MAY Exercise Challenge

Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
What is everyone challenge for May?


  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    My personal challenge is going to be to try and get some activity in everyday!! On days that I cannot go to the gym, I can try and do something at home.....and try and walk a little more, maybe in the evenings.

    I actually came to write on the April thread, but saw this new one.....

    I have had a horrible last few days, something happened late Tuesday that caused me a large amount of ongoing stress. It is not over yet, but I can feel how terrible this has been on my body. I literally have not eaten a fruit or veggie in two days, which, even when I eat too much junk, it unheard of for me. I feel so BLAH and run down.

    Ok, so time to get on with it here....tomorrow is my long shift at work, so I will not get to exercise, as I am up at 5am for work and do not get home until 5-7pm. However, I will be bringing all my food, including fruits and veggie, for the day.

    I try and take life one day at a time, but sometimes I feel like several days attack me at once :sad:
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    My exercise challenge for May is to complete all 30 days and 3 levels of the 30 day shred. Walk 10,000 steps everyday and strength training for at least 30 minutes three times a week.

    I hit 80lbs lost this week. That's 20% of my starting body weight gone. I'm only 28lbs away from leaving the 300's. I want to make as big a dent in that as possible this month.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Zombie - 80lbs! That's awesome! WTG!!!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Zombie - 80lbs! That's awesome! WTG!!!

    Thanks Unknown. :flowerforyou: I hope things improve for you soon with your stressful situation. Hugs.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Unknown glad your making the changes to get fruit and veggies back in

    Zombie WTG on 80lbs, you will be out of 300 in no time at all. I am 327 so we will be going the 200's here soon. we all got this. and your on level 3 of 30DS holy cow girl, your kicking some butt and taken names, thats amazing :drinker:

    my goals are to keep walking, do zumba. my core classes and my 30DS which I only did it one day because I was having some crappy days, but I'm back in. I also took a new class yesterday was omg do my abs hurt. they hurt all night and I turn a lot in my sleep and it wasn't fun, but today I have zumba and just walking and the 30DS
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Thanks Skittles. Yes, we will both be in the 200's real soon! :drinker: I'm not on level 3 of the 30ds yet, but I want to complete 10 days of all three levels. I'll be there soon! Oh, and my abs were so sore last week, I feel your pain!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    your doing amazing zombie, keep it up

    as for me I just still feel like crap, TMI moment sorry but my (TOM) is always longer then normal. so I'm feel bloated and I know I always eat worse this time, but i'm going just keep going, I did an hour waling at 4.0 and later tonight I am doing my 30DS.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    well i didn't do the 30DS, I know I need to get back into it. its just hard again lol also i lost another lb which is super great but I feel like I wish it was more. ahh its that bad mind set I have. I need to just stop thinking like that and just be happy.

    today I am going to hang out with a friend who lives in another state, I don't get to see her that much and she is up visiting. and later I have zumba and body pump.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Thanks Skittles. :flowerforyou: I hope you're feeling better today. Don't worry about the 30ds til you're back on form, then you will attack it with your usual beast mode. :smile: congrats on losing 1lb. It's a great loss but I know what you mean about wishing it was more. I'm grateful every week I lose, but I can't help feeling I'm not working hard enough if I don't lose 3/4lbs. Have fun with your friend, it will be nice to catch up.

    I'm totally exhausted today. I think I'm going to take a nap in a little while and then work on reaching 10,000 steps this evening. Other than that, I'm going to take a rest from weights and 30ds today.

    I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Zombie some times taking a nap really does wonders, and did you get the 10k ins steps?

    Sadie how are you doing :)

    Star again I love the photos, I did post in the april on but I'm back in May haha. So today I did a new class called cardio kick and it was kind of like kick boxing and I liked it, the teacher changes the classes each week so its something different each time, but I liked it. I also walked for 45 min and I'm going to zumba tonight.

    as for my eating it's getting back on track, and I'm going to stick with it. I want to get the last 27lbs off of me by the end of july. so I am under 300 and I will do it.

    what is everyone else doing today?
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Hi skittles. Yes I had my nap and got my 10k steps in! Cardio kick sounds fun! You will got rid of those 27lbs by July if not sooner!

