


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    I am a 41yo mom living in Athens. I just got my vivofit and it was a dud. I got a replacement and started using it today. I got the hrm bundle, but haven't used the hrm yet. I've never used a tracker (other than a pedometer), nor an hrm. I do lots of urban walking and try to run regularly. I was very surprised to see how many steps I covered just this afternoon, but now that it's my nighttime "veg" time, I'm going nuts over the red bar of shame--I wish it'd take into consideration all the walking/running I did this afternoon. haha!

    You can add me by the same name (FromHereOnOut) at Garmin Connect. I think I requested in to the group by following the link (I also don't have "groups" in my list menu).
  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome Sherry. In the testing I have done, wearing the HRM while walking or running does not buy you much in the way of added accuracy. I also cycle, inline skate, and kayak and the HRM is essential in getting appropriate calorie expenditure credit for those activities.

    I hope we can help you ease into the world of Garmin and Vivofit. There are still some pretty rough edges but you have bought the best tracker out there today.
  • MrsD616
    MrsD616 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there. I am 37, Upstate NY. I have been using VF for just a couple of days and already really like it. I had a Fitbit Force, but returned it due to the recall. Garmin Connect leaves much to be desired, but I was spoiled with Fitbit. I figure they will get it hooked up with MFP at some point too, so I will just be patient and deal. I mostly walk and bike ride. I didn't get the HRM (I have a Mio Motiva watch that I use occasionally). I rather use MFP to help with weight loss and the VF to just get my butt moving.
    Glad to find a group to experience this neat gadget together.
  • JaimeB03
    JaimeB03 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Jaime and I recently received a Vivofit for my birthday. I have been wanting an exercise monitor badly and my husband is a researchaholic and said this had the best reviews for accuracy. I am enjoying it so far but it is definitely lacking in the community aspect. I would love to see integration with MFP! I feel like being involved with a group can really expedite results and keep you motivated which is why I searched for and joined this group! My name is JaimeG3 on the Garmin site if you want to connect there!

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    fyi, I originally didn't have the "Groups" option in GC modern and found the group through the dashboard link and signed up. I also got a request for the Vivo Community group which I accepted. Now I magically have Groups in my menu, along with some other stuff that wasn't there before. Idk if it was due to an update, due to being in groups, due to using "activities" (which relates to the dashboard) or what, but I have it now! If you didn't have it before, keep checking
  • cfcperry
    cfcperry Posts: 4
    I am carol and just switched to the vivofit wit some concerns about leaving my fit bit.
    I love the heart rate monitor function and that is what pretty much did it but I have spent way too much time on trying to figure out work arounds to MFP too. I also have a garmin forerunner 210 but recently was using my Nike+ phone app to map runs due to ease. My goals are slight weight loss but then really health and maintenance. I have used MFP off and on with my fitbit over the years for post baby weight loss etc - but have never used it to maintain. That is really my goal - to maintain my maintenance weight and fitness after I can get a few "lazy" pounds off. And I love the garmin vivofit so far as a motivational tool and to keep me moving. I have small kids so my running is off and on due to summer and school activities. So recently it is more walking dog with kids and trying to get to the gym with them....
  • serialmahogany
    serialmahogany Posts: 42 Member
    Hey everyone, I am serialmahogany on here and Vivofit community. I am 32 and still have about 20-25 lbs to go. I recently switched from fitbit flex to a vivofit. Would love to have encouragement and also encourage others on their goals. Feel free to add me.
  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everybody,
    My garmin connect id is: Lisab64VVF. I am (almost - August) 50, have been at maintenance (after losing 50 lbs) for over 3 years, and live in the middle of nowhere (Upper Michigan). I used the BodyMedia Fit for over 3 years but HATED the armband and the tan line that accompanied it during the summer. Main reason I went with the Vivofit is because of the watch integrated into the activity tracker but really love the HR monitor capabilities - especially that it tells me what zone I'm in. I still use my Garmin Forerunner (and Vivofit) when I run.
    I've added a couple of you to my Garmin Connect but would love to have more connections both there and here on MFP.

  • zulumka
    zulumka Posts: 3
    Hi !

    I am a 40 yo living in Croatia.
    Have my vivofit for 40 days now, and loving it.

