How many calories do you eat a day to lose weight?



  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I use a TDEE method based on my body fat %. The formula is the Katch Macardle I believe. I track not only weight, but body fat as well.

    My TDEE is 1500. I eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. On a high day I may eat 1400 calories but I always ensure I have a deficit and I create the rest of calorie deficit via exercise (cardio). I have my fasting "good morning" walks of 30 minutes. I then do additional cardio one more session in the day during my lunch hour or perhaps after work. So far I'm losing body fat so it's working. I'm also on 1 grain NP Thyroid and I take Vitamin D and Iron to increase those levels and support my thyroid.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I do TDEE as well. I am between 1800-2100 a day. I exercise 5-7 days a week for about 30-45 minutes each time. I have to have more calories in order to lose weight. I was at 1300 and lost nothing. I am short too, and in my mid 30's.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I went back to read everyone's comments.

    I remember when my hormone levels were wacked, I was gaining weight like crazy. I was gaining 10 lbs a month. My weight stopped increasing as much when I began a dose of synthroid but my body responded even better when I was put on Armour and then NP Thyroid. Please check that ALL levels important to thyroid function are in a healthy range (vitamin d, Iron, free t3, etc.). I feel as though your metabolisms should not be that low if your treatment was working for you they way it should. The thing with hypothyroid is that we have to get those levels normalized with proper treatment. If we are not receiving proper treatment our weight loss efforts would be like trying to jumpstart a car that can't or won't run. It won't work the way it should. I highly recommend if you haven't already to read the book stop the thyroid madness. I learned so much from that book. To this day I'm still learning.

    Please know that eating such low calorie levels decreases your body's available thyroid hormone T3. T3 is your active thyroid hormone, it is what your cells use and you feel energized when you have the right amounts in your body. Eating very low calorie like that is like a double edge sword. The real answer is not to eat so low calories but to ensure that you have PROPER treatment, only then you'll be able to *kitten* a healthier calorie intake that will not compromise your body's T3 hormone. Be your advocate with your doctor. Educate yourself and fight for you until you hit on the right treatment for you and your body.

    Also, if you can, please start a weight lifting program. Muscle increases calorie burn so you want to build that muscle to help us make that furnace burn those calories. We could use every little bit of help we can. Having muscles in the long run would allow us to eat a little bit more without gaining weight.

    Just my 2 cents based on my experience. I wish you all healthy treatment for that will open up the gates to fat loss for us hypothyroid folks.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Just wondering how many calories you eat each day to lose weight? Does the TDEE method work for you? Or do you have to eat really low calories?
    I have Hashimoto's, and I lost way more slowly than most MFPers. So be patient.

    But I did it just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    I reached goal by following the advice in this post:
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I am probably going to get slammed for this but....I have been hypothyroid for over twenty years. I finally was put on armour in February and trying to get my hormones in balance - had a complete hysterectomy back in 1989.

    Anyway, my TDEE - 20% was 1587 calories. I tried that for six weeks, logged everything, exercised by videos or the weight room and DID NOT lose one pound. It was so frustrating. So my husband and I talked and he said that in the past I didn't really need that many calories as long as it was healthy eating so I went back to 1200 for a couple of weeks. Nothing. I dropped it to 900 and lost my first pound in a week. I am now at around 800 calories and do not eat back any of my exercise calories. I have lost consistently +2 pounds per week. I also had to start drinking a organic tea to help with how little I was going to the bathroom (TMI - I know).

    I feel great! My clothes fit better, my attitude is better, some of my aches and pains (I am 54 so I will always have some) have lessened. And like I said I eat really heathly fulfilling things so I am not suffering.

    When I meet my weight goals I might go back up in calories for maintenance, but....

    How did you guys figure out your number of calories to eat. I think have hypothyroid makes it even more difficult when determining this. I am glad you are seeing some results. It can be frustrating. Are you hungry. For me I am starving at 1200 calories. For me I am good at around 1350 to 1500. But sometimes if I am busy I can get away with less.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Wow - it's crazy how little everyone has to eat to lose weight! I wonder if the doctors would take notice if we made them eat 1200 a day at maintenance! I'm currently trying to find my magic number. I've just ordered a fitbit to track my general activity and think I will get a HRM too for when I exercise. It's hard to find the right middle ground between not starving and not gaining!

    I love my fitbit. I do well when I eat around 1300 ish. As long as I do over 10000 steps.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Once you get used to your thyroid medicine it should actually help you lose. It took a couple of weeks once I switched from Synthroid to Armour, but now everything is starting to come together.

    I also love food - I could eat all day - this is not fun, but I keep dreaming about a new outfit because I haven't treated myself to anything new for years.

    Armour, do you guys find that better. I have been on Synthroid for almost 5 years and it does nothing for me with symptoms. And I have to work hard and watch my food intake and type to lose weight.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    How did you guys figure out your number of calories to eat. I think have hypothyroid makes it even more difficult when determining this. I am glad you are seeing some results. It can be frustrating. Are you hungry. For me I am starving at 1200 calories. For me I am good at around 1350 to 1500. But sometimes if I am busy I can get away with less.
    With only 12 lbs. to go, set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient.

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