Salad Binge

I am binging on a crunchy, leafy, green, red, yellow, fibrous, and drizzled in olive oil pile of life. I was so tempted to go buy some oreo's, but obviously my body is craving something more. Just thought I'd share.


  • aimeealee
    aimeealee Posts: 36 Member
    Great job! Sometimes it is so hard to control those cravings. Way to go on your redirection! I have been adding tiny amounts of vinegar (red wine vinegar or Apple cider vinegar) to my water. It has helped so much with my blood sugar. I can talk myself through my cravings and successfully get through it. My cravings are typically emotion induced. So I really don't need to allow the craving take me in the wrong direction. Again, Great Job!!! Keep it up!!!!
  • Motivation712014
    Motivation712014 Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome! My new favorite thing to take the crave away is homemade Kale chips. I love spice, so added several different spices, used zero calorie olive oil spray, put in the oven at 350 for 15 mins, delicious!