    Sadie - how did the visit with your uncle go?

    Star - are you energized by your great trip or exhausted?

    Unknown - how are things with you? Have you made it to the gym?

    I had serious pizza cravings today. I had put in my online order on dominos when I decided to look up what your cravings really mean. Apparently I needed calcium, so I had some cheese instead and presto changeo, cravings gone!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am here, hanging on by a thread! I do not know what is going on lately, but it seems like my life is a roller coaster of one stressful situation after another!! I have a teenage daughter so that accounts for a lot of it, but can a sister get a break! Last Tuesday at the gym I had a situation that threw me off for a bit, but I am back. I spend the whole weekend in bed stressed out about it. Went to work yesterday, my boss was worried about me, cuz my blood sugar was off cuz I didn't really eat for the most part all weekend. I had lunch with her and felt crappy most of the day, but today I just got outta bed and ask God for some strenght, and while said situation is not resolved and never will be, at least I am coping for now.

    I try and take life one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once!

    I didn't go back to the gym after last Tuesday until today, but man, I had a great work out, best one in a long while. I did my usual 30 mins on the treadmill (still on 2.0), my weights and stretching, and then did 5 minutes on the elliptical, I have not been on one of those in a couple years! I didnt think I was gonna survive the whole 5 minutes, BUT I DID!! Then, realizing I had 45 minutes til the next bus came, I walked the track for ANOTHER 30 minutes! I feel very positive about that work out today.

    Star - I saw your photos in the other thread, AMAZING!!

    Skittles - your work out inspire and amaze me every time I read your posts!

    Zombie - That is interesting about the craving thing.....I didn't know there was such a thing....on a related note, we are having pizza tonight :tongue:

    I was supposed to get off work at noon on Thursday, but now my boss said we might not have anyone to cover, which means we won't get off til 4.....I was hoping to go to the gym after work, but if I get stuck there til 4 I won't be able to :cry:
    Tomorrow I work til 5pm and then have to be up by 5am for work the next day, so I prob won't get any exercise in, and we are suppose to have rain here for the next 4-5 days after today, so you can't even just walk outside :grumble:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Unknown I'm glad your still sticking to it. I am with you on the one day at a time. its what keeps me going. because if i think to far ahead I got nuts. and I wish stresses never came up in our lives. I know when i'm very stressed all I want to do is eat, thats what helps me thought my problems. But I am learning to deal with them with out food. and you rocked your work out. keep it up, I had to take it slow at first I couldn't stay long and some days I still can't. so don't push your self to hard you will get there :)

    Zombie that is great info about the craving, also if you want to still have pizza but not all that cals try getting a small one pizza, they are really good and not as much grease. that is what I do when I really want a pizza. and thanks. I really wanted to by June 3rd but thats a huge push lol

    Star 2 hours a day in the am, wow thats amazing. I couldn't do that, I'm not a morning person. I love my sleep to much. I am only up most morning because he makes so much noise while I am sleeping. I think he thinks if he is up I have to be up too lol

    Sadie how are you doing on this ( rainy day in PA ) I hope its nice by you

    Yesterday I got in 25k in steps last time I did 25 was Feb 19th it said so woo hoo to me, today I don't see 25 k but I'm shooting for 15-20. I have walking today which I'm doing a light walk today with being sore and Zumba tonight. We have a new teacher tonight, she was a student in my class and now she is going to teach so I'm hopping for good things plus it's a rainy day here the kine of day I want to be a bum and read a book all day long.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Unknown - one day at a time, even one minute at a time is how I keep going. Good luck getting through this difficult time. You're doing great. And I hope the pizza was nice!

    Skittles - super impressed as always. Good idea about getting a small pizza. Problem is, I don't really want pizza I want the comfort a large meat pizza and sides brings and while I can have it occassionally if I really want, I know it will slow my loss. Ah well, the struggle continues!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    I just have to tell you all that I am so blessed to have found this site as well as all of you. You guys keep me coming back and moving fwd. I really need it. I can't wait to see all of us 100lbs lighter and healthier. Keep up the great work. Just remember it isn't a race and I know I have to keep telling my self that.

