Reasonable plan?

thyme4 Posts: 35 Member
Love this board! Lots more useful info and very engaged and supportive members. Plus who doesn't want to eat more ;-)

I am working on losing that 5lb "buffer" so that when I remove my cut and replenish glycogen, etc. I will be pretty much on target. I have been using a FitBit One since January, and aside from my resistance work I believe it does a pretty good job capturing my activity. I use a HRM with the FitBit for adjustments when I do cardio focused sessions.

Currently, I am following ChaLean Extreme program for resistance; I am in the "Push" phase where the goal is to fail within 6 - 8 reps of each move. I have another week in this phase before I would move to the next one, which involves compound moves and slightly higher reps.

Based on FitBit, my typical TDEE is 2040. I have set MFP up for 1650 calories (approximately 20% cut) and I do not eat back exercise calories unless I deviate substantially from my normal patterns. I am 5'3", 127 lbs (give or take a half lb on any given day) and 55 yrs old.

So much for background; here are my questions:

1) My original plan was to add 100 calories per day to my MFP range each month for the next three months to gradually get to my TDEE. Is my current cut too large? I was thinking doing this slowly would be fine because I expect the loss to be slower so close to my goal, but really I am still working on that programming that says a bigger cut is better.

2) I am starting a new job next month that is going to require more travel than I have done in a while. That will have some impact on my activity level but just not sure how much at this point. So part of me says, rush the last 5 lbs before that major shake up. But we all know that would be a bad idea, right (seeks validation here)? Just stick to the program, monitor, and adjust based on new TDEE.

3) Any thoughts on the Chalean Extreme program? I am kind of neutral on it; I like this phase better than the others because it does focus on challenging weights, and hey, I can do pushups now that were unthinkable before. But I am gravitating towards New Rules of Lifting. Just not sure if the Chalean program really qualifies as one of the recommended heavy lifting programs. Just for reference, I use free weights and typically 50 - 60 lbs for lower body (squats, lunges, etc) and 25 - 30 for upper (more for supported presses).



  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Adding 100 calories a day to your intake sounds like a great way to get up to your maintenance (TDEE) calories. No reason to rush things as this point -- take it slow and the your body adjust and acclimate along the way.

    EM2WL recommends a 15% cut, or 10% if you are close to goal, so yes, that 20% cut is a bit steep, but since you will be upping your calories now, that shouldn't really matter any more.

    As far as the new job and activity level, I would just monitor your FitBit and adjust accordingly.

    If you enjoy DVDs, have you tried any of Cathe Friedrich's workouts? Her STS series (36 DVDs) is (in my opinion) the best - well worth the money (I tried Chalean Extreme and actually returned it - no comparison for me...) If you watch her site, she often has it as the Deal of the Day and you can get it at a great price (although even at full price it is well worth the money...)
  • thyme4
    thyme4 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks - will definitely check out the STS series. Normally I would feel the need to cleanly finish a program, but I am just not feeling this one,

    I actually thought my TDEE was a lot lower until I got the FitBit; having that data was pretty empowering.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I didn't "feel" Chalean Extreme either... Luckily I was able to send it back and get a full refund. Also tried Body Beast, and didn't feel the love there either :-/

    STS is an awesome program -- just check and keep an eye out for it as her Daily Deal. I think I got mine for less than $130, but like I said, even at full price it is well worth the money. I have done the full series twice and plan on a third time this fall.

    My FitBit readings are pretty close to what I got on the Scooby calculator, but it is nice having it confirm those numbers (as well as motivating me to stay active throughout the day)
  • CoachXthea
    CoachXthea Posts: 75 Member
    I am a Beachbody fanatic, and former BB-Coach. But Chaelean extreme is not my favorite. I have done both P90X and Cathe STS. I like both. However, if you get bored with workouts Cathe has a different video for each workout. I love Tony Horton so I never got bored with P90X even though it repeats alot. Also if you are traveling they have a new P90X3 that is only 30 minutes that should be good for traveling. The bowflex select tech is what my hubby used when he was an over the road truck driver. Just my two cents! Good luck.
  • thyme4
    thyme4 Posts: 35 Member
    My favorite and "go to" workouts are the Combat series. But I didn't think Pump would be the right approach for me since I wanted to go heavier, hence CX.

    I am going to try to establish my base program using NROLFW based on my first week long work trip. I did not have DVD access, and realized my Win8 laptop no longer plays them. So yay jogging and push-ups! There were weights I could have used, and I'm not worried about getting bored nearly as much as losing ground with my workouts, so if I can get the basic routine into my brain I will have something that works travel-wise, I think.

    I do have the Select-techs and hadn't thought about bringing them with me if going by road, which seems like a good idea. My first project is mostly air travel, though, so I just need to find hotels with decent workout rooms.

    Final note relative to travel is that it was much easier to do when eating more! I always bring some protein bars or powders with me for backup, but eating close to TDEE as my daily boundary made them less necessary. Still a bit of a challenge to eat well, but much easier to get through a conference than when I was a 1200 calorie slave.