Still Awaiting Arrival of Baby? Introduce yourself!



  • brittyD906
    brittyD906 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Welcome everyone! So glad we are getting together a good group of us - and a good group full of good people too :) I have been friends with most of you for a little while and am so happy we get to continue being friends.
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:

    Yea! Someone that shares my due day. It will be interesting to see how close they actually are.
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome everyone! So glad we are getting together a good group of us - and a good group full of good people too :) I have been friends with most of you for a little while and am so happy we get to continue being friends.
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:

    Yea! Someone that shares my due day. It will be interesting to see how close they actually are.

    This is really cool since June 16th is my birthday so would be cool if one of you had a kid on my birthday! Bring on the awesome Geminis!
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    My name is Mandy and I'm 27 years old and having a repeat C-section next Tuesday morning (5/27). This is my third and final baby - all boys! I'm getting my tubes tied after they're done performing the c-section.
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! My name is Kim. I'm have a repeat c-sec on May 29th. This will be our second boy (and last child). I am 37 yo and just too old to go thru this again :)
    I am still working, but I hope this will be my last week. I loved how one of you said "can't wait to get my body back". That's exactly how I feel at this point. I'm tired of sharing... even though I will be breast feeding
    I know it will take a while to get enough rest/ energy after the baby comes to start exercising and focus on eating right. But at this point I can't wait! This is a BIG baby and I am worn out after carrying him around for months
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Hey! My name is Kim. I'm have a repeat c-sec on May 29th. This will be our second boy (and last child). I am 37 yo and just too old to go thru this again :)
    I am still working, but I hope this will be my last week. I loved how one of you said "can't wait to get my body back". That's exactly how I feel at this point. I'm tired of sharing... even though I will be breast feeding
    I know it will take a while to get enough rest/ energy after the baby comes to start exercising and focus on eating right. But at this point I can't wait! This is a BIG baby and I am worn out after carrying him around for months

    I want my ribs to not feel constantly bruised anymore, it's like "I love you kid, I really do, but keep the partying down or get out"
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, all. I am India.

    Our son is due June 7, which puts me at 37 weeks now. This is my first pregnancy, at the ripe old, yet wise age of 36. :)

    Like some others mentioned here, we plan to cloth diaper and breastfeed.

    I am glad this group is here. I've had some nice discussions with other expectant MFP folks and look forward to keeping the conversation going.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Looking forward to all the discussions.
    I am curious, for those that opted into repeat Csections, what made you decide to do so. I had the hardest time coping with my Csection the first time. I felt like I had failed. I also could not walk for 3 weeks and retore my scar right after I had just got moving again and had to do more down time. It was awful. I am praying and hoping and crossing my fingers and doing everything in my power to accomplish a VBAC and if I fail again, I am going to bawl!

    I totally understand wishing the baby would hold still or vacate! At this point, I am really hoping for the vacate option, but that is not happening it seems. I don't believe there is any way to get him to hold still either and my internal bruises are getting bruised :(

    Glad you are here India :)
    What made you decide to go with cloth diapers? I have thought about it and to be perfectly honest with you, my biggest hold back on that is just - ew! lol
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Looking forward to all the discussions.
    I am curious, for those that opted into repeat Csections, what made you decide to do so. I had the hardest time coping with my Csection the first time. I felt like I had failed. I also could not walk for 3 weeks and retore my scar right after I had just got moving again and had to do more down time. It was awful. I am praying and hoping and crossing my fingers and doing everything in my power to accomplish a VBAC and if I fail again, I am going to bawl!

    I totally understand wishing the baby would hold still or vacate! At this point, I am really hoping for the vacate option, but that is not happening it seems. I don't believe there is any way to get him to hold still either and my internal bruises are getting bruised :(

    Glad you are here India :)
    What made you decide to go with cloth diapers? I have thought about it and to be perfectly honest with you, my biggest hold back on that is just - ew! lol

    I am going to have a repeat C-section, because it's the only way my OB will deliver after the 1st one. And honestly, I had a really good experience with mine. I'm 5 months post-partum and can't see the scar. I was home 2 days after delivery, shoveling snow 4 days after delivery, and back to myself 100% within about 10 days. I didn't want a C-section but after having one I wouldn't hesitate for another. My baby was so high up in my body and was showing no signs of dropping. Even with the C they had to vacuum her out! If it had been awful, though, I'd definitely find a new OB and go for a VBAC. Was yours an emergency C-section? My OB said that (in his experience) scheduled ones are quite successful, the emergency ones tend to have more problems (it's a different cut).