    Sadie how are you doing today?

    Unknown how are the work outs going?

    Star hows the morning work outs going?

    Zombie I know what you mean, some days I just want my comfort food to make me happy. I try my best not to be around them. yesterday I gave in and had some ice cream. but I only had 1 cup

    today I have to go to a graduation and I don't want to lol. but my mom is making me. how funny I'll be 31 in a few weeks and I still have to listen to my mom, whats the deal with that lol. oh well. I'm going to go on the wii for an hour and work out. I also have my crazy hard class tonight that I love and keep going back to lol. if I'm home in time I'm going to walk for an hour.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member

    I'm posting to let you know I'm still around...just lots going on with family and health issues (theirs, not mine). I'm still on the wagon so to speak, I think I'm maintaining more then anything. Between that, and crazy busy with work, posting is what gets pushed to the side. I think about you all daily though and am cheering you on from afar! :-)

    K, back to work. I'll try and make it daily, but if I don't, please don't think poorly of me. :flowerforyou:
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today I worked from 6am to noon, and then, I went to the gym! I never go to the gym after work, but wanted to make it today since I do not normally work on Thursdays and it is my usual gym day.

    I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, and was able to go at 2.0 most of the time. I even went 2.5 for the last two minutes! I did not have time to go the 5 minutes on the elliptical today, but am going to try and do that as often as possible.

    I am very happy that I went, because I had some obstacles today. Working so early, plus I was worried because I was late I was going to have the same problem that through me for a loop last week (running into someone nasty from my past), I literally had to stand at the bus stop and talk myself into it. Plus yesterday I fell at work and really hurt my back, but, I know walking will not hurt it, and stretching afterwards helps it, so I went anyway. I am really sore now, gonna heat it after dinner.

    This group is really helpful to me, I think about what I can write here about the gym and my works out, and it motivates me to read all about everyone else! I was excited to let you guys know about my work outs this week, lol.

    I am gonna try and start fitting a third day in on some weeks, when it is doable, so I might try and go on Saturday....also gonna try and do some exercise at home on days I cannot go.

    Sadie, glad you are around, did you get to see your uncle?

    Skittles - what kind of classes do you take, I love yoga and aquafit myself, I dont think at this point I could handle anything else though!

    Zombie - I have been wanting to ask you about your name? Zombie ink pot? What does that mean?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Sadie I am keeping you in my thoughts and prays with your family. theses are stresses and it can be very hard at times. so I am glad your still coming and maintaining is great. Keep that up and just do what you can. (hugs)

    Unknown your doing amazing. I know it's so hard to want to go to the gym after a long day. I'm also sorry you hurt your back I hope it feels better soon. and going up to 2.5:drinker: that is great. it takes time and soon you will be hitting 2.5-3.0 just build into it and take your time. it's not a race, I know I say that to my self daily. As for classes I do zumba,body pump which is all weights, every other fri I do a core walking class which works on the core and you do different types of walking, run, jog, type things. every thrus I have a straighten core class which she changes it up each week a lot of core, jump rope, jumping jacks, running, lunges,squats,its a hard class but i love it lol. I did yoga some times but it's just to slow for me lol I think I like the more up beat stuff and I'm starting a kick boxing class but thats only 2 times a month.

    Star hows it going?

    Zombie how did the wii go?

    today i did my core walking, and I'm going to hit up the gym and walk for an hour. after that my hubby has a doc apt and I'm going to get new shoes. woo hoo lol I really need them.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    well my hubby didn't wake me up for my body pump class but I'll still make it to zumba today so I'm doing that, and i have a cook out to go to at my moms for mother days/ her bf birthday. and I won't be over eating because I can still measure out all my good there so thats a plus. and tonight I'll get my walking in.

    I also join a challenge group that was kind of like my walking dead one I did so this should help me as well.

    How is everyones weekend going so far?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    well I went to the cook out and I over ate way to much so now I'm off to take a walk with the hubby and after that I'll do my 4.0 walking my self. I also got my hubby to join MFP yay. I told him about some groups but he said he doesn't like to be social and I told him to give it a shot so we will see. I am hoping it takes this for real and really does try because he would feel so much better.