Tiny victory today.

While out shopping, my 2-year-old started crying that she was hungry. My husband pulled in to Burger King to get breakfast. He doesn't know how to be supportive of a diet. He's one of those feeder types, you know the kind that offers food to anyone who comes in the door.

Anyway he ordered my usual breakfast platter before I could tell him not too. He also ordered his food and 2 breakfast burritos for our daughter. I didn't eat the breakfast platter. I had the extra breakfast burrito instead and some carefully weighed (with my brand new food scale) hash brown rounds.

Instead of close to 1500 calories, the meal came in at just over 400. I know its still fast food and not ideal but I consider it a win. :smile:


  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Way to go, it's those small victories that add up over time !!!
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    Absolute victory
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Awesome! Tiny steps add up to big results....
  • Tigerorchid03
    Tigerorchid03 Posts: 5 Member
    Every small victory is a step in the right direction. Congrats!
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    What seems like small decisions throughout the day end up giving you the biggest results! Congrats:)
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Many tiny victories will eventually lead to BIG results! Can someone say, WILLPOWER? :drinker:
  • Taymate
    Taymate Posts: 21 Member
    Good for YOU and cutting back on the usual breakfast will inspire you to continue. I've been on a modified Paleo diet for over a year (no flour, no bread, no pasta, no sugar, no milk, no yogurt, no cheese, no sweets, no . no, no, and NO!! ) LOL What do I eat? I eat lots of veggies, lean meat/chicken/seafood/uncured bacon, salads w/vinegar & oil, a little fruit, almonds, no processed foods, cage free eggs, AND "Kind" bars for an occasional treat. I'm over 70, my energy level is off the charts, and I work F/T 5-days a week. Life is good, isn't it?
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Tiny victory? I think not. You saved yourself 1,100 calories!! It takes over an hour of cardio to burn that. Technically, that's like 1/3 of a pound you avoided putting on your body. These are the types of decisions that will make weight loss stick.