    We're cloth diapering here and so far so good! We use gDiapers and they're fabulous. We opt to use this paper liner thingy on top so it captures all the solid waste and it just gets flicked into the garbage or toilet. It cost about $400 to stock her diaper supplies from birth to about 36 lbs., we've yet to have a blowout, it's good for the environment, and they're cute as can be! Yes, there is more laundry--I do 2 diaper loads a week. We have regular disposables for travel, back-up stock in the diaper bag, and for babysitters and even the babysitters have gotten to the point where they prefer the cloth now! As my husband put it--one way or the other, you're dealing with poop, might as well spare the landfills while you're at it!

    (ETA: We've also read that cloth diapered babies tend to potty train quicker since they actually feel wet--rather than having everything wicked away. That's a bonus! My friends daughter is **almost** trained at 14 months. She uses diapers overnight (still in a crib) and when they're away from home for more than a few hours, but other than that, she's done!)
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a "yougin" in this group, it seems! I'm currently 18 wks, 3 days with our first, due on October 19th. Yesterday we found out we're having a GIRL! I'm so excited. I'm giving birth at a birthing center with the support of my husband, a doula, and the midwives there. I'll be taking the Hypnobabies class in preparation for a natural birth. My pregnancy has been in the wide range of normal from what I can tell. The worst part has been keeping up with work travel, which exhausts me and usually makes me sick. I never knew that pregnancy could exacerbate motion sickness! Here's hoping for no more vomiting in the airplane bathroom. Happy to be part of this group!
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    I'm Katie and I'm currently 27w/2d and expecting our first child this August, a sweet baby girl! Glad to be a part of this group. Also, trying really hard to stay healthy and active throughout my entire pregnancy. Recently had to start tapering back on my exercise routine due to ligament pain, hip soreness, groin aches, etc. Other than that, loving every minute of being preggo!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks Tigger for starting this group. My name is Megan and I like a few others in this group am also a "youngin". I am 14 weeks tomorrow (with my first) and am excited to move into the second trimester. My official due date is November 20th. I don't plan to find out the sex. I got fairly lucky in my first trimester and only experienced a week or two of morning sickness, but was tired the entire time. :yawn: I've been trying to remain active throughout this pregnancy and have found a deep love and appreciation for prenatal yoga.

    I'm really looking forward to hear everyone's birth experiences, especially those who are planning to go the natural route!

    (edited to add my name)
  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks Tigger! What a great group!

    My name is Amy, I am 30 years old from Calgary, Alberta, Canada - and due June 10 with my first, a little girl! I am relieved to have now passed the 37 week mark, and so ready to not be pregnant! I am not the most patient person in the world, nor do I enjoy all these changes that pregnancy brings. That being said, I am so thankful and so blessed to have the opportunity to carry my child.

    Feel free to add me to those looking for some new friends! (please remind me in your message that we are members of this group!)

    I am looking forward to another network of moms! :smile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Welcome everyone! So glad we are getting together a good group of us - and a good group full of good people too :) I have been friends with most of you for a little while and am so happy we get to continue being friends.
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:

    Yea! Someone that shares my due day. It will be interesting to see how close they actually are.

    This is really cool since June 16th is my birthday so would be cool if one of you had a kid on my birthday! Bring on the awesome Geminis!

    My son will be 5 on June 16th! His original due date was June 6th.

    I'm not pregnant now, my daughter will be 3 weeks old tomorrow! She was 11 days late. I hope none of you ladies have to wait quite so long.....
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the invitation to group!

    I live in Las Vegas and am expecting baby no. 2, July 31. I currently have a 5 year old daughter and am preggers with a baby boy, Jayden Alan is the name we've chosen.

    I am 30 weeks along and have gained 10 LBS so far.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Was yours an emergency C-section? My OB said that (in his experience) scheduled ones are quite successful, the emergency ones tend to have more problems (it's a different cut).

    Yes, I was in labor for 3 days. I pushed for over 24 hours and ended in Csection. My daughter just didn't want to come out, lol. Even with days of labor and a day of pushing, the Csection was still, by far, the worst part. I had so many complications and problems with it, I really wondered if I was ever going to function normally again there for awhile. I have never experienced anything more painful and difficult to handle in my life. I defineitly do not want to do that again!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I'm not pregnant now, my daughter will be 3 weeks old tomorrow! She was 11 days late. I hope none of you ladies have to wait quite so long.....

