How did it go yesterday?



  • k92648
    k92648 Posts: 6
    I know what you mean Wimom about walking can be boring. I have a lot of trouble running, walking, biking without a specific goal, like walking to the store, or bank, etc. Aimless wandering about kills me.

    Yesterday was pretty good. I quit smoking Monday, so eating right is much easier to focus on then homicide :explode:

    I also struggle apparently with carbs...I was WAYYYY over today on that, but wayyy under on the calories. I am struggling with coffee with creamer, which is what throws me over. I guess I could get sugar free and maybe that would be better. I have a meeting with a nutritionist at the end of the month so hopefully she can give me some idea on how much protein, carbs, fat, etc. I should be eating.
  • ChristinaMolinari
    I completely fell off the wagon....and it was only day 2 :( How bad is that?

    I have been out late the past 2 days going to my brother's events. I did not eat before both events, so I was either really hungry when I got home and binged, or ate concession food at the game.

    I know I should plan ahead and either eat a full and healthy meal before I go or bring a healthy snack to the meet, but old habits are hard to break and new ones are hard to make.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    @Christinamoli: I have the exact same issue. Can't tell you how many times I've been on/off the wagon. But this time, I'm trying to hope back on each time!

    I learned that I am going over my sugar allowance like every single day.

    It is mostly the Yoplait and Cliff bar that are guilty---my daily afternoon Cliff bar keeps me sane, so I am unwilling to let go of that. Thinking of replacing the Yoplait with a lower-sugar option, since it's just the regular Yoplait I'm eating right now. Too bad I HATE Greek Yogurt! haha.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Had a rough night last night. The baby was up every 30-60 minutes. I didn't get much sleep and the temptation to binge was strong but I resisted. Breakfast was extra satisfying this morning though.
  • Athena42006
    Athena42006 Posts: 26 Member
    I knew I had dinner plans out at a Mexican restaurant with my niece and nephews so I planned ahead, doing a circuit class after work and before dinner :) That never happens :D
  • stechan07
    stechan07 Posts: 7 Member
    Yesterday was awesome! I have a "wellness benefit" at work, so I'm able to take 90 minutes a week for exercise. I tag it on to my lunch for 2 days a week and yesterday, cycled for 10 miles. What I love is that once I've worked hard exercising, and burned calories, I am hungry, but have begun craving GOOD food, not junk. I don't want to lose the good feeling my body has after a great workout.

    Going again tonight-date night with my husband. Making it an active date, rather than a movie date. It's almost summer, get out and enjoy it!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Way to go! I like your dedication!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Yesterday, I learned that when I'm loosing weight I need to beware of shopping. Was supposed to be going to trader joes with mom for groceries. Mall right next door. We both needed something from the Mac counter, myself just one mascara. Starting to feel better about myself and an I can do it mindset. So had the Mac guy load my face up with moisturizers, foundations, eye make up, blush and know the pretties, mind you I already had this at home mostly just a diff color. Walked away with a bag full and a light purse. But that couldn't be enough, 3 more hours of shopping and never made it to trader joes. I did the same thing about two weeks ago with new summer clothes, I was so excited cause my pants size went down significantly. :) Then off for a haircut, Guess I was feeling like a makeover kinda day. Only alittle under half ways there, so I should be careful, don't want to set myself up for a major disappointment.
    Proud I have been under my calorie goal everyday this week, hoping it contributes to some inches and lbs lost. We will see Sunday. Have a great evening. And cheers to all of us, cause we are here making an effort, sometimes tiny steps sometimes larger steps, still forward!
  • KelleP
    KelleP Posts: 33 Member
    @gokari30 - I didn't like the Greek yogurt at first and started mixing it in with regular yogurt. Now I like as a snack plain Greek yogurt with about a teaspoon of chocolate pudding. It sounds strange but it's a nice dessert without going overboard!

