Emotional Speed Bumps & Small Victories

becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
So ran into my ex yesterday (just a hi and we parted ways). The he called me at work and asked if we could meet for a few minutes because he really need to say a few things. History....I ended the relationship 3 months ago and havent seen him since. He proceed to profess his love for me and told me that he now knows he threw it all away with his behavior and that he will do anything to get me back.

The OLD ME probably would have done one of the following two options.

1. Buckled.... gotten back to together with him even though it is a totally unhealthy relationship for me to be in.
2. Said that it was definitely over, ran away... gotten enough Chinese food for 4 people and some Ben and Jerrys and gone home crying to eat my emotions away.

I decided on door #3.

3. Told him I appreciated his apologize, and that I loved him and that I always would but that I couldnt go back. Then we hugged, I left.... when home... ate the dinner I planned... and because I was a little sad had 1 tablespoon of semi-sweet chocolate chips that I keep in the frig for just this occasion or that time of the month.

THIS FEELS LIKE A WIN. Still sad today, but at least I am not feeling guilty about doing something stupid last night!!!!


  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    Great! I saw my x at my son's wedding. I ignored him and ate just the right amount. We have power over our eating! Yes! Great job!
  • BekkahS1552
    BekkahS1552 Posts: 34
    ... and because I was a little sad had 1 tablespoon of semi-sweet chocolate chips that I keep in the frig for just this occasion or that time of the month.

    I LOVE the chocolate chip idea... I'm definitely going to use this! :happy: I'm sorry for your sadness, but you handled the situation really well and now you both will feel closure with the passage of time :smile:
  • cojay87
    cojay87 Posts: 5 Member
    that's an amazing demonstration of how strong you've become! great job!!!!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    So I wasnt so strong over all. I think I just swept some of it under the rug. It all came back with a vengeance this last weekend. 3 days of crying, emotional eating and just feeling crappy about myself. Trying to begin "FRESH START MONDAY"... but not sure I am gonna rebound like I want. UGH...
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok FRESH START MONDAY went well. Worked all day, prepped and ate good food, and worked out in the evening. Still feel depressed and a little numb but hoping that wears off at the week progresses.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    The future starts to day, to sound a bit trite I guess but,
    moving on now is the way to go. You've acknowledged your feelings and congratulations in not going back to a failed relationship just because it seems right at the time. Or because somebody else thought its a good idea!:flowerforyou: