May workout check-in; May your squats be deep and plentiful



  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    A workout for me today.

    Squats 3x5 150 lbs (Yay I hit bw for squats)
    Bench 5/4/4 62 lbs
    Row 5/4/5 75 lbs

    Lateral barbell lifts 3x8 32 lbs
    Flies 3x5 10 lbs
    Db one arm rows 3x8 25 lbs
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies...yes I know oxymoron...

    Yah I agree Fit is the bomb

    I can't relate to gym bag;s just all beside me at my house sorry ladies

    @Katerina I love lifting barefoot socks even but of course I am home too...:bigsmile:

    @sara and Red sorry for the crappy feelings and such...hope it all turns around
    @skittle glad to see you here nice workout and yes breathless happens...hehe
    @four yes always include bar weight and as for depth to be honest I think me not going deep enough aggravated an injury as it seems to be doing better the deeper I get but that is preference as well.

    So workout B for me today Yah DL's...

    Squats warm ups @ 2x5 @ 65, 2x5@85 working weight @ 140 5x5 (staying for leg atm we will see after this workout) it still feels tight some days then others it's great...
    so I tried working out with just my tank doing squats...Yah is cold and it sticks so I can adjust it...crap.

    OHP debated these all day (down, stay, up)...warmups @ 2x5 15lb, 2x5@35 working weight @ 85 5x5 (decided to stay and work on my form ie video posted in the OHP threads) I think I love concentrated on form no issues at all...will move up to 88.5 on Friday.

    DL warmups 1x5 @ 90lb 1x5@ 140lb working weight @ 180 1x5

    Have a great week ladies....
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Back to the gym today after taking the last week off... I really love lifting weights. I'm astonished sometimes at how much I like lifting them. (And putting them back down. And lifting them again.)

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x5x115, 5x5x145 (going to hang out here for a while and watch form -- I'm able to go much deeper at 145 than I was at higher weights)

    OHP: 5x5x45

    Deadlifts: 2x5x45, 1x5x75, 1x5x95

    Chest dips: 3x10x-60 (machine)

    Hip raises: 3x15

    It's time to add some bridges, methinks...
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    Been reading as much as possible in the past few weeks while enjoying SLs 5X5. I have lifted in the past, but always followed a body part split and dreaded each lifting session. It took forever to progress in strength and I often found myself stuck at a particular weight for a month or more at times. The "3 sets of 10-12 reps" became a pain in the neck. The past few years I have had no consistent lifting (or really any type of consistent exercise). Since starting SLs 5X5, I can honestly say I am really loving weightlifting. and challenging myself every workout.

    You are all inspiring. Real Women with real jobs, families, and life problems doing Real Lifting. I'm glad that I found this group on here.

    Today was workout A. Working sets: Squat 115x5x5, Bench 75x5x5, Row 75x5x5.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Brand spankin' new to this program and pretty much a rookie. My first workout was today.

    I sought out a trainer and asked her to show me the squat rack. It's a good thing she did because I had previously stood in front of the Smith machine. She actually recommended the Smith machine and I explained that I really did want the Squat rack. I watched her do a few and then tried my own. She said I went too far down the first time, so I adjusted accordingly. The mirror isn't really in a great place but I was able to turn in the squat rack a little bit to see myself at an angle that would help me see how far I was going down.

    My daughter's friend's dad was there and he said that my squats looked great, but that what helped him in the beginning was dragging a bench over into the squat rack so that he knew how far he was squatting.

    Then a co-worker came over and chatted me up, so I rested about a minute too long in between my warm-up sets.

    Then my Body Pump instructor came over and chatted it up while urging me to continue as we chatted. She said that it looked like the bar was too easy for me. 45 did feel light because I already load up 50 when I'm doing high rep low weight in Body Pump but I just wanted to ease into this and get familiar with the bar before starting to load.

    Finally, I was left alone and finished my workout.

    Barbell (just the bar - 45) squats. Warmups were 2x5, 1x5, 1x3, 1x2 and then the 5x5's
    Bench (just the bar - 45) press. Warmups were 2x5, 1x5, 1x3, 1x2 and then the 5x5's
    Barbell Row I used the straight barbells that already have weights on them. They did not have a 45. So I did my warmup sets at 40. 2x5, 1x3, 1x2 and then my 5x5's with a 50.

    I did not feel breathless like I do in Body Pump but I think that's to be expected until I start loading on heavier weights. I did enjoy myself and look forward to my Tuesday workout B. I will be taking my Ipod next time and hopefully can kind of focus in without too much interference. :laugh:


    Yes, the bar will probably seem easy if you have been doing body pump for a while. As for depth, you should be aiming for hitting parallel (or just below) where the top of the thigh is parallel to the ground. If you really want to judge your depth, get a form video. Looking in the mirror can mess up your mechanics and throw your balance off if you really have to turn to look in it. A video will allow you to see things better and even pause at the bottom to evaluate. Box squats can help you get the feel for hitting the right depth.