    I've been bad today and last night. Birthday cake in the house and my "slivers" of cake have I'm sure added up to about 2 full pieces. I will be better tonight and tomorrow.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Stechan07, what at awesome benefit. I had never heard of that. Great job making the most of it.
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Birthday cake does it to me.....not content til it's gone.
  • CanadianCountryGirl1973
    CanadianCountryGirl1973 Posts: 108 Member
    @K92648 We live in the country, so a walk is pretty much always to the middle of nowhere and back! Music helps (go to the end of your playlist and back). As does setting the alarm on my phone so I know I've walked "20 minutes", "40 minutes" etc. and then I turn back. it helps rather than just walking aimlessly.
  • KelleP
    KelleP Posts: 33 Member
    Well the birthday cake is gone! I couldn't let it go to waste (even though my waist will get it.)

    Tomorrow is another day to start again!

    I like the walking and setting alarm on the phone idea. I will try that this week!
  • KreeativeKat
    KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
    It didn't go as well as planned in spite of all my best intentions. We had friends around for a meal and of course I had to make a dessert! To compensate, I had no lunch, a very small portion of the starter and main, and no wine - just a glass of sugar-free juice. I stood on the scales this morning and, by some miracle, I've lost half a pound.

    Anyhow, it''s a new week and I'm going to give it my best shot.

    Being part of this group is really helping me ; I don't feel I'm having to do this alone, so, to all my fellow companions out there, go for it, and have a good week.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Gahhh was so excited for my weigh in this morning, and according to my scale I GAINED 1/2 a pound. Every day I exercise and 6 out of 7 days I was on my calorie goal, so am disappointed.

    But I know the scale is fickle, and I've been weight training with my personal trainer, so it's hopeful I'm putting on muscle.

    My clothes HAVE been fitting much better, so I've decided to blame the very old scale for now and go out and buy a new scale this afternoon....perhaps it's denial!!!

    Oh well, I'd rather have fitting clothes than a number. But I'll report back if the old scale is indeed to blame :-)
  • KelleP
    KelleP Posts: 33 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!! Hmmmm, maybe the scale needs to be "adjusted" sometimes it gets out of balance! I went to store and got all my veggies and fruits for the week. For all the stuff I ate this weekend I will take the extra pound I gained. I like the way I feel after exercising so that keeps me motivated.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    My church had a delicious potluck. It was there I noticed how different my eating habits have become. The weekends are my "off" days, so I wasn't thinking about calories. I took about a teaspoon of each dish (passed on the creamy stuff), and it ended up with room left on the plate. I drank water, and skipped bread and dessert(s), and didn't go back for seconds. I didn't notice until someone mentioned that I was drinking water that I noticed what I was eating was different than before. I'm going on 140 days being conscious of what I eat, but now it seems like its making its way into the habit part of consciousness, where I'm just eating healthier out of habit.
  • KelleP
    KelleP Posts: 33 Member
    @CJisinShape -- that's great control around all the wonderful foods I'm sure were on display. I think having the tools like we have on MFP after a while you will understand how many calories are in the foods we eat. I remember loving the McDonalds sweet tea (a few times a week) until I found out how many calories and sugar was in it. :noway: Always goes back to when you know better, you do better!!
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    What is going on?!? I've been landscaping all week; I put in a long day yesterday. 9 hours of landscaping - including moving about 25 small "boulders" 120 ft. on a dolly, from the back to the front yard. Some of those suckers weighed 200-300 lbs. Burned a LOT of calories, drank a lot of H2O, and was careful with my calories. I'm on a 2 lb. loss per week goal - 1,350 calories a day. This week, I've earned a fair amount per day from exercise, and have had an average of 800 calories left over per day. A few days ago, I was down 2 lbs. Now, my scale is telling me I've gained it back?!? There's no way I could have gained 2 lbs. of muscle in 1 week, so what am I doing wrong? :(
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 235 Member
    Yesterday was a good day. Going through some emotional stuff - but I resisted the urge to eat because of it.