Weigh in - May 16th

zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
Hope everyone had a good week! And if not, there's always next week :)

I'm down 2.2lb this week so I'm happy. Working out really does the trick for me.

Original starting weight: 177
Challenge starting weight: 162
Current weight: 152.6
Challenge goal weight: 135

4/4/14: 162
4/11/14: 159.4
4/18/14: 158.6
4/25/14: 156.4
Total April Loss: 5.6lb
5/02/14 : 156
05/09/14: 154.8
05/16/14: 152.6
Total May Loss: 3.6lb


  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Original SW = 222
    Challenge SW = 183.4
    CW = 180
    Challenge GW: 170

    April Weigh-ins:
    04/04 = 183.4
    04/11 = 183 (0.4 lb lost)
    04/18 = 182.2 (0.8 lb lost)
    04/25 = 181.8 (0.4 lb lost)
    April total = 2.4 lb lost

    May Weigh-ins:
    05/02 = 180 (1.8 lb lost)
    05/09 = 177.8 (2.2 lb lost)
    05/16 = 176 (1.8 lb lost)
    05/23 =
    05/30 =
    May total = 4 lb lost
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I lost another pound or so. Super happy as I haven't been working out at the gym (been doing heavy duty spring cleaning). Slow and steady is the best way for my anyway. :ohwell:
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    Original SW: 149
    Challenge SW: 143.3
    CW: 144.1

    5/1/14: 144.1
    5/9/14: 143.2
    5/16/14: 141.7 (-1.5)

    Woohoo!!! My careful and consistent logging is paying off :smile:
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    Original SW: 232
    Challenge SW: 192
    CW: 183

    4/11/14: 193.6
    4/18/14: 192
    4/25/14: 191

    5/2/14: 182.8
    5/9/14 : 188.0 (Sharkweek)
    5/16/14: 183.0
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    SW: 192
    CW: 152.4
    GW: 142

    4/4: 152.4
    11/4: 151.0 (-1.4)
    18/4: 149.6 (-1.4)
    25/4: 149.4 (-0..2)

    2/5: 151.0 (+1.6)
    16/5: 150.6 (-0.4) but actually didn't weigh in last week and think it is probably a much bigger loss :D

    Have logged properly all week and done lots of running. All good
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,677 Member
    SW = 167 (01/2013)
    CW = 131.0 (04/04/2014)
    UGW: 120.0 (by 12/31/2014)
    Independence Challenge GW: 124.0 (7 lbs loss = 0.54 lb/wk)

    April Weigh-ins:
    04/04 = 131.0
    04/11 = 127.0 (4.0 lb loss)
    04/18 = 128.6 (1.6 lb gain)
    04/25 = 131.4 (2.8 lb gain)
    April total = 0.4 lb gain

    May Weigh-ins:
    05/02 = 130.2 (1.2 lb loss)
    05/09 = 129.4 (0.8 lb loss)
    05/16 = 129.4 (0.0 lb loss)
    05/23 =
    05/30 =
    May total = 2.0 lb loss

    I stayed the same this week. I am quite alright with that. I have been back to accurately logging all my foods since Monday. I am really happy I took a couple weeks off because now it doesn't seem so daunting and tedious. I am actually excited to see my totals of the day and working towards meeting my protein and fat minimums. I am feeling really good!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Boing! That's the sound of me bouncing back up two pounds. I think I may fall back down a bit by tomorrow but all the birthday cake, pizza, ham, and other sins made it a challenging week. I'm just glad I'm still in positive (green) territory in terms of pace for this challenge. I'm 5 pounds from my MFP goal weight I set last August, as I get close it seems like I get a bit reckless. I can see that maintenance will be no picnic.

    Many great losses coming in this week, some others are bouncing like me. It's just like the stock market, expect a choppy ride and enjoy watching your trend line downward. Keep Going.

