Going from Pills to Insulin.. HELP!!!



  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    I was terrified when I was told I had to start insulin, I avoided it for almost a year because I was afraid that once I went on I'd never get off of it, my grandmother and father passed of complications of diabetes and I didn't want the same for me, so I tried on my own with metformin and actos then switched to januvia when I heard about actos causing bladder cancer. I finally agreed to see the endocrinologist and he put me on lantus that very day, he also said he didn't like januvia and preferred me to stop taking it which I did that night.I cried that whole week, I've done ok but want to get my numbers lower, I started out around 250 for my morning readings and I'm down anywhere from 89-130 for morning BG. If my doctor had told me it was better to use the insulin and get my numbers down then to stay with high BG and cause damage to the body I would have done it way before, but what bothers me the most is drs don't always take the time to explain the meds and what they do to your body and how they work.i learned more on MFP then from any of my doctors.
  • today is my appt and as most here said, I am sure they will up the units I take, as the amout I am taking not has not put much of a dent in my numbers, I am also making sure to ask about if I should take either one or both of the pills I was taking before..I still cant bring myself to do the injection myself but my gf does it for me every night and no it doesnt hurt at all except twice and it was just a slight burning that I hear is normal. I want to thank everyone again or the advice and also sharing your stories with me.. its such a big help!
  • ugh dr appt from hell... I gained 5 pounds after losing 18... dr increased my lantus to 25 from from 20 and also added victoza, he said it will help alot with my weight loss as well as help bring down my A1C number.. which is at 9.7 as of March...oh and yeah he finally let me know I should continue taking my metformin 1000 mgs twice a day...
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    ugh dr appt from hell... I gained 5 pounds after losing 18... dr increased my lantus to 25 from from 20 and also added victoza, he said it will help alot with my weight loss as well as help bring down my A1C number.. which is at 9.7 as of March...oh and yeah he finally let me know I should continue taking my metformin 1000 mgs twice a day...

    That's good the doctor was about to add the victoza to aid in the weight loss and to help bring your A1C down. The 5 pounds is just a minor setback. Stay strong!!
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    ugh dr appt from hell... I gained 5 pounds after losing 18... dr increased my lantus to 25 from from 20 and also added victoza, he said it will help alot with my weight loss as well as help bring down my A1C number.. which is at 9.7 as of March...oh and yeah he finally let me know I should continue taking my metformin 1000 mgs twice a day...

    Thanks for the update Katherine~

    These visits to our PCP can be stressful at times to be sure. Increasing your Lantus and adding Victoza will hopefully help you achieve better blood sugar control in the near future. The 5lb. weight gain isn't serious and could be attributed to your water weight fluctuating. I've often experienced a 3-5 pound change some days too. Not to worry.

    Best of luck with your new med regimen!
  • some awesome good news... with the added Victoza and re added in metformin and of course the Lantus, my numbers are fabulous...I am having the minor side effect of frequent urination which I dont mind, (just have to remember to drink plenty of water... but I am also extremely tired for the past 2 day (since started the Victoza.. not sure if its related of just maybe I am a bit under the weather...
  • Has anyone had any experience with Victoza or know someone who has??? The sleepiness has continued for the most part and yesterday I was sick to my stomach all day... will this go away???
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    I know you're disappointed about the weight gain, but it's good that you have clarification from your doctor on taking the Metformin. Both Metformin and Victoza often help people lose weight, so these can both be positives for you. Hang in there! ~Lynn /Glucerna