    Thank you for the welcome! And thanks for the advice. Yes, I don't want to have to turn to use the mirror if I can help it. I'm really nervous about how I'll do after I add more weight on, so a form video would be good.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Warm up
    Squat: 5x5 @ 85
    Bench press: 4x5, 1x4 @ 50
    Barbell row: 5x5 @ 55

    Hope you all are having a good Monday!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Some awesome reading in here while I'm almost comatose after my first day of 531. I just have to remember I did this to myself since I chose my own accessory lifts.

    45x5. 95x5, 145x5, 185x5, 215x5, 240x8

    Front squats
    135 2x10 then 1x5 Maybe I should have rested longer. ughhh.

    Reverse lunge
    65 2x10 (each leg)

    Single leg hip thrusts 1x10 (each leg)

    Hip thrusts body weight 2x10

    Ab wheel 3x6

    Back extension 3x10

    1.1 mile "run" at the park.

    I had a protein shake while I caught on up the thread and I'm considering having another one and calling it dinner, but maybe I should fix something. The worst part is I have food all ready to go I just need to warm it and put it together. :laugh:
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I've been doing some reading about going "deep" with squats, and my question is, when they say ATG squats, do they really mean A all the way to the Ground? Or just A to the back of the calves? Or just below parallel? Or what?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I've been doing some reading about going "deep" with squats, and my question is, when they say ATG squats, do they really mean A all the way to the Ground? Or just A to the back of the calves? Or just below parallel? Or what?

    ATG usually means well below parallel where the thighs hit the back of the calves. The overall depth for ATG will depend on bar position, front bar lending to the deepest squat because the back angle is closer to 90 degrees.


    Not too many people have the flexibility in the calf and ankle to get ATG. It takes a lot of work and time to squat to that depth. It took me about a year to get from just above parallel to low bar ATG.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I was afraid I wouldn't be able to squat at all today due to a pulled muscle in my right quad. I tried it body weight only and it went ok so I went ahead and warmed up with the bar. It felt fine however, I think my form could be an issue. I think I'm leaning too far forward but I can't seem to lean back into it. Do you think my legs are just not strong enough? I'm going to practice with a stool and a broom stick to work on form until my next workout. Not real sure if I should to to add more weight until im sure my form is right.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Trainer had me do front squats today, warmed up with the bar, then he added 40 pounds! It was my first time doing front squats.

    I did one set with the bar, then 4x10 at 85 pounds. I needed a spot on my very last three reps on set 4, and failed the last rep.

    After that, I did a circuit of 20 hanging leg raises, 40 bodyweight squats, and 20 box jumps. Did that twice and didn't have time to complete the last planned round, thank God because I was drained. I asked my trainer if he was gonna let me whoop his *kitten* in the pool this summer. Lol, I teach swim lessons and he had expressed interest in learning the strokes.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    :-( Cannot train AGAIN, my colleague is sick and I jumped in for her. Another training day passed without training. I am really thinking about getting a home gym. Would make me way more flexible...

    Great work all of you, I miss lifting
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    @dldoddy, sometimes thinking of "leaning back" actually locks up my spine and neck because I'm afraid of landing on my rear! I think about letting the bar go in a straight path from top to bottom (does that make any sense?). Everyone internalizes cues a little differently, so that's the only reason I'm saying trying a different way of thinking might gain the same result?

    I'd say definitely practice with the broom and video yourself doing it, then compare with form videos that are posted in the group's sticky! EDIT: the tutorial ones, not people's form check videos.

    @Neon, the barbell misses you, too! I hope you can get back in there soon. :flowerforyou:

    @suremeansyes, badass front squats, especially for your first time!!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I didn't do Workout A today, because of time constraints...

    Barbell complex instead, all with the empty bar.

    OHP: 6 reps
    Alternating reverse lunge: 12 reps
    RDL: 6 reps
    Yates row: 6 reps

    x 4; took me about 12-13 minutes

    I then tried (stupidly) to practice my one legged RDL and my balance was not helped by residual shakiness. Does anybody have any tips for improving my balance on these? (besides just practice, lol)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I. Am. Drained. Holey cow!

    Today was HSPU/Front squats day. Obv I regressed the HSPU to Pike presses on an 18' box.<

    First set AMRAP x10
    2 step box jump/side @18inches
    6 + 20' jumps
    6 + 20'
    7 + 22'

    Front squats working up to a 3RM

    Then today's circuit was a grinder style session. You just gotta get through it all (cap 15 minutes)
    - 30 american KB Swings @ 30
    - 30 1-arm KB OH walking lunges @ 15 (I realized later it said 30 TOTAL, I did 30 per LEG >_<)
    - 30 T2B (regressed to Kneews to Bows)<
    - 30 KB Goblet squats @ 30
    - 30 burpees
    - 150 double unders - regressed to 300 single jumps.

