Targeted Keto Diet?

DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
Has anyone here tried the Targeted Ketogenic Diet? I've been considering adding more exercise into my life and it seemed like a good plan to me. I was reading about it here:

Some pages where I read about TKD it said people would consume Gatorade or candy or stuff before workouts, but I really don't wanna do that. Part of doing this diet was to get away from that stuff. I was just hoping I could eat an apple or some grapes or something before I work out. And I honestly miss fruit more than I miss the breads/pastas/etc. on this diet. So this would be a good motivation for me: If I workout, I get to eat fruit. LOL

Anyway, just wondering if anyone here had tried this approach and what the results were. Thanks! :)


  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I do a TKD to ensure I have enough circulating glucose to fuel my workouts.

    For me I simply have my highest-carbohydrate meals or snacks roughly 30-45 minutes prior to an intense workout.

    I tend to stick to about 0.15 x bodyweight in LBS for the grams of carbohydrate I ingest. For me that's 0.15 x 207 = 31g of carbohydrate. That's typically enough to see me through an hour of intense exercise that pushes multiple times into anaerobic threshold without being too much to give me an unwelcome glycemic spike.

    It works quite well for me.
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks so much for the input! Based on my current weight (173) that would be 29.95 g of carbs. I think I'm going to try this method and see how it works. It sounds like it will be a good fit for my goals. The keto plan has been great so far for weight loss, but I really want to start focusing on exercise now too.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You don't need to do TKD to exercise. Why are you targeting TKD? Did you feel sluggish when working out? Personally, I never felt the need to do TKD or carb up. Yes, my workouts initially were sluggish but once my body adjusted, I never had problems working out with out ingesting carbs. The only time I use a resistance starch or carbs are for workouts greater than 2-3 hrs.
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    I do feel a little sluggish during workouts. I'm still relatively new to the idea of keto in general (It's been about 6 weeks) so mostly I'm just trying to get feedback from people who are more familiar with the TKD approach and whether it was useful to them or not. It seems it is for some people but for some people it doesn't seem to make a difference.

    If you don't mind my asking, since you're not doing pre-workout carbs, do you have certain other foods that you consume before or after you workout? I really am interested in knowing what other people are doing that works for them. I can always try it out and see if it works for me too.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Its perfectly normal the way you feel 6 weeks in to Ketogenic diet. I didn't work out for 4 weeks, but when I started working out, it was miserable and sluggish for couple of weeks. Easy thing to do for me was to bump up the carbs but it would have impacted my body's ability to burn fat at higher intensity nor improve the RQ. There is an initial period where your body needs to adjust using fats as fuel instead of carbs. Once you get through that period , its lot easier and I personally recover from work outs much faster. I ran 5 half marathons with in 5 weeks with empty stomach on water and electrolytes during the race. Now, if you are going to do HIIT (Pushing over 85-95% max), I would definitely recommend having carbs before the work out. Normal, jogging,walking or weight training doesn't need TKD. My preferred state of workouts is with out food in the morning or in a fasted state with water and electrolytes.