Please introduce yourself! REQUIRED

FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
This is where we get to know you and what your goals and struggles are. What do you currently do for work outs and meal planning. What kind of time do you dedicate to fitness each day? What are your hurdles? Help us get to know you and what its like to be you. :smile:
FitCoach Shawn


  • Tues72
    Tues72 Posts: 4 Member
    41yrs old, was previously 236lbs and managed to lose weight by myself. I dropped to 164lbs but became ill. I suffer with chronic iron deficiency anaemia and was told to gain weight. I went to 175lbs and felt ok but then had a few challenging life events and after 2yrs and disciplined eating I fell off the wagon and started comfort eating. I now weigh 188.4lbs and feel fat! I lack motivational and yo yo between 174.4 and188.5 lbs regularly :-(
  • Minakshi16
    Minakshi16 Posts: 1
    I am 150 pounds @5 feet 2 inches. I work out atleast 3-4 per week minimum. But weight does not come off easy. Love sweets biggest downfall. Want to loose about 20 pounds to start with
  • aparajita308
    i was 80 kgs height 5,3'' on 10 jan today i am 67.8 kgs all on my own...but weight is kind of stuck here...but i m positive it will cum off given that i work from 6 in the morning till 9 at night..i have 2 jobs to keep..and then there is this really tough exam i am goin to appear for on 24 august...i need to study or that its very difficult for me...i need help..on how do i manage my work,study and sleep...???
  • Sissyskinny
    Realizing I'm turning 60 in a year, want to be healthy and more active. The pounds don't come off as easy as they use to, but add on with no problem. First goal is to loose 30 lbs by Sept . Suggestions please with exercise and recipes
  • Diva1205
    Diva1205 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Group!
    I'm definetly needing this support, I'm 35, 5'0 feet and weigh 302.7, was 314. I started walking everyday. Weight has always been a struggle more so after my aunt passed in 2006. I'm looking forward to the movitation from this group, and I'm ager to give some of my own. This is a new life style for me...I'm aiming to lost 130 matter how long it takes!
  • dkeil610
    dkeil610 Posts: 1
    Hi. I am 40 and a mom of 4. I am just under 5'4 and weigh around 148. I would like to loss 20-30 pounds. My biggest hurdle is finding time to exercise. I also like to have a couple glasses of wine here and there. I am giving that up but the exercise is still tough for me.
  • pepperpots377
    pepperpots377 Posts: 7 Member
    Helloooooo, Well, I am 62 and 5' 5". I weigh 200 pounds my goal is to lose 20 pounds at this time. Because I have arthritis in my knees I have a challenge with impact exercises. I use my recumbent bike when my knees are in a calm state. I have a wii fit which helps as well. I am pretty new with this and have lost 6 pounds, but seems to have hit a stopping point. I am starting back at the beginning point to see where I might have had a misstep along the way. Accountability is crucial I know, so looking forward to seeing how this group functions. It has been great to hear others and I hope to gain some insight in getting the weight loose moving again. I have set my calorie intake between 1200 and 1400. Thanks everyone!
  • thatsmrshodos2u
    thatsmrshodos2u Posts: 5 Member
    Hello All!!!
    I am 28, and need to lose about 70lbs. I'm getting married November 1st, so I'm really trying to lose 50 of it by then!
    I love running and keeping active. I also love food, which is the main problem:-)
  • precious_
    precious_ Posts: 17
    Hello , I'm 21 years old. I was 172 pounds then I dropped down to 162 now i vary from 165-167. I like to workout but I'm not always motivated. Cakes and chocolate are me weakness. I want to get down to 140.
  • lorim621
    lorim621 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi!! i am a 38 year old. I have about 50 pounds that I still want to lose. I have lost 29 pounds thus far but it has been a while since I have lost. I have recently hired a trainer at my gym for a few sessions to learn to use weights. I usually only do cardio, so I am trying something new. Looking forward to some motivation!!!
  • jesselynnjenea
    Im 25 years old and I am currently 178.. I began my lifestyle change in may 2013 and started at 188. I went down to 169 from october- February but a situation occurred which caused me to stop working out and as of today I am 178. I work out typically twice a day, morning work out consist of cardio and weight training, evening consist of just cardio ( 2-3 mile run). I am also an herbalife user. I love herbalife, i just have to be more dedicated to it. I am not to distracted once I have mentally set my mind to it, but I can say I get frustrated at times when I do not meet my weekly goals. I guess you can say I become hard on myself. I am a pursuing actress and I was a dancer from my younger years up until college.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi there! I've been trying to lose the same 15 pounds for years now. I get into exercising and eating healthy and then I lose my motivation and gain back. The gym I was going to closed about 8 months ago and I've been offtrack since. I'm just healing up from a toe injury and getting back into running. I've been doing the Zombie 5K app for two weeks and I love it so far. I also joined Daily Burn and am trying the 30 day yoga. I'm running 3x per week and doing the yoga 2. I am counting calories to keep me accountable, but I'm not much of a planner when it comes to meals. I just try to keep healthy foods around.
  • Marquissmomma
    My name is April and I'm 32 years old. I have two kiddos and a wonderful husband. I don't have the money to go and join a big gym or the transportation to get there because of my epilepsy, but I do have a very small and very limited gym in my apartment complex main building. My epilepsy is a challenge for me and my workouts. To much exercise might be good for me and help me sleep but it could also make my epilepsy worse off and cause me to have more seizures then I can handle. I DO know that if I don't physically push myself I do NOT make any progress at all. What I mean by pushing myself is that I need to do at least thirty minutes of brisk walking or running, along with some type of aerobics or yoga to follow and maybe MAYBE some weights.