    I got to 45 jumps by the 15 min mark. Tried to add the 255 remaining jumps about 2 mins later, but I was so out of it I kept jumping on the rope and it took 4 mins.

    Finished off with 3 20s hollow holds to work on core & grip
    Aaand finally did my 20 unbroken push-ups!

    I need a nap D:

    I then tried (stupidly) to practice my one legged RDL and my balance was not helped by residual shakiness. Does anybody have any tips for improving my balance on these? (besides just practice, lol)

    May sound silly, but try doing them barefoot. And hook your oes into the ground. Also, brace your abs and contract your butt. Makes a world of difference to just do the isometric holds at the same time.

    @dloddy try doing goblet squats with a moderate weight (like a third what you can do on the back squat) just to have a counter balance up in front. If you're still not staying upright enough, you might need to work on some hip/ankle mobility. Also, brace your abs! If they go fine, then it might just be a bit of a mental wall where you're afraid to sit back far enough. Practice with a box behind you. You'll get the hang of it ^^
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I then tried (stupidly) to practice my one legged RDL and my balance was not helped by residual shakiness. Does anybody have any tips for improving my balance on these? (besides just practice, lol)

    Balance starts in your feet and ends in your ears. Having strong foot/ankle/calf muscles will help because they will stabilize any movement. Being barefoot could help increase the sensory cues to the brain from the foot. Also, pick a spot on the floor just ahead of you and focus on that throughout the movement. This helps stabilize the visual aspect of balance and help your brain understand that you aren't moving all over the place.

    Balance work can be tricky. Yoga poses like tree pose or anything on a single arm and leg will help. You can also do work on a balance ball or board.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Not too many people have the flexibility in the calf and ankle to get ATG. It takes a lot of work and time to squat to that depth. It took me about a year to get from just above parallel to low bar ATG.
    ^^This. I sure as heck don't have that level of flexibility! I was squatting down to pet my dog yesterday (obviously no barbell lol) and my butt doesn't touch my calves. I can't even get my butt to touch my heels when I do Child's Pose for stretching!

    Yesterday was a cardio day - 60min cycling class. The instructor is hilarious. His name is Gary, he looks and sounds like Drew Peterson, but he's quirky and weird and all sorts of awesome with dry jokes. He always outlines the workload for the song, tells you, "You're gonna push hard and drive it home... or not." Cracks me up! He also picks a weird mix of classic rock and rap music for the songs, too, which is fantastic because I love that combo! Styx and Big Sean for the win!

    Today's plan is to do Workout A, but keep it to 3x5 then throw in a random mix of accessory lifts.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Great mind clearing workout for me today.

    Bench 75 lbs
    Incline Dumbbell Fly 15 lbs X2
    Curls 15 lbs X2
    Ab machine 50 lbs
    Lat pulldowns 50 lbs
    Tricep cable machine 20 lbs

    I ended with a 20 minute 2 mile run.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    ATG usually means well below parallel where the thighs hit the back of the calves. The overall depth for ATG will depend on bar position, front bar lending to the deepest squat because the back angle is closer to 90 degrees.


    Not too many people have the flexibility in the calf and ankle to get ATG. It takes a lot of work and time to squat to that depth. It took me about a year to get from just above parallel to low bar ATG.
    thanks for the picture! I haven't realized that as I am going up in weight, I am going lower and lower with the bar on my back and the angle of my back changing too. I was worried that I am starting to mess up form, but I guess I don't.

    I agree that the flexibility makes a difference. Despite my size , I am very flexible in my legs and never had a problem to squat down totally. Also i think balance can be an issue . I have terrible balance and I can not do front squat . because the back is not as bended and requires moire balance.

    My main problem with squat right now is the barbell digging into my back. I think started to do low squat instead of high squat, because the barbell bothered my shoulders. Now as the bar is lower it doesn't bothers my shoulders, but the bar sitting exactly on the metal circle on my bra and it digs into my flesh. the other day my husband said to me what a hell are those red circles on you. I checked in the mirror and 1 day after the lift the bra metal circle was still deep purple It is fine for now, but in a month time, I potentially want to wear sleeveless outside and it looks terrible. any advice?
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Yesterday was workout B for me. I had 2.5 day rest since Saturday morning and it definitely made a difference.
    warmup: 45x5, 75x5, 95x5,
    set 105x5x5

    warmup: 45x5,55x5,
    set: 65 lb : 5,5,4,3,3, somehow this 65 lb is the one I can not get over. Before my 2 weeks break, I was on this weight 3 times before I could move. I de-loaded after my break and this weight bugging me again. I really hope I get fractional's for mother's day and that might do the trick. I think going up 5 lb on the OHP is too much.

    warmup: 135x5
    set : 155x5
    assisted dip: 3x8 with 90 lb assistance
    leg raises: 4x13