2 questions

mfrankrn Posts: 48 Member
I have been in ketosis for almost 2 weeks. This is my first ketogenic diet.

I used to be hot, almost always. Now I am usually freezing cold. Is this normal?

Last night I drank for the first time. I had 2 glasses of wine with dinner, then 2 vodka & seltzer water, over about 3 hours. I felt buzzed, not wasted. I'm so hung over today. I don't get it.


  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    When you're eating a low carb diet, you need to properly hydrate yourself. Especially when you're drinking. Ketoers can experience absolutely horrible hangovers and it's mostly due to dehydration. From now on, when you're drinking, take the advice of drinking a glass of water between drinks more seriously. It will save you a love of heartache and headache.

    When you're losing weight, you're losing fat cells and insulation. That's normal. It could also be caused by eating too few calories. If you believe it may be an underlying thyroid issue, talk to your doctor about it.
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    Your tolerance for alcohol will change when you are keto-adapted. I used to have a wooden leg, could drink and drink never get drunk. NOW one shot of vodka in a glass of soda and I'm wasted. DRINK WATER in between your alcoholic drinks. You might want to think about cutting down on the alcohol altogether since it is not beneficial to losing weight as it burns off before fat.
  • youdontknowme9
    youdontknowme9 Posts: 73 Member
    Maybe you have low iron. When I have low iron i get cold and it's weird to me.
  • mfrankrn
    mfrankrn Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the answers. I know alcohol is not good for weight loss, but sometimes I like to enjoy a few drinks anyway. I am going to start a multi-vitamin with iron, I have been low in my micros consistently.