Back to training and down to fighting weight (pals needed)

I have a first degree black belt in American Kenpo. A few years ago, I moved away from my home town,and I've been struggling to find a new school and like minded friends. For a while, I had found a school,and had a small group of pals to train with. None of them train anymore! They're just sitting around expanding. I will ask them to go train,but they won't even budge from their sofa, or they're "too busy". Their interest is gone. I tried a few classes,but it's a small town, and schools seem to have trouble staying open. Some of them, the instructor or students had terrible,entitled attitudes. That's not my thing, so I didn't stay. I've also ran into the problem that the school doesn't allow contact. You can only tap (or come close) to the other person during sparring. If that's for you, cool,but I didn't enjoy it.

My s.o. instructs,that's how we met,but we're currently looking for an affordable location. Summer is here, so we have been training outside a bit. I have learned that I am ridiculously,embarrassingly out of shape. I'm a black belt though,I shouldn't be. I shouldn't NEED someone to train with in order to maintain focus.

Anyway, I gained 60 pounds after I moved,and I'm trying to get it off. I really want to get back into training,and I'm trying to drop down to middle weight so I can fight again. I don't want my fire for this to go out. I've lived, breathed, and dreamed martial arts since I was 12. Anyone else trying to get back into the arts or fighting after an absence? Like minded friends would be much appreciated!

ETA: If this post is a jumble of incoherent sentences, I have yet to have my coffee this morning.


  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    FR sent, good luck on the school. Always good to hear about a school that believes in actual contact.
  • Karbear27
    Karbear27 Posts: 3
    About 2 years ago I returned to TKD after a 10 year hiatus. I also had a black belt at the time, and it was quite embarassing to have a black belt in be so out of shape. It took awhile, but I'm back to a managable fitness level, although I'm still looking to improve in so many areas. Age has a little something to do with it. I sent a FR. Looking forward to helping work together.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I am taking American Kenpo as well. I just started taking it so I am a yellow belt. In decent shape but at my age it is a bit more difficult doing. Our school allows contact, but only for the adults and black belts. Have to watch it though as our sensei also teaches pressure points as well as American Kenpo.

    FR sent.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I started Taekwondo when I was 35, did it for four years years but had to drop out because of health issues. I got my kids to a private studio and they all earned their black belts. I started BACK in 2012 and just passed my black belt testing the other night. Getting back in, it was a struggle in that after taking three years away, I could barely do ANY of the moves I had done in the past. It was hard on my ego at first, but I overcame it.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I am in...I have quite a large number of martial artists in my group....they are kicking some *kitten*
  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    I was really active a few years go in kendo and traditional Shotakan. trained on a national level in 2011 and had a blast.
    Life took a turn and things got busy. I've fallen off the wagon of training and fitness and need to get fired up again.

    But I have to say, taking this time to get fit doing other things like Bikram/Running/Lifting has been refreshing, as it kind of takes you out of the politics of the schools for a bit. Anyone who's trained in a tight nit marital arts community knows how that can get sometimes.

    I used to take 2-3 month breaks in Kendo training ever now and then and come back refreshed and better than before. But this time around my decline has been happened for over a year and its been a long break. I'm actually looking forward to starting over, spend months if not a year on basics again.