
I'm 5 months in and STALLED big time. I have a carb-filled weekend and now doing induction again. Has anyone done this in the past? Any tips, results, or opinions you'd like to share?



  • lindam4
    lindam4 Posts: 10
    I am doing induction now. Bacon for breakfast, Chef salad for lunch, meat and veggie for dinner, celery and dip for a snack. Lost 4 pounds in four days and then stalled for 4 days and now down a pound today. Trying different veggies like roasted asparagus, artichokes and it helps keep the variety. Exercising also. My mom said eat asparagus and strawberries only and you will get over the stall. Haven't tried it yet. Make sure you avoid nuts and cheese as they will stall weight loss. Hope this helps.
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    I had made it through week on and was on week 2 when I had issues with my blood glucose so I'm back at square one. I'm trying to get as close to induction as I can since I started a new job this week. Not sure how well things will go. LOL Good luck and I found that before Atkin's anytime I was exercising the same for months at a time I'd stall. All it took was to change it up a bit! Good luck~