Week 2 check in



  • Nomatterhowsmall
    Nomatterhowsmall Posts: 17 Member
    Not a huge fan of sore arms/shoulders that week 2 brought to me, but I am glad I stuck with it. Interested in what week 3 is like. I am going to do it after work this evening. I am definitely seeing a difference in my arms, legs, butt, etc but I did not take measurements before starting.

    I like that they offer modifiers on most moves and think that doing the best you can is great! :) Half way through!
  • educatyion
    educatyion Posts: 31 Member
    Day 5-survived! and happily leaving week 2 behind :)
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Today was my last day of week 2 (YAY)!!! Starting week 3 on Monday! Thank goodness.....although I must say after 9 workouts of week 2, I am definitely able to do the moves better than in the beginning! :-) Happy Friday!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I'm still on week two, tonight will be my 5th time, but so many others, I think I need to give it a few more run throughs before moving up to week three.

    I am seeing results though and that is really very motivating!
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Didi my final week 2 workout today. I am super excited to start week 3. I am probably going to do walking workouts over the weekend and start week 3 on Monday. Excited to see what is next.
  • ChippleMunk
    ChippleMunk Posts: 13
    Hey guys! I'm on day 4 of week 2 now. I am feeling pretty good but have been struggling with my knees hurting and today during the sumo pose I felt my hip pop and am afraid I may have injured it. I really don't want to break my streak and finish the 30 days with only 1 rest day a week, but we'll see. I am even doing weekly progress photos! I have a few other friends doing the workout And we all stay motivated and accountable by sending each other post sweaty work out selfies! It's been great!
  • ChippleMunk
    ChippleMunk Posts: 13
    I felt the same way and almost gave up, but then realized the more I try, the more I'll get the hang of it. Like jillian said perfect is boring and it is all about the effort you give. I'm on day 4 and all my moves are still modified and I still can't do a few things. But I attempt to do them correctly each time and if I can't manage it I do something similar. (Example: god awful crow push ups, I usually just do push ups or bring legs forward but cannot manage to bend my elbows at the same time )
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i totally dropped the ball on week 2 last week. I am starting it over today!! I think I like 1/8 of this weeks workout. haha
  • EmiDeeDoo
    EmiDeeDoo Posts: 32 Member
    My workout space is a little too cramped for the week2 workout. I'm gonna re-do it a second time and see if I get any ideas to adjust it to fit, 'cause I'm worried week3 is gonna involve even more movement that doesn't fit.

    Disappointing, since week1 was doable.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    My workout space is a little too cramped for the week2 workout. I'm gonna re-do it a second time and see if I get any ideas to adjust it to fit, 'cause I'm worried week3 is gonna involve even more movement that doesn't fit.

    So I just did Wk3D1 in a pretty cramped space and i can tell you that is you can make week two work you should be able to do week 3. I had to make sure I was using short strides on the first strength set, and I always have a space issue on the ab moves that have us laying with both our arms and legs extended so i usually end up bending my arms instead of keeping them straight. What specific moves aren't fitting well. Maybe we can help you brainstorm some modifications.
  • EmiDeeDoo
    EmiDeeDoo Posts: 32 Member
    I'm making do, kinda. It's things involving stepping forward AND back, and anything that really requires me to extend my legs on the floor. I can baaaaaarely manage to fit, if I shove the things under my desk back and do my best not to rest my feet on them. The pushups I could do since I can do the bent knee versions, but as far as the lunges go I sort of gave up the millionth time I ran into my desk and started doing the arm movements with squats. Planks, my feet are under the bed or crammed under my desk with various other items.

    I'm determined, but heck if this isn't the clumsiest workout I've ever done. I'm too busy arranging myself to work up a sweat, haha
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I feel you on this one! I have trouble with the back and forth lunges and the ab workouts as well due to space constraints.
    I did W2D1 yesterday, and was thinking maybe I should restart week 1 until my form is better, but it sounds like lots of you are in the same boat, and just doing the best you can! Crow pushups are a joke, idk if I will ever be able to do those...I felt like a floppy fool yesterday trying these moves for the first time. I also go for a quick 20ish minute jog with my dog before I do start the workout most days, and my outer thighs are KILLING ME!
    No weight loss yet!
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    I did week 2 day one yesterday... I took too many breaks this month, and did week one for a total of 8 days. The crow pushups are hard, and some of the moves seems tricky; I don't think I am doing them correctly enough to get the full benefits of it.