    I was 5 days over with my daughter and those days were sooo long. 11 days over would have killed me, I don't have your patience :p
    My name is Amy, I am 30 years old from Calgary, Alberta, Canada - and due June 10 with my first, a little girl! I am relieved to have now passed the 37 week mark, and so ready to not be pregnant!
    The wonderful 37 week mark! I kept saying I don't want my baby to come until - 1. School is out and 2. I am at least 37 weeks. Last day of school is tomorrow and I will be 37 weeks on Sunday. Now, if only there were an eject button ....
    I live in Las Vegas and am expecting baby no. 2

    And, a mommy that lives near me! I live in St George, Utah. Only about 90 minutes from Vegas.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks for starting this group @tiggerhammon! I am Melitta, live in Spain and just 2 weeks post partum w my second little munchkin. He is awesome, and being parents 2nd times around is so much easier and relaxing. After my first, I was so overwhelmed w parenting, work, and moving to a new country that it took me 3 years to buckle up and lose the baby weight. But this time, I am determined not to make that mistake again. I fell in love w MFP last year, I learnt a lot, I was very active on here about a year ago and lost about 10kg, felt great.

    I also had a repeat Csection, because of prior abdominal surgery for a large fibroid, so I had no choice. My belly has been cut open 3 times. Have a big pouch which I would like to get rid off. I recovered quite well after all 3 surgeries and I found that the key was to get up as soon as possible (within 24 hrs) move around even through the pain, and then walk walk walk walk. Nothing strenuous but movement. I hope your VBAC will go smoothly, FC!!!!

    I am really excited to get back to exercise when I am given the clear in about 4 weeks, I really missed it during the pregnancy. In the meantime, my mini goals for the coming four weeks is to come on to MFP regularly, walk 4 to 5 km 5 times a week, replace the batteries in my scales and weigh myself, and track my calorie consumption (no judgement just track) a few times to see what I am dealing with.

    I am looking for new MFP friends, my old friends have either given up or have achieved their goals and not that active, and I am particularly looking for friends who are just after baby. Feel free to add me anyone!

    Xxx, Melitta
  • brittyD906
    brittyD906 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes it will be interesting (:
    My first was born right on his due date!
    This one is actually due anywhere between May 28 at the very earliest to June 15 at the very latest!
    I was keeping track of my periods on my cell phone, when I got a new cell my old phone decided to reset once I plugged it back into the computer so I'm not positive when my last period was :( would have been interesting to see how close to its real due date this one would have gotten
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all!

    I am currently pregnant with baby #2 (and last). He/she is due 10/14/14, so I am 19 1/2 weeks pregnant today. I have to have a c-section due to complications with the first pregnancy and will be at 37 weeks. I live in Connecticut, USA. I love MFP but have been slacking lately with tracking foods. I'm not too worried about it because I have still been making good decisions and only gained 6 1/2 lbs so far. I plan to jump right back on board once I'm okayed by my doctor after my c-section. I am an high risk, geriatric pregnancy...geriatric at I have GD and have been managing that with diet alone so far!

    Our daughter is 22 months (on June 5).

    Anyone in this group is free to friend request me, the more the merrier IMHO!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hello!! I'll be 7 weeks prego tomorrow. Trying to make good decisions, but my food aversions are leaving me willing to eat anything. Mostly bagels. So, hopefully that can stop soon. I'm due January 10th 2015. Plus I'm a first time mom. Plus a honeymoon baby. Plus buying a house. Plus my husband being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last month. I'm lucky I have time to sit down and think.

    Not sure if I'm going to count calories or not. Or just try to make better decisions. I'm trying to keep my running going, but I'm so constipated the pain leaves me unable to even walk.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM mom to an almost 19 month old daughter, and baby #2 is due mid-lateSept, a few days shy of our 5 year wedding anniversary. It will be brief, but for a short while this fall I'll have 2 under 2! I just stopped BFing my daughter (I let her self-wean), and while I don't have my whole body to myself yet, I'm glad to at least have my boobs to myself for a few months! We're planning to have at least one more baby after this one, so it will be a few years before my body is 100% my own again.
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I'm 8 weeks today and have a 3 and 16 year old.
    I've been really bloated and constipated so I haven't felt to well and ontop of this my blood sugar has gone crazy so I'm finding myself eating carbs ever hour or more or i start to become ill. It's not a nice feeling.
    I'm having aversons and craving. Looks like I 'll be carrying rice cakes with me everywhere i go as they seem to do the job.
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, my name is Erin, I am 31 years old, and 23 weeks along with my first. We are having a baby girl, she is due on September 25th! We are very excited and nervous of course. We are going to be moving in about three weeks, so there is a lot going on right now! I like many others plan on breastfeeding and I also want to try cloth diapering, although I think I'll start of with disposable and phase them in as I figure things out. I am just starting to research the world of cloth diapers--there are SOO many options!