    Here is what's stopping me. I hurt my back badly and it had me on bed rest for about an entire month and still gave me troubles after that. I get small pinches of pain in my lower lumbar every now and then and it takes me a while with a heating pad and resting to get the pain taken . As soon as I feel the pain though I instantly take it easy. I am just afraid that I am going to do light exercising because of it and I've gained a lot of weight. I just don't like my body and how I feel. I can't keep up with the kids on the play ground and going upstairs is murder on my legs and hurts my lungs. I need to make a change physically for myself that isn't going to hurt me more then help me.

    I changed from meat eater to vegetarian. It's helped a lot with my epilepsy and it's actually decreased the amount of seizures I'm having every night. I feel ten times better. Finding recipes is difficult because the rest of my family isn't vegetarian. My husband is dedicated to help me make this vegetarian lifestyle change. So I have the support from my husband and kids.

    I am here for inspiration and to keep myself dedicated.
  • JennMM0123
    JennMM0123 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I'm a busy mom who basically has to start taking better care of me. I need to be more responsible for what I eat. I want to be healthy and live my life with my kids. I have 35-40 lbs to lose. I need some support and motivations!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    189lbs -
    Goals: Run 5k, Eat better, Weight of 160 or less.

    Sweets and energy (or lack of) are my largest downfalls. I work a fair amount and don't always have internet access. I try to track everything on my phone at least, but sometimes even that will go down hill. I recent moved due to a job transition, and am finally getting things back to a normal pace from that.

    Looking forward to this group. Hopefully I can give a heads up whenever I know I won't be around a computer. I use mfp app on my phone usually and then sync it whenever I get the chance.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi, I have been a part of MFP since Jan. 2013 and have struggled the whole time. I have 2 children 13 and 11 so I am always running with them, dance, soccer, baseball, football and hockey. I also have a home daycare, I have always put more time into everyone else but me. it is time to put some time into myself but I have a very hard time doing this. I have high blood pressure and get migraines but if I don't start putting some effort into me I will not see my kids grow up. I am 48 and I really need this. My goal last year was to lose 50 lbs before we went to Disney World in Aug. I didn't lose anything so goals don't seem to work for me, I need to just do this for me.
    My weaknesses are pretty much anything that isn't good for you, especially chocolate, chips and dip and french fries.
  • Healthyj83
    Healthyj83 Posts: 7 Member
    hi, i'm 30, 5'6 and about 145lbs. i'd like to lose the last 10-15 lbs by cutting down on snacking, overeating at dinner and post-dinner. looking forward to this group!
  • ddrmaster07
    ddrmaster07 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey everybody!
    My name is Ariana. I've been on MFP for a year....but have never used it more than 3 days at a time. (currently on my 6 day streak) If I see that I've blown my calories then I dont use it the next day...or the day after that. I am currently trying to drop under 200. I am currently at 235 and I yo yo back and forth between 240 and 230. I do crazy stuff like realize I lost 10 lbs then celebrate, fall off the bandwagon, and then eat in shame. Its been a vicous revolving cycle that I want to break. I LOVE instant gratification! This is a process....and one that takes time. I notice I do stuff like eat everything in sight. If I go out to eat I am determined to clean my plate. This has been my biggest No No! Remember when you were a kid and mama used to tell me to eat all your food.....I was a darn good listener. If only I had been more defiant. Too late for if onlys, but I am adapting good eating habits. One day at a time.

    Toasted bread with butter
    Apple Crisp with Ice Cream
    2 bowls of cereal
    The whole bowl of chipotle
    Going shopping on the way to the gym

    Phil 4:13
  • IsaiahJeanMommy
    Hi my name is Brandy. I am a married mother of two active boys (2.5 and 1 year old). I am active duty military and I usually dont have much time to myself. I had two children back to back and didnt take the time to workout or eat right while pregnant. I am paying the price for that now.

    In Jan of this year, I finally decided to stop making excuses. I was 193lbs post pregnany and 183lbs in Jan of this year. I am currently 165ish and want to get to a realistic 145-150lbs.

    I workout 4-5 times a week, although I would love to workout 5-6 times a week. I have grown to love running and weight lifting and I have also started watching what I eat. My struggle is MY HUSBAND! He doesn't watch what he eats and doesn't really seem supportive. He's unmotivated and at times down right lazy! This rubs off on me and when there is food and snacks in the house that I know I shouldn't be eating, I find a hard time saying NO!

    I usually prep my food a few days at a time and if I don't, I select a healthy options from the dining facility. I work out 1-2 hours on the days I work out.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Nicola, 21 years old
    5' 5''
    Starting weight: 177
    Current weight: 152
    Goal weight: 130

    Fitness is hard for me. I started off at a very low and ill point so it's taking a LONG time to work up to it. But I figure the fact that I'm still chasing after it 5 months on to be pretty promising! My diet doesn't vary much during the week, I like the routine of bringing the same things to work with me, but weekends I struggle with.