    You can add me, at Garmin Connect I'm aang

    Q: since start of using vivofit I've lost 7 kg ( 15 lb) and my BMR is still the same as it was when I started. Shouldn't it be lower by now ?
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    Zulumka Yes it will have dropped. Have you manually changed your weight at Garmin Connect? I don't think it automatically pulls it from mfp.
  • zulumka
    zulumka Posts: 3
    Zulumka Yes it will have dropped. Have you manually changed your weight at Garmin Connect? I don't think it automatically pulls it from mfp.
    yes , I manually update my weight at GarminConnect - changes are saved and diplayed, but no change in BMR.
  • mayalass
    mayalass Posts: 3
    I'm Maya, 43 years old, living in North Carolina. I do yoga and cycling and walk my dog through the woods near my house. I've been playing with the Vivofit for a couple of weeks now, it's fun, a game, "Oh no, the Red Bar o' Shame is back!" I had been using LoseIt but when I heard that MyFitnessPal was synching now with the Vivofit, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm a bit annoyed with the implementation so far. It's more work than it's worth at the moment, but maybe it will smooth out soon. I'd love to connect with other folks using both. My Garmin handle is maya9.
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi Mayalass, welcome.

    Zulumka on your Connect steps report - total calories graph - the bottom blue section of the bar is your bmr. I have lost 3kg and mine has decreased 40 points.
  • zulumka
    zulumka Posts: 3

    Zulumka on your Connect steps report - total calories graph - the bottom blue section of the bar is your bmr. I have lost 3kg and mine has decreased 40 points.
    mine blue part of bar was allways the same :(
    but , I manged to change it yesterday :), and it's 84 kcal down now
    this post here was helpfull, even with broken link :
    trick was to tell my band that my weight changed,
    for all that may have the same problem : you need to go to device settings/user settings , change something ( weight, sleep time, ....), then you'll get sync button - when you do sync that way - your band is acctualy receiving data from garmin connect , and only than is your new data taken into calculation

    I use to sync using quick launch icon - and that way only garmin connect gets data from the band ,while the bend is left with the same settings/data it had .

    Mayalass, welcome
  • Creusmarin
    Hi everybody!
    I ‘m Marina from Barcelona, I’m 34 and I have my vivofit since March, but it has been since the last few weeks that I am actually using it every day. As many as you point it has been very motivating, I’m also loving the steps challenges.
    I try to keep my steps count on more than 10,000, and I’m also using my HR band during long walks and cardio activity at the gym. I’ve been experience the same troubles with the calories results. I just read in Garmin Forum that this issue is going to be fixed in the next weeks.
    I’m new in MFP, I started using after the integration with garmin connect, I think it’s a great app, and it would be very useful, since I want to lose weight and I wasn’t really counting my calorie intake
    I found some issues with the integration and your comments in this group has been very helpful (I changed the names of the meal levels and it’s has been a mess I’m trying to fix)
    Here you have my profile user in Garmin, fell free to added me :smile:
  • marialuisa1981
    Hello! I am Maria from Canada , Edmonton. I am a 34 year old stay at home mom of three. Now that the kids are a little older I have committed myself to getting back in shape. My body has undergone many metamorphosies over the years and I'm ready to claim it back.

    My main goal is not just to get skinny (i would like to lose approximately 20 pounds), but I want to get fit. I just basically want a better lifestyle and model that for my children.

    I really love the Vivofit so far. I'm not enjoying their move to MFP as much as I thought I would. I find that my caloric intake and how much I have left don't coincide between the two. Not sure if its a bug or if I am just reading it all wrong.

    So far so good though. It has absolutely helped me keep motivated to keep going and keep doing more.

    Please feel free to add me to gamin connect.... would love to connect with more people. My user name is mariacara
  • d4rkkn16ht
    d4rkkn16ht Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all, I'm Richard.
    I just got my VF for a few days.

    I do Treadmill Interval Training + Calisthenics (Pull-ups & Sit-ups) + Boxing regularly.
    My experience with Garmin Connect so far is nice (only once sync glitch when I edit the calories in MFP it won't show up...not until several hours later).

    Anyone here can add me on Garmin Connect :wink:

    NOTE: My Garmin Connect username is the same with my MFP. It's d4rkkn16ht
  • _kimberly
    _kimberly Posts: 57 Member
    I just got my Vivofit today, please feel free to add me, my user name: DallasMama

    I was on FitBit (I bought the ULTRA in the UK) and FitBit stopped software support 14 months later. I hope to have better luck with the Vivofit. Also, I have the Garmin 305 with heart rate monitor and will eventually sync the heart rate monitor once I get a handle on all this.

    Also, feel free to add me here on MFP too (:
  • HelenWater
    HelenWater Posts: 232 Member
    Hi there, I'm polly274 on Garmin Connect.

    I've been using Vivofit and Polar Loop for a while and like both, but the integration with MFP is really handy.

    I'm happy to connect here and on Garmin Connect.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    My name is Trish, 53yrs and been with MFP for over 1000 days. Just got my Vivofit today and would like to join this group for info and inspiration. I also have a Fitbit(since 2012)...but that may be retired, if the Vivofit is better. Will trial both for awhile first.
    Also have a Garmin FR220 which I use for running indoors on a treadmill and outdoors when its suitable.