
Yanks1996 Posts: 28 Member
Yesterday I did my first Workout A in Stage 4. I felt pretty good at the beginning, but somewhere during the sets of static lunges my energy just gave out. I attempted to continue with the planks but I couldn't hold it for even ten seconds without my arms shaking like crazy. I rested for a minute or two and tried again, but the same thing happened so I hit the showers and didn't finish the workout. Has anything like this happened to any of you? If so, what did you do about it?
I took an entire week off two weeks ago because I wasn't feeling well, so I thought I was well rested, but now I'm thinking about taking another rest week.


  • hskriver
    hskriver Posts: 33 Member
    I haven't experience fatigue quite like what you are describing, but I will say that I always struggle with the planks. My arms just can't support me by the end of a tough workout. I'm going to try some different things out with my arm positioning to see if that helps.

    My initial thoughts about what could be causing fatigue have to do with food/sleep. Are you eating enough to fuel your workouts? Are you doing any other workouts in addition to lifting? Had you gotten enough sleep the night before your workout? Struggling to get through a workout could be due over training or not eating enough. I'd take a look at those factors before taking another rest week. Also, if you were doing 3 sets, maybe try going down to 2 and see if your energy stays through the whole workout. Ultimately, listen to your body. Maybe you're still recovering from not feeling well and do just need another break.
  • Yanks1996
    Yanks1996 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I'd never had anything like that happen before either. I've been tired before during a workout but never like that. Those are good questions though.
    It was a busy weekend so I definitely didn't sleep as much as I could have. I've been eating about 1900-2100 calories a day which is basically maintenance for me. I wanted to do all three sets because I feel like I haven't progressed on weights over the past stage or two.
    Maybe I'll try eating right before I workout tomorrow to see if I get any added energy. I've never really felt any benefit or deficit due to meal timing but I've read carbs before a workout could help. And I may try doing 3 sets of 6 instead of 3 sets of 8 to see if that helps. And I'll definitely go to bed on time tonight.