    Long or short, have a nice weekend.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    Down 2 pounds! Finally a real move in the right direction. I really worked on my food and water and started 30DS besides my other workout. Seeing results gives me the motivation to keep going!!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello to all the Independents out there!! :bigsmile:

    This week has been great food wise.... but not great walking wise - :devil: I think the devil made me do it - that is sitting and not walking.

    I have lost 2.1 lbs this week with very little walking - just think what it could have been if I have gotten out of my chair. But, I am happy :smile: I had a loss.

    So here we go - onward and downward!!
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    SW: 254
    GW: 235

    4/11: 252
    4/18: 254
    4/25: 257

    5/2: 250
    5/9: 245
    5/16: 248

    I was due for a bounce-back and I got it. I still have 7 weeks to get 13 lbs, which is doable.
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    I'm down just over a half of pound. Still creeping along but in the right direction. I upped my calories because I've upped my workouts and I think I'm not eating enough because I bounce up and down all week long, which is normal but I'm tired and that's not normal! We'll see how it turns out next Friday! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    SW: 194 12/7/13
    CSW: 129
    GW: 125

    4/4: 129
    4/11: 129 (0)
    4/18: 129 (0)
    4/25: 127 (-2)

    5/2: 127 (0)
    5/9: 127 (0)
    5/16: 127 (0)

    Still happy to be maintaining!!! I have 2 more, crazy, insane, food filled weeks left and then, hopefully, I can get back to the good stuff!!! I seem to be stuck in a black hole of apathy (food and exercise wise) and am hoping that I can dig my way out--how many calories does, digging yourself out of the doldrums burn???

    Wow!!! I've seen a lot of good reports! And to those of us who are bouncing or maintaining, hang in there!!!
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    stayed the same this week.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    stayed the same this week. I can feel a big loss for next week coming.
  • Frayde
    Frayde Posts: 321 Member
    Original SW: 229
    Challenge SW 4/4: 209.2
    Wt. 4/25: 205.2
    Wt. 5/2: 206.8
    Wt. 5/9: 204.4
    Wt. 5/18: 203.0

    Wt. loss in May: 2.2

    Goal for the Challenge: 185

    I'm a little late posting this week. I was out of town on 5/16. Considering that I was on vacation all week last week, I'm pretty pleased with my weight. I am a little concerned that I may not have been getting enough water (usually I chug between 2 and 3 liters/day), so I may go up a little when I resume that after traveling.

    Hope everyone has a terrific and healthy week!
  • mysize8
    mysize8 Posts: 21 Member
    Start: 187
    April 11: 185
    April 18: 184
    April 25: 183
    April's Loss: 4lbs.

    May 2: 181
    May 9: 178
    May 16: 181

    Oops, the scale went in the wrong direction. I've got to stay the course and watch out for the upcoming celebrations. I must learn how to make wiser food choices when I eat out. I tend to eat what I don't eat at home; and well the results on the scale shows it.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Was still the same Friday
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I need to make some changes for my challenge.

    Last evening my knee and leg started hurting cry which means I must cut back on walking. For those of you that don't know my history here is a short version: I was in a terrible car wreck almost 21 years ago - my DD and I were hit by a drunk driver head-on, then his pick-up flipped on top of our car.
    Long story short both of my legs were crushed. I have had multiple leg surgeries in the past 20 years, so when my leg starts hurting I take it very seriously.

    I am going to continue walking - just cut back on pace and the number of steps. In fact I am not going to try to get to 10,000 steps at this time. I was doing very well at 6000 + so that is where I am going to be for a while, then we will see. But, I will not rush it all.

    Of course I am going to continue with my food - there is NOT a reason to stop that! bigsmile
    So my new challenges will be:
    1. Eat healthy, stay around 1200-1300 calories
    2. walk when I can
    3. Sunday is going to be a rest day from walking - but not from correct eating.

    It looks like we have had some great losses for May!! Way to go all of you Independent Challengers!
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I managed a 1 pound loss but it looks like I'll have to step up my game to reach my goal for this challenge. I'm currently 3.89% in the red :(
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    No scale loss to report this week BUT I did shave 5 minutes and 45 seconds off my official 5K time.