
StacyRenee77 Posts: 2,732 Member
What was your energy level in the beginning of keto, and what is it now?


  • teddiebare
    teddiebare Posts: 46 Member
    My energy was pretty terrible in the beginning. I had Keto flu bad for almost 3-weeks. My workouts suffered, I was tired and kind of fuzzy, and I had some difficulty with my memory. Once the fog lifted, I started feeling really good. I feel normal, but better. I don't get tired or sluggish in the afternoon, I have an easier time waking up in the morning, and my workouts are better than they've ever been. My blood sugar is super stable, so I never get really hungry and my carb cravings are pretty much gone now.

    You just have to stick with it, it really does get better, or none of us would continue putting ourselves through it :)
  • youdontknowme9
    youdontknowme9 Posts: 73 Member
    I was sluggish until I upped my salt intake and water intake, then once I hit keto ..bam..tons of energy. AFter a while I got used to it, and settled back out to my normal levels. But the rush still shows up from time to time.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I've been doing this since March 1st. I can't say I've ever had a super energy rush. Even though I feel mentally alert my legs are so tired I get worn out walking my dogs for over 30 mins and we used to walk an hour a day, easy. It sort of comes & goes though, some days worse than others. I don't know how others work out hard, I can't imagine. But, I've had a horrible time getting my blood ketone levels high, despite having good macros, drinking lots of water, eating salt. I'm just unlucky in that my body is taking a lot longer to adjust I guess.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Before keto, I was constantly tired. Always had a headache, felt like I didn't get enough sleep, body always had aches and pains. End of the day, I was too tired to even cook.

    First week of keto, sluggish, foggy, etc. If you're experiencing keto flu, have some salty chicken broth. Most problems on keto, I've found, can be solved with salt and water. Chicken broth is also comforting and warm. Good stuff!

    After first week of keto, I normalized and felt more energetic. After becoming keto adapted, I wake up 30 mins before my alarm in the morning, wide-eyed and refreshed. I have the energy to go to the gym much more often, and take the stairs instead of the elevator while at work as my new normal. I have the focus to do much more, as well. I cook and clean with much more frequency now, too. Energy levels have never been this good for me! I'm not a ball of hyperactivity, and I'd say I'm pretty on par with most people now - but considering how I was before, I've seen much improvement.
  • sirvivor007
    sirvivor007 Posts: 45 Member
    First week was low. Second week I got super sleepy a lot and took naps when I never had before. Would go out to my car and sleep during lunch hour. Third week naps past energy was just OK. Fourth week was back to normal energy and slighly above. Week five and on has been amazing!

    One thing I wish I had understood better when I started was I didnt have to have that low energy. I now know it was because my body was so use to making enzymes to burn carbs and now I was asking it to may fat burning enzymes so I could use Ketones for energy. It takes some time to ramp up that process to a level where energy balances out.

    The solution in the interim is food that directly make Ketones for energy. Get you some MCT oil and/or extra virgin cocnut oil and use it 3x a day. It has a special property that doesnt allow it to digest and readily convert to Ketones. Especially with MCT oil you will FEEL IT very shortly after you consume. It has a burst energy feel for about 90 minutes. Coconut oil is less intense but longer release of 3-4 hours.