Discussion for BodyMedia link users

daciajackson1 Posts: 10 Member
Post here to ask questions about your burn and goals concerning your BodyMedia link device!


  • kaystrohh
    kaystrohh Posts: 1
    I been curious about how many calories I need to consume to lose weight. I'm 5'3 M weigh 160. I lift weights and do a bit of cardio.
    I was wondering if I'm eating too much or too little. I don't feel hungry throughout the day. You could see what I eat on myfitnesspal account. Please let me know what you think and if you have questions.
  • daciajackson1
    daciajackson1 Posts: 10 Member
    Your journal looks great. However, you are consistently under on your fats. Depending on how active you are and how hard you train - you may be under eating. Do you happen to know what your body fat percentage is? Make sure you are eating enough to grow muscle mass but little enough to burn fat.