    I am also planning on making most of my own baby food once we start on solids--anyone have any good resources/tips for this? I have a Vitamix, so I am planning on mostly using that.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    A vitamix is good, great machine.
    I plan to exclusively make my own baby food, snacks and all. No commercial baby food/snacks for me.
    When starting, be sure to only give baby one type of food at a time. It is tempting to mix carrots and apples or potatoes and peas etc... but baby needs to have only one thing at a time to begin with.
    I, personally, steam everything. Keeps more of the whole nutrition if you don't boil or microwave it. I keep things fresh as much as possible, like bananas - no point in even warming those.
    First, cut and remove any parts you don't want baby to eat. Be sure to remove stems, seeds and tough skins. Then, steam and then put in your Vitamix. When first starting baby on solids, puree it completely, smooth as possibly can be. As they age, you can increase the texture of their foods.

    Once they are at the snacking age, there are so very many ways to make you own baby snacks that are so much healthier, cheaper and tastier than the puffs and such from the store.
  • SunnyLu3
    SunnyLu3 Posts: 41
    Thanks for the invite and starting this group. I don't have any experience to bring to the table but can offer support to the best of my ability. I am 26 and married, expecting our first child due December 10th (which means I'm 12 weeks today).
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, you are a wealth of knowledge. I was just reading your post on cloth diapers yesterday. I plan on going back to that one for reference. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. As a first time mom, there is so much to learn! You seem to have it pretty squared away!
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    A vitamix is good, great machine.
    I plan to exclusively make my own baby food, snacks and all. No commercial baby food/snacks for me.
    When starting, be sure to only give baby one type of food at a time. It is tempting to mix carrots and apples or potatoes and peas etc... but baby needs to have only one thing at a time to begin with.
    I, personally, steam everything. Keeps more of the whole nutrition if you don't boil or microwave it. I keep things fresh as much as possible, like bananas - no point in even warming those.
    First, cut and remove any parts you don't want baby to eat. Be sure to remove stems, seeds and tough skins. Then, steam and then put in your Vitamix. When first starting baby on solids, puree it completely, smooth as possibly can be. As they age, you can increase the texture of their foods.

    Once they are at the snacking age, there are so very many ways to make you own baby snacks that are so much healthier, cheaper and tastier than the puffs and such from the store.

    Wow, you are a wealth of knowledge. I was just reading your post on cloth diapers yesterday. I plan on going back to that one for reference. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. As a first time mom, there is so much to learn! You seem to have it pretty squared away!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Wow, you are a wealth of knowledge. I was just reading your post on cloth diapers yesterday. I plan on going back to that one for reference. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. As a first time mom, there is so much to learn! You seem to have it pretty squared away!

    lol, my post on cloth diapers basically said I am a chicken :p
    I have several months supply of disposables already and don't think I will be attempting cloth. Baby food, however, is something I have experience in. Any more questions on that, feel free to ask. Cloth diapers you will need to ask someone else, lol.
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    When it comes to baby foods i found my daughter very early on loved buttnernutsquash and sweetpotato mashed together as it no only tasted really nice but it was sweet, its a really good combination.
    If you have baby rice and they don't seem to like it much as lots if babies don't i used up the boxes i had that my daughter didn't like by madhing banana into it and it was gobbled up then.
    You don't have to start them on plain foods as much ad they say you should. Those little taste buds want flavour aswell. You also have to make sure you don't have to much of a gap from a food. I've seen it with bith mine that they very soon forget the food and then you find it hard to get them to eat it as they progress to more solid eating.
    I difn't start weaning my daughter till 5 months as the babies digestive system can't cope with solid to early on unlike some ppl think. Too many ppl want to feed their babies at 3 months which unless the health visitir or dr had told you to is too early.
    I'm allergic to Gluten so i felt it was best to go as long as my motherly instinks could go as i was going to start weaning at 6 months but i felt she was ready. I golden rule for weaning is that you're baby should beable to sit unaided, of cause i talking about babies who have no medical conditions csusing it to be a problem to sit unaided.
    I remember with my son i would make my own lunch and dinner, foods like fish and veg and would just take some of mine and put it in the blend for him.
    When you start weaning putting blended foods in an ice tray and freezing them is a good way of having the small amounts of food smaller babies can eat. I did this with blized peas and the butternut squash &sweet potato mash.
    I use to freeze them then asoon as they was solid pop them out into a contsiner and keep them in the freezer that way you can have small amounts of bubs food at hand quickly and you can increase the amount cube at a time till they clearly want a bowl full of food.