 24th I am going to the states so I am going to price shop there and than if I don't find a better deal I will come back and buy it here! Stuff like that is usually a few hundred cheaper in the states!

    I am so tired, I should get some sleep soon

    Hope everyone had a rocking Monday
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Apparently I did buy a treadmill today, my friend found out I was looking and she is selling me hers! 200 is a good price for a starter treadmill!! I am not getting the treadmill until the 1st when my mom moves out so I have a couple weeks to buy new running shoes, and to do some reading on how to avoid injury! Since my goal is to be able to run/jog in the end I want to do it smart!

    Well I am just in a good mood now :)
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Holly - Congrats! I know you've been looking forward to that treadmill for awhile. You're doing the right thing, definitely, by looking up on how to avoid injury. I'm just so happy for you.:drinker:
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Good for you, Holly! I hope you love your new treadmill. :)
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Holly, that's awesome! It's great that you're going about things the smart way, too. It will make things easier for you in the long run.

    Went grocery shopping last night, it's always nice to get good food in the house. Now I need to get my kitchen cleaned up and all will be good in the world.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Holly that's awesome! Just be careful about the treadmill. Check to make sure it is right for you. Try it out!!!! I've gotten treadmills before that way. The motors aren't always made for heavier folks, so they can run crappy. I've gotten 2 duds that way. Plus if it's not right and comes from your friend it can make things complicated. Just a suggestion!!!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I didn't think to check if it could handle my weight though I know it runs well otherwise! My daughter is so excited she wants to leave it in her room but I'm not sure I want to wade through her dirty clothes to use it lol!

    So I skipped weigh in this week, I had an argument with my scale and I'm ignoring it! In truth the argument is with myself I slowly allowed myself to start having extra treats again and like normal the scale started to reflect that so I locked up the scale but I realize it is my fault and I don't want to back track I don't want to start all over again! I will do weigh in next week and whatever is will be!

    I think it's amazing how easily we turn on ourselves, I worked so hard for my goals and I was willing to trade it all in for some
    Slurpees and carbtastic goodies! Well it's not going to happen to me!

    My mom and my teenage niece are moving out of my house in two weeks, I amp going back to not cooking pasta and rice because I am weak and I can't just eat one! And my husband is going to get banned soon, he quit smoking 7 weeks ago and now he wants junk all the time, I would strangle him if I wasn't so happy he finally quit smoking! ( I quit a few years ago except for a brief 2 week slip up at Christmas time)

    Well time to get back to work... Yay long weekend (Canadian) :)