Why is everyone so anti-vegan on the rest of this site?



  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    It seems like it's not only on this site, but everywhere else, too. I always have someone telling me my diet is not healthy or that I should eat meat because this reason and that reason and that I am wrong. People can get downright mean about it,

    The backlash on this site specifically though is a problem that isn't just against vegans, that's for sure. I once posted something about quitting birth control and one of the trolls straight up told me "Have fun being pregnant" and all that jazz. Just plain rude.
  • lobbylobster
    lobbylobster Posts: 33 Member
    Just an interesting snippet of information for everyone, a study found that people are likely to judge vegetarians (and by extension, vegans) harshly because of a thing called implicit moral reproach. Basically, they rate a vegetarian lifestyle as being more moral than their own, assume that vegetarians judge this moral difference as being much larger than it is (the study found that that isn't true, vegetarians don't overestimate the moral difference), and get defensive basically. Nobody likes being told they're immoral, and even if you never say it, they assume you think it. Knowing that has helped me let it slide off my back, although I did get slightly wounded when one of my close friends said "the best type of vegetarian is one who you don't know is vegetarian, they don't need to talk about it or even mention it".

    ETA: http%3A%2F%2Fscholar.harvard.edu%2Fjuliaminson%2Fpublications%2Fminson-j-monin-b-2011-do-gooder-derogation-putting-down-morally-motivated&h=JAQFiBoTH
  • TiahElaine
    TiahElaine Posts: 6 Member
    So, I know a lot of people have already responded and I didn't go through and read if anybody gave you the suggestion I'm about to, buuuuuut.....

    I live by Earth Balance Butter lol.. it's awesome.. my husband, who is only just now trying to cut out dairy products.. lives by it as well!

    and as for those nasty people..

    it's so sad.. when i see their nasty comments all i can think is what happened to you that caused you to have such hate in your heart.. it's so completely unnecessary to treat people like that =/ i'm sorry you had to experience that.. but the important thing is that YOU know what you're trying to do and what you're doing it for.. so all their ignorance is just background noise =)