Looking for weight loss friends

I am 5' 8" 32 years old and have a goal of 50-60 pounds to lose. I have used mfp in the past and lost 27 pounds in 3 months, but gave up after hurting my knee and gained it back plus and additional 30 pounds. I am bad for trying to find the quick fix and it is a vicious cycle. I know that mfp works, if I do it correctly.

I would love to have some women with similar goals and stats to be on my friends list to help motivate me. I also am trying to decide if I want to drop my calories to 1200 a day like last time, or go for the 1600 that mfp says to eat a day. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not a woman, but I'm a person with a similar story and similar goals! Feel free to add me if you want.

    I'll let the women tell you not to eat only 1200 calories :wink:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi there bethanyhadden81. I am a little older than you and I am on my last 7-9lbs but I can relate to your journey. I started in 2009 at about 215-220lbs and over the years have whittled it down to about 184lbs. It has taken FOREVER but I am doing it at a pace that is doable for me. I have stumbled and fallen many times over but I keep moving forward. You have been successful before so you know it can be done. You lost 27lbs and that is no easy feat, congrats on that! :drinker:

    How is your knee? Does it still bother you? No on the 1200 cals - I typically follow what MFP suggests I should eat, which right now is 1700. A few of us are doing a May miles tracking spreadsheet and Dani is spearheading a daily strength training challenge. You should join us. :0)

    There are a few actives on here so feel free to friend request us. You got this girlie! :smile:


  • siegel7707
    siegel7707 Posts: 7
    hi! I have lost and gained and lost and gained and done it a million times. this is my first time (4th day) on MFP and so far, so good. it has recommended that I do 1200, not easy but I'm doing it. my goal is to get rid of 40 lbs. but I would like to drop 50 overall. I started at 191.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am on my last 12-15 lbs but it has been a struggle. I am going to start a strength challenge in June that people can pop into and participate in. I have dealt with many issues with injury and recovering from it. It is very discouraging but if you keep pushing and trying you can do it.

    As for eating, I keep my calories around 1400. I did 1200 for a while and found it way to restrictive. Progress is slower with the 1400 + some exercise calories but I find that I have less extremes and binge eating junk if I give myself the extra calories.
  • julslenae
    julslenae Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Bethany! I'm around the same age and pretty new to MFP too. Feel free to add me. :)
  • chickabelle
    chickabelle Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Bethany, i just joined MFP yesterday. I am 32 years old 5'6. Looking to drop around 30 pounds, havd lost 15 so far. Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Hi Bethany, I have a couple years and many more pounds on you (which has gone up and down), so I understand what you mean.
    If MFP told you to eat the calories, eat the calories, if you exercise (tends to help to be conservative), eat the calories. It seems like the reverse of what we're trying to do, but the less you eat will not always help you lose the weight.
    I find that I lose best when I'm eating near all my calories, and it also keeps you from being hungry, and properly fueling your body. As you lose weight, your calories will go down! Remember the quick way is only a temporary way, don't get frustrated. 1200 calories is that magical # that people think is what they should be eating, but it's not true, it's often way too few.
    There's a lot of information on the forums (especially the announcement posts) that can help a lot too!
  • meegun1
    meegun1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Bethany, I am 37 and around 5'5" or so and weighing in around 220. I joined MFP a couple of years ago and weigh more now than I did then. Not that MFP doesn't work, it works great!, I on the other hand do really well for a while, then fall off, then feel even more terrible about myself, then start again, and the cycle continues. I don't like myself much right now inside or out and have to do something once and for all. MFP says I should be eating 1200 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. Feel free to add me as a friend. I need as many friends as I can get to encourage me and keep me accountable :)
  • myuncutworld
    myuncutworld Posts: 14 Member
    Hey add me, eat the calories it is telling you to eat unless you are supplementing with protein shakes that are HIGH in calories, this is all you should maybe talk to your PCP about?
  • des24rob
    des24rob Posts: 77 Member
    I am 32. Single mother of 2. Reside in Tampa Bay, FL.
    Fitbit user: https://www.fitbit.com/user/2S7FBP
    But looking for more MyFitnessPal friends for eating healthier encouragement.
  • PhoenyxRising
    PhoenyxRising Posts: 68 Member
    37 year old mom of three here looking for new friends to help me along my journey. This is my 3rd try at MFP and hopefully the "3rd times a charm" motto holds true for me. I am tired of losing 20 pounds just to gain it back and start all over again. I don't have a lot of support around me and I am constantly on the go so hopefully I can meet some great people here who can keep me accountable. I look forward to chatting with you soon!
  • midniteillusion2
    midniteillusion2 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm here looking for the same. I live away from my family and my friends here aren't at the same place in their life and weight loss goals. (Read: most don't need to lose weight) Feel free to add me as a friend to chat and support each other.
  • arelis4280
    arelis4280 Posts: 63 Member
    i think I've come to the right place :) I'm 5'1"; 35 y/o, and a mother of 3 kids. Got to 210lbs, before getting on MFP, now at 183lbs, looking to go down to 150, but it's getting harder (reached plateau). Also, on medication for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and have PCOS. but can't give up now!!
  • arelis4280
    arelis4280 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me too
  • booksmartdevil13
    booksmartdevil13 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here, lost 60lbs and gained 45 back. Now I'm back on the workout wagon and eating healthy again. I've lost 10lbs over the past 6 weeks, I'd love to have more friends to help keep me motivated!
  • ladolcelina
    ladolcelina Posts: 6 Member
    Im coming back to mfp, too. I'm in a similar boat and am looking for support. Feel free to add me!!
  • mdavila82
    mdavila82 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I'm 32 5'6" 220. I have a short term goal of 200 and a long term of 175. I've always thought I was "healthy" because besides my weight my physicals and blood tests were great. Well in March I had some basic lab work done and found I was per-hypertensive, my blood sugar was normal but still too high for my liking, basically I wasn't too far away from being a diabetic with high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Yikes!!

    That motivated me to do something about it. I'm on a 25 day streak!!! I have lost about 3lbs (give or take it fluctuates a lot) but that scale doesn't bring me down. I know that I'm building muscle, energy, and with a healthy diet I'll improve my over health and start to look great while doing it.

    Anyways..today when I saw I had a 25 day streak I said "Yay! Go Me"..and then realized I probably need some MFP friends to encourage me along the way.

  • shyne952
    shyne952 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I am 37 and need to lose 50-60lbs also. I am new to MFP, maybe we could encourage/ motivate each other.
  • jrhose
    jrhose Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2015
    Feel free to add me.

    I'm back after my 4th baby! She's almost 4mo old now. I have a short term goal of 25, then long term goal is a total of 50. I'm 5'7" and have been diagnosed with Hashimotos, which makes weight loss a little more difficult, but definitely possible. I've found for me 1300-1400 calories (net) works, and eliminating bread is compatible with my body. I lose weight much faster, regardless of calories.
    I also use my fitbit and try to hit 10k steps a day.
  • Flyingfree83
    Flyingfree83 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I'm Kim. I have over 3 stone to loose and would appreciate support and motivation from those in a similar situation. I am a mum of 4 and struggle with eating when stressed. Feel free to add me and I will try to encourage and motivate also :smiley: