10lbs by June without loss of strength!

Hello, I'm pretty much doing this anyways and started about the same time as you all and goal for the month of May, so, I thought I'd join this for extra inspiration to beat my friend to our long term weight goal. My challenge is to lose at this rate while losing no strength and stay the same in my lifts. Bench is not going to be included until my tendonitis heals :P

Markers I posted on my friends feed yesterday for each lift to maintain strength are all for minimum one good set of 10: Decline machine bench (the angle doesnt get the tendonitis bad luckily) 280 there, dip machine 370lbs, back day: 355lb shrugs, 290lb angled pulldown (elbow tendonitis hits straight pullup too), 380lb rows, leg day: 745lb leg presses and calve raises, abs: stack on machine x3 x15 reps. All at least one good set of x10 reps, reductions on following 2 sets expected, 8 and 5. These markers will keep me honest! Feel free to add me and post what your markers are and update per workout if you want to do it with me!


  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    Epic. Good luck
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Keep training and you'll make gains. Sounds like you know what your body needs in terms of nutrition. Don't worry about the body building bros who say that you have to get weak to get thin. Eat a lot and burn it off with cardio, that way your not limiting your protein intake.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    First two weeks markers, so far loss and strength both up!!! :
    Weight down 3.8lbs

    Markers (all were expected 10/8/5 sets, first number is current, second number after slash is starting weight)
    Shrugs: 375/355lb 10/10/8
    Pulldown: 300/290lb 10/10/8
    Rows: 410/380lb 10/8/8
    Leg press: 745/745lb 10/10/10
    Calf press: 745/745lb 10x3
    Ab machine: stack x 20/15/15
    Decline bench: 280/280lb 10/10/8
    Dips: 390/370 10/8/8

    Remember boys and girls, its "impossible to lose weight and gain muscle" ;)
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Love it. I have the same problem. Losing weight but my arms just keep getting bigger!
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Hey I just thought I'd check in and see how your doing.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Well, doing good after another week, progress is still going slowed weight loss a little bit:
    Weight down 4.6 lbs

    Markers all up (weights are thisweek/lastweek/starting, all were expected 10/8/5 sets)
    Shrugs: 385/375/355lb 10/10/8
    Pulldown: 320/300/290lb 10/10/8
    Rows: 420/410/380lb 10/10/10
    Leg press: 795/745/745lb 10/8/8
    Calf press: 795/745/745lb 10/8/8
    Ab machine: stack x 20/20/15
    Decline bench: 300/280/280lb 10/8/8
    Dips: 390/380/360 10/10/8 (starting corrected)

    Again, can't build muscle in a deficit? Hmmm, wrong! :) I did learn tonight however, do not go hiking for 2.5hrs and then be staving enough to eat Arbys sandwich and fries and then do a leg workout...it definitely does matter what you eat pre workout (oh no, another MFP "rule" broken!) I think I would have lifted significantly more without that first, ended up fading on the last reps, going a little shallower and passing on increasing more because my stomach didn't feel so well.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Also, my scale is being a jerk...not sure with the wide fluctuations its doing now, where exactly my weight really is, true loss w/o post workout inflammation and scale error may be a bit more. I need a new battery I think....
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Another week of progress, but weight loss needs to pick up if I'm going to finish -10lbs:
    Weight down 5.4 lbs

    Markers are all same or better than last week (weights are thisweek/3rd week/2nd week/starting week, all were expected 10/8/5 sets)
    Shrugs: 385/385/375/355lb 10/10/8
    Pulldown: 320/320/300/290lb 10/10/8
    Rows: 420/420/410/380lb 10/10/10
    Leg press: 820/795/745/745lb 10/8/8
    Calf press: 820/795/745/745lb 10/8/8
    Ab machine: stack x 20/20/15
    Decline bench: 310/300/280/280lb 8/8/6
    Dips: 400/390/380/360 10/10/8
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Well, a mixed bag for me, I didn't beat my friend to our personal challenge in 5 weeks, but I did make the -10lbs part by June, and I sure did increase all strength markers, and even aerobic challenge that I didnt post here originally: 1.5mi trail with elevation gain of 2,042ft in 46mins, down from above 50mins! :) I forgot to post last week's results, partially because one split workout I didn't increase and then I waited too long for the next time that split day came around to post.

    Personal markers for -10lbs with no strength loss by June 1st, all for 10/8/5 sets:

    Weight down 10.4 lbs :) Markers are all same or better than last on record (weights are thisweek/3rd week/2nd week/1st week/starting, all were expected 10/8/5 sets)
    Shrugs: 385/385/385/375/355lb 10/10/10
    Pulldown: 330/320/320/300/290lb 10/10/8
    Rows: 430/420/420/410/380lb 10/8/8
    Leg press: 895/820/795/745/745lb 8/8/6
    Calf press: 895/820/795/745/745lb 8/8/6
    Ab machine: stack x3x 20/20/20
    Decline bench: 320/310/300/280/280lb 8/8/6
    Dips: 410/400/390/380/